Chapter 331 is also mine
Ling Junhan drove Yunmo around for a long time, until they came to a place with a very beautiful environment, Ling Junhan stopped the car satisfied.

Baba opened the car door for Yunmo and let Yunmo get out of the car.

Yun Mo got out of the car without knowing why, and looked in the direction Ling Junhan pointed, and saw a sea of ​​flowers.

The sea of ​​flowers is full of all kinds of flowers, delicate and charming, and the fragrance is overwhelming. Where the breeze blows, some petals will fall with the wind, giving people an unrealistic nothingness, but it is real!

Yun Mo turned her gaze to Ling Junhan, wanting to know that he is singing again now, she really doesn't understand!

Ling Junhan put all the bewilderment in her eyes into his eyes, and a touch of unspeakable sadness slipped across his deep eyes.

Reaching out to hold Yunmo's hand, "Come with me!"

Ling Junhan led Yunmo all the way towards the center of the sea of ​​flowers, until he reached the destination, Yunmo's eyes touched a spot, and Yunmo stood there in a daze.

Ling Junhan looked at the small tomb lying in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers with guilt, "I'm sorry, I know, no matter how much I say, I can't make up for the harm I did to you, and I'm even more sorry, the child who died before he was born!"

Yun Mo recovered from the shock, tears rolled down her eyes and dripped down her cheeks, she walked towards the small tomb step by step, the small tomb was very delicate and beautiful, and the tombstone was empty!
When she came to the small tomb, she slowly squatted down, reached out and stroked the tombstone lightly, as if she was stroking her own child!
"I want to wait for you to pick up the name!"

Yunmo nodded.

"If I knew I had her at the beginning, I would have risked my life to protect her, but I knew it too late. When I heard that she was gone, I was the one who felt sorry for her. I even You have failed to fulfill your responsibilities as a mother!"

Ling Junhan came behind her and put his arms around her, "Xiaomo, I'm sorry!"

Yun Mo couldn't bear it any longer and threw herself into Ling Junhan's arms and cried.

For the past five years, she has never dared to think about her child, and even felt scared when she saw a child. Wherever there were children, she always detoured!

Many times, Anthony asked her why she was afraid of children if she liked children so much!

She doesn't know why, she likes children very much, but she is even more afraid of seeing children. Every time she sees other people with lively children on the side of the road, her heart can't help but hurt.

That is the lost child, although it is not yet formed, but it is still the flesh in her stomach, and it hurts so much to take off a little skin, let alone a life!


"She is not only your child, but also mine. I can't do anything for her. I can only do this. Let her live here, live a carefree life, and be happy every day!"

His words reminded Yunmo of what Leng Xiuya said to her outside the operating room!
The child is not only hers, but also his!

She can complain, she can hate, but Ling Junhan, what else is there besides self-blame and guilt!

Yunmo lay in his arms with a deep cry.

What Pei Meng did back then was not entirely at Ling Junhan's fault. She knew that her father also died for her.

She understands all of this, but she just can't get over the hurdle in her heart, so she wants a starting point to explode her emotions, and Ling Junhan undoubtedly becomes her starting point, accumulating all her resentment.

"Silly girl, thank you for telling me, as long as you come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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