Chapter 329

After a while, Du Xinyan asked.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Yunmo knew that Du Xinyan was very smart, especially that she was also a very powerful psychiatrist, and she had better insight into people's hearts than others.

"I know you are living in pain now, life is better than death, but some people work harder and suffer more than you, but they are desperately living!"

Yun Mo's words made Du Xinyan no longer able to pretend to be strong, the pain that had been buried in his heart for a long time found an outlet, and the tears could no longer be held back and burst into tears.

Seeing Du Xinyan crying so heartbrokenly, Yunmo hurriedly got up and came to her side, hugging her in his arms, fortunately they were in the private room and no one outside could see them.


Du Xinyan's heartbroken crying made Yunmo's heart throbbing. After three years of repression, Du Xinyan's patience was beyond the limit of human endurance.

Yunmo has been quietly by Du Xinyan's side all the time, her loneliness and helplessness, no one to talk about her worries, makes people feel distressed for her loneliness.

Why are they so cruel and destroy such a woman!
Among the three people who had been sitting in front of the monitor, except for the outsider Dongfang Yuan who was relatively calm, the other two could not be calm at this moment.

The excitement in Ling Junhan's heart was no less than that of Leng Xiuya.

He didn't know how Yunmo had lived in this way all these years, and he hated himself even more.

His little foam!

Leng Xiuya looked at Du Xinyan crying so heartbreakingly, her heart was bleeding, but on the other hand, she was very happy that Du Xinyan was finally willing to face her.

Du Xinyan cried for a long time before raising her red eyes to look at Yunmo.

Yunmo looked at her, without a hint of sarcasm, stretched out her hand to straighten her messy bun, and pulled her, "Come with me!"

Pulling Du Xinyan out of Yuxie, I don't know when I took the key from Ling Junhan in my hand.


Yunmo opened the car door, raced Du Xinyan to the co-pilot position, fastened her seat belt, and then she sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator hard, and galloped towards the direction where there was no traffic!

Du Xinyan was startled at first, understood Yunmo's intention, and subconsciously yelled out the fear in her heart.

The three men sitting in front of the monitor saw Yun Mo driving away at a gallop. The speed of the car was comparable to diverting drivers, and they immediately raised their hearts.

The three hurriedly ran out of the monitoring room, and they had already gone to hollow out.


Ling Junhan couldn't hold back his roar anymore.

Looking at the two idiot men, Dongfang Yuan drove out his favorite car silently, opened the car door silently, and acted as the driver silently.

If it was given to one of these two, I believe there will be a series of car accidents today!
For the sake of the motherland and for himself, he is still the essence of being a good driver!
Yun Mo's unstoppable speed made Du Xinyan terrified, as if his life was hanging by a thread, his heart almost jumped out.

After she changed her normal routine and yelled recklessly, she felt like she was going to die and come back to life, a feeling of being reborn!
The gloom that had been pent up in his heart was vented out with a roar.

Seeing that Du Xinyan was in a much better mood, Yunmo slowly drove the car to the place they had agreed with them before and stopped.

Waiting for the end of the three.

What she has to do has been done. Although it is a bit extreme, it is undoubtedly the most healing method. If she hadn't fallen in love with this pleasure back then, she might be dead now.

Du Xinyan had never felt so relaxed before, she turned to look at Yunmo!

(End of this chapter)

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