Chapter 306
"Look at your worthless appearance, can I eat people!"

Yun Mo froze, and helplessly raised his head to look at the grey-haired old man Ling, who was full of spirit despite his age, and whose majestic face could not be concealed!
"will not!"

"Then why have you been hiding in Jun Han's arms and not coming out!"

Yun Mo was ashamed, looked at Ling Junhan, then at Mr. Ling, feeling helpless, and really wanted to say, Mr. Ling, are your eyes okay, you are so far away.

And hiding in Ling Junhan's arms, what are these words!

Yunmo stepped forward resignedly, "Grandpa, you can see clearly, it's so far away!"

"You girl, could it be that my old man still can't talk about you, look at you, you didn't even say hello, and quietly ran abroad. I haven't said anything about you yet, you will talk back!"

Hob knife meat, obvious hob knife meat, it's not right to pick on her now.

"Grandpa, don't scare Xiaomo, worry about scaring her!"

Ling Junhan strode forward, unabashedly protecting Yunmo in his arms, and said with a face of reluctance.


Ling Yunhe was so angry at Ling Junhan's action that he blew his beard and stared.

"Look at your worthless appearance, sooner or later you will be eaten to death by this girl!"

"Grandpa, aren't you afraid of grandma!"

"You stinky boy!"

Speaking of the pain, Ling Yunhe couldn't hold back anymore, grabbed the quilt and threw it in the direction of Ling Junhan, but he didn't intend to hit Ling Junhan, he just put on a show.

The cup shattered into pieces at a distance from Ling Junhan!

Looking at his father, who became angry from embarrassment, and his lawless son, Ling Qiufeng was filled with depression. The only thing that made him happy was Ling Junhan's care for Yunmo.

This is what he wanted to do but failed to do!

"Grandpa, the broken glass will be charged to your account!"

"My old man can't afford to pay you a cup!" Ling Yunhe roared angrily.

"Girl, I'm hungry, go prepare something to eat!"

He said that he couldn't move Ling Junhan, so he started with Yunmo, and he couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't cure Ling Junhan, that brat!

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Yunmo resigned to her fate and walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing this, Ling Junhan didn't mind, walked to Ling Yunhe and sat down.

Seeing Yunmo leave, Ling Yunhe sighed heavily, glanced at Ling Qiufeng who was sitting beside him without saying a word, and finally looked at Ling Junhan, "Jun Han, have you already confirmed it!"

"Yes, grandpa, she will not marry unless she is in this life!"

"Well, my old man is old and I can't control you, but there is a condition, can you let the Pei family go, now this girl has come back, and old man Pei is also my comrade-in-arms back then, and now you have made me so embarrassed , his son Pei Shubai has been forced into a desperate situation by you, after all, Pei Meng did not care about their affairs!"

His grandson sometimes makes him feel powerless when he does things, he must repay what he does, and he is afraid of this style of doing things.

But I have to say that he is outstanding, decisive in doing things, never procrastinating, repaying favors and avenging grudges.

"Grandpa, I got it!"

"Well, this way I can have an account with my old comrade-in-arms. As for you and this girl, by the way, you don't need to cooperate with external forces now, and the marriage will hurt you instead!"

After listening to the words for so long, this passage made Ling Junhan happy. Although he had already recognized Yun Mo, he still hoped that his grandfather and his family would accept Xiao Mo!

(End of this chapter)

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