Chapter 293

Ling Junhan and Nie Chenyi were fighting to the death in the corridor, but the two people in the ward chatted sadly.

"Mother Rong, it's all my fault, if I had..."

"Xiaomo, all of this is over. I've already thought about it. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. From now on, I don't bother to care about them!" Thinking of her son and daughter-in-law, her heart was silently bitter.

After defrauding her of all her savings and kicking her out, she can see clearly that she has to go on in the future, and she must cheer up.

Yunmo took Rong's mother's hand and said thoughtfully, "Rong's mother, you have taken care of me tirelessly. In my heart, you and my mother, so they don't support you. I will support you. I wish I could, you Now he is the only relative I have in this world!"


"Okay, Rong Ma, it's settled, I'll take care of you from now on!" Yun Mo said as if swearing, her pair of clear eyes radiated dazzling light like stars.

"You..." Looking at her full of hope, Rong's mother nodded secretly, she knew Yunmo's situation, "Okay, but how are you and your husband?"

When Ling Junhan was mentioned, Yunmo's radiant eyes dimmed a lot.

"Mother Rong, I don't know what to do with him?"

Rong's mother looked at Yunmo's troubled face, and sighed heavily, "Xiaomo, I don't know how you feel about Mr., but I can tell that Mr. loves you very much!"

"You don't know how hard he has been after you left, looking for you day and night, basically as long as the word Yunmo appears, he will drop everything and rush to find a whole few Yue, when I came back home, I locked myself in your room all the time, drinking like a dead man, no matter how much I persuaded him, he didn't even care about Qifeng, if it wasn't for Mr. Leng, I'm afraid Mr. now wouldn't know what it was like !"

"Mother Rong, I..."

Suddenly, Yunmo was very confused, she didn't know what to do?
All of this has gone beyond her predictions, she originally thought she was hard-hearted, but when she heard Ling Junhan they were talking about.

The heart that has been sticking to it has been shaken, hovering between love and hate.

"I want to think about it!"

"Okay, I won't force you either, the two of us should go out too, or the husband will get mad!"

Rong's mother secretly smiled.

Yunmo nodded.

The two opened the door, only to see Ling Junhan sitting on the stool alone with a wry smile on his lips.

Seeing him like this, Yunmo frowned subconsciously, judging from what she knew about him before, there must be something happening that she didn't know about.

"What are you kidding about?"

Hearing Yunmo's voice, Ling Junhan hurriedly put away his smile, got up and came to the door, cast a resentful glance at her, and said complainingly, "I was kicked out by you, what else can I be happy about!"

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Rong's mother shook her head amusedly, the husband has changed a lot, he used to have a dark face, now that Xiaomo came back, he seemed like a different person!

"Okay, it's time to be hungry, let's eat something first and talk!"

But Yun Mo didn't know that Nie Chenyi was turned green and black by Ling Junhan's anger. In order to prevent Nie Chenyi from getting close to Yunmo, Ling Junhan tried every means to get people to find fault with Nie Chenyi, in order to disturb Nie Chenyi's energy and make him have no time to take care of Yun Mo. foam!

"Well, I happen to be hungry too!"

As he said that, he followed Rong Ma's back and walked into the ward naturally!

(End of this chapter)

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