Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 345 You Must Take Me In

Chapter 345 You Must Take Me In
Ling Junhan's speed has always been fast and accurate, and Ling Yunhe and his wife were sent away by Ling Junhan that day!

As soon as the two of them left, they looked at Yunmo covetously.

Yunmo felt guilty and wanted to escape!

Her intuition as a woman told her that Ling Junhan was very angry.

"What do you want to do?"

"What do you say!"

Before Yun Mo could run away, Ling Junhan forcibly hugged her in her arms and walked upstairs.

Abandoning her husband as a newlywed, he has to let her know how serious his anger is and what the consequences of angering him are!
"Ah, let me go!"

"Don't think about it, you are my wife!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked open the door, closed it smoothly, and threw Yunmo directly onto the bed!

Ling Yunhe and his wife, who were driven away, scolded Ling Junhan for being unkind.

Raising a white-eyed wolf, how dare he despise them!

Until I got back to my home in the capital, I was still cursing!

"Father, mother, what are you!"

Ling Qiu'an looked at the two of them in confusion.

Ling Qiu'an was Ling Jueche's biological father. He was the eldest son of the Ling family. It was natural to inherit the Ling family, but Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway.

The talent shown by Ling Junhan has long exceeded the expectations of everyone in the Ling family, making him the most important person in the Ling family!
Even his position is in jeopardy, seriously threatened!
Originally, he never took Ling Qiufeng seriously, so he had no choice but to be cautious at every step!

"Hmph, don't mention it!"

Ling Yunhe got up and left unhappily, seemingly full of anger, but in fact he was avoiding Mrs. Ling's accommodating.

He was afraid that Mrs. Ling wouldn't be able to figure it out, so she would vent all her anger on him. His old bones couldn't stand that kind of torture, so he ran away knowing the times!
Mrs. Ling was immersed in anger all the time, but she didn't realize that Master Ling was cheating.

But Ling Qiu'an bumped into the muzzle of the gun so as not to die.

What he originally cared about turned into gloating in the theater in Mrs. Ling's eyes.

A scolding meal!
"Why are you happy to see me suffer..."

Ling Qiuan's original kindness instantly turned into the fuse that triggered the bomb, and Mrs. Ling vented all her anger towards Ling Junhan on Ling Qiuan.

Ling Qiuan, who didn't know the truth, let alone how wronged he was, he had no idea what he had done wrong!
Ling Yunhe, who had been hiding in the study, was secretly glad when he heard the lion's roar coming from the living room.

At the same time, he was also worried that he gave birth to a stupid son.

How could he be so incapable of looking at his face, seeing that the momentum was wrong, he would not retreat, and he was desperately moving forward, I really don't know if he was stupid or just born to be beaten up.

It's still his good grandson Ling Junhan who is smart.

He understands these juniors, none of them can have the courage of Ling Junhan, and he believes that if the Ling family gives Ling Junhan, it will only be good and not bad!
Xiao Jiujiu in Ling Yunhe's head crackled.

And the person involved is working hard to cultivate, hoping to give birth to a little Ling Junhan!
At the same time, Leng Xiuya held the divorce agreement given by Wen Xinde in his hand, feeling as if he was on a spaceship.

Now the evidence is in his hands, just wait for Xinyan to nod, and they can be together!

Dongfang Yuan couldn't take it anymore and threw a pillow at him.

"You are enough!"

Leng Xiuya stretched out her hand to catch the pillow, without changing her face, she still looked at him with a smile.

"I'm happy, can you control it!"


"No, I have nowhere to go, you must take me in!"

The corner of Dongfang Yuan's mouth couldn't help twitching, what did he owe him in his previous life, to be so abused by him!

(End of this chapter)

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