Chapter 318 I Hate You

"Xiaomo, you go back, I'm fine!"

"No, brother Nie, you have already become like this, I can't leave you alone!"

Yunmo helped Nie Chenyi up.

He was very aware of Yunmo's stubbornness, followed Yunmo to stand up, and lay meekly on the bed.

Since the hospital left, he has been busy day and night, and finally filled the company's loopholes.

He is not ignorant of this matter, it is Ling Junhan.

Ling Junhan's small move caused irreparable damage to Nie's family. He will never let this incident go lightly.

This was his father's lifelong painstaking effort, and it was almost destroyed in his hands.

Now watching his beloved woman being taken away by the enemy, it made him swallow the breath so hard.

Mo, I'm sorry!

After covering Nie Chenyi with a quilt, Yunmo walked out of the room and served Nie Chenyi the things she had just made!
When she came back again, Nie Chenyi had already closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. She didn't disturb her, walked out of the room quietly, and closed the door!
Yun Mo came to the sofa and looked at the thick layer of dust on the coffee table, which was obviously the result of Nie Chenyi not coming home for a long time.

It seems that this long time has really exhausted him, but what happened to make him work so hard!
Thinking of this, Yunmo took out the laptop from the coffee table, gently brushed off the dust on the computer, and then pressed the power button.

The computer was turned on, and a news window popped up. The first one was the news about Mrs. Nie's being opened up. Seeing this, my heart sank.

Yunmo hastily clicked on it, and all kinds of negative news came one after another, looking at the various speculations in the news, including the speculation about Qifeng Group.

Yunmo carefully looked at the time, it was the time when Nie Chenyi disappeared!

She remembered that the **** called Nie Chenyi, and Nie Chenyi said that he would come to the hospital to pick her up. At that time, she saw Rong Ma and drove Ling Junhan out of the door. When Nie Chenyi came to look for her, he happened to meet Ling Junhan.

Thinking of Ling Junhan's usual style, Yunmo knew that this matter had nothing to do with him!

Why did he do this?
Yunmo couldn't accept it, why did she hurt the people around her, because Brother Nie was nice to her!
Yunmo got up and left Qiyueju in a hurry, took a taxi and went back to Weitianju, but ran towards Lingyuan without seeing anyone.

When he came to Lingyuan, he saw Ling Junhan sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, and seeing her appearance, Ling Junhan was a little surprised, hurriedly put away the newspaper, and asked.

"Xiaomo, why are you here!"

Yunmo looked at the newspaper he was hiding, "You don't need to hide it anymore, I already know that you did the business of Big Brother Nie's company, right!"

Ling Junhan nodded.

He didn't expect such a big thing to happen, he blamed Leng Tianao and others for being too good at taking advantage of loopholes, and they took advantage of it once.

"Why, just because Brother Nie treats me well, Ling Junhan, I told you before, if there was no Brother Nie back then, Yunmo would never be where he is today, why did you manage to deal with him like a retreat, I hate you!"

After finishing speaking, Yunmo ran out of Lingyuan and disappeared into the black clothes.

The three words I hate you in Yunmo's mouth drove Ling Junhan to the bottom of the valley, and the relationship that was finally established was ruined because of his temporary interest.

I have to say, he did it on his own!

"Young Master Ling!"

Artest stood behind Ling Junhan, he heard what Yunmo said before.

"Go and protect her!"


Artest disappeared into the night.

There was a flash of cruelty in Ling Junhan's deep eyes, since they are so restless, then I don't need to be polite! "

The "them" that Ling Junhan said was naturally referring to Leng Tianao and Ling Jueche.

(End of this chapter)

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