Chapter 348 Ring
"Sorry, I seem to be late!"

Yun Mo said apologetically.

Du Xinyan shook her head lightly, "No, I happened to be nearby when you called me!"

"Yeah!" Thinking of that day, Yunmo asked, "By the way, I'm sorry that day, because I have something to do, so what do you want later!"

Speaking of that day, Du Xinyan picked up the coffee with an unnatural expression, trying to hide something!
He shook his head for a while!
Even so, the sharp-eyed Yun Mo saw some clues.

"Xinyan, I'm sorry!"

"You don't have to tell me I'm sorry, I still want to say thank you, if it wasn't for your enlightenment that day, I would still be that Du Xinyan who has nothing to love in life, living a muddle-headed life every day, life would be better than death!"

"Actually, after that day, I have already thought about it a lot, and I am no longer as persistent as before. People are very strange. Once I think about things, I find that there is nothing I can't let go of!"

"Just figure it out!"

Yun Mo also heaved a sigh of relief.

"How about you and Ling Junhan?"

Du Xinyan asked again.

When Yunmo thought of what happened after that day, it felt like a dream, very unreal!

It's even absurd!

"I'm married to him!"


Du Xinyan was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. This incident was completely unexpected. Seeing Ling Junhan's unchanging face as the mountain collapsed in front of him, he never thought that he would do such an unimaginable thing.

"It's strange, I haven't recovered yet!"

Yun Mo also said that she couldn't accept it.

"It's a little bit, well, don't mention me, tell me about you, how is your talk with Leng Xiuya going!"

Yunmo knew that now Du Xinyan needed a listener, and she was very willing to be the listener.

"He and I!" When mentioning Leng Xiuya, Du Xinyan did not resist as much as before, but was entangled with affection, "That's it!"

The two women chatted wildly in Yuxie, and Ling Junhan, who couldn't find anyone in Lingyuan, felt as if his mind was on fire, burning with urgency!

I wanted to make a call to Yunmo, but I suddenly realized that it seemed that I hadn't bought her phone since I lost it, and I was a little annoyed at my mistake.

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to drive himself out to buy a mobile phone from Yunmo.

When he bought his mobile phone and passed a jewelry store, he stopped involuntarily.

It seems that he never gave Yunmo anything.

He turned his feet and walked towards the jewelry store. As soon as he entered, he met the manager of the gold store.

Ling Junhan is a celebrity in the business world, his name has long been known to everyone, and everyone with some economic sense knows him!

When seeing him, the manager was a little shocked, and walked towards him involuntarily.

"Mr. Ling!"

Ling Junhan frowned slightly as he looked at the man who came out out of nowhere.

Seeing this, the manager was afraid that he would be misunderstood, "Mr. Ling, don't get me wrong, what do you want to buy?"


Although he and Yunmo had signed a marriage certificate, he didn't even give Yunmo a decent ring.

The same goes for that silly girl, who has nothing and is willing to marry him. Thinking of this, the corner of Ling Junhan's mouth is rare and gentle.

"Mr. Ling, please follow me!"

The manager brought Ling Junhan to the ring area. Ling Junhan swept all the rings and saw a pair of diamond rings in the corner.

The workmanship of the ring is very fine, although it is not as elegant and luxurious as others, it is as unique as the stars in the sky, shining and charming, just like Yunmo's person, he is very low-key, with luxury in his low-key.

(End of this chapter)

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