Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 356 Please Forgive Brother Nie

Chapter 356 Please Forgive Brother Nie

Leng Xiuya was astonished, her eyes widened in disbelief, he didn't believe that Yun Mo would be such a scheming woman, is there some misunderstanding in this!
"A Tai, are you sure what you said is true!"

"Hmph, I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be fake!"

"Okay, we'll discuss it after Jun Han wakes up," Leng Xiuya shifted her gaze to Ling Junhan who was lying on the bed in a coma.

What Ling Junhan did to Yunmo before was indeed too much, but it has been five years. Could it be that in the past five years, he has not changed Yunmo at all!
He really couldn't believe that Yunmo would be such a scheming woman, even Ling Junhan and them were fooled, if that was the case, then Yunmo would be too scary!

Under Xu Haomin's rescue, Ling Junhan soon woke up.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes were ashen, and he couldn't find a trace of anger. He trembled when he saw Leng Xiuya. If Ling Junhan like this was released, how many lives would be killed!
Sighing secretly in his heart, he said to Artest, "A Tai, send Dr. Xu off!"


Artest knew that Leng Xiuya had something to talk to Ling Junhan, so he took Xu Haomin out of the room tactfully.

Only Ling Junhan and Leng Xiuya were left in the room.

Leng Xiuya looked at his ashen face, full of jealousy, and couldn't help asking.

"I've heard about Yunmo, what's going on?"

Leng Xiuya's question is also a question that Ling Junhan can't understand. He doesn't know why it's fine in the morning, but why it turned into this in the afternoon!
"I want to be alone!"

Leng Xiuya saw that his bad temper came up, and he turned into the fiery temper he used to be.

"Okay, I won't stop her, but Jun Han, I believe you know more about Yunmo than I do. You should know what kind of person she is, but how people change, nature remains the same!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Xiuya walked out of the room helplessly.

Ling Junhan was left alone in the huge room, the haze on his face replaced everything, recalling every word Yunmo said before, every word pierced into his heart.

Nie Chenyi sent Yunmo back to Weitianju, the two sat in the car all the time, and had no intention of getting out of the car.

Until Yunmo turned her head, with a playful smile, "Brother Nie, why don't you go up and sit down!"


Nie Chenyi's heartstrings indifferent voice popped out from his thin lips.

Yunmo didn't recover for a while!

"What do you mean?"

Nie Chenyi looked at Yun Mo who was sitting in the driver's seat with sarcastic eyes. His cold eyes showed no emotion, as if he was looking at a stranger. He changed from his previous enthusiasm.

"Don't think that you have a face that looks exactly like Yunmo's. You are her. Let me tell you, if you weren't useful, you would be the first thing I want to get rid of!"


'Yunmo' suddenly felt guilty, and a chill spread from the bottom of his heart. Nie Chenyi looked gentle and refined, with the appearance of a good gentleman, but he was no different from Ling Junhan in his bones.

She opened the car door in fear!

Seeing this, Nie Chenyi drove directly away from Weitianju and headed for Qiyueju.

In July Juli, in his room, the real Yunmo was lying motionless on the bed, sleeping peacefully, her eyelashes like folding fans looked very green.

Nie Chenyi pushed open the door, looked at Yunmo lying quietly on the bed, deliberately slowed down, for fear of waking her up, came to her side, stretched out his hand to gently caress Yunmo's cheek, with the expression on his face that only Yunmo could have. mild.

"Xiao Mo, I may have wronged you for a long time, please forgive Brother Nie!"

(End of this chapter)

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