Chapter 360 What Is Helpless

Hearing this, Ling Junhan's lazily leaning body on the sofa was slightly startled.

"What do you mean?"

There was a smile on the corner of Nie Chenyi's mouth, harmonious like sunshine, but Ling Junhan was cold to the bottom of his heart.

"For Xiaomo, I love her no less than you, but my luck is not as good as yours. I always think, if I had been more careful when I saw her father back then, maybe I would not be with you now, Ling Junhan." Too much concern, but it's a pity that I never thought that that man would be Yunmo's most concerned father!"

"Since then, I know that Yunmo and I may be impossible in this life, but I still want to send her abroad, to a place you don't know, but what I didn't think of, Yunmo doesn't even care about me anymore, she didn't even spend a penny in the card I gave her, I lost her trace, my heart is always tormented, I want to find her before you, but once again disappointment!"

"Ling Junhan, I didn't lose to you, I'm just not as lucky as you!"

At that time, Yunmo wanted to escape from Ling Junhan. At that time, he felt Yunmo's dependence and love for him, but because he always wanted to let nature take its course, he dragged all of this down.

But Ling Junhan's turning point was because of Yunmo's father.

Thinking back now, Ling Junhan couldn't help but wiped his sweat secretly. Fortunately, Nie Chenyi didn't notice, otherwise he and Nie Chenyi would switch positions now. Just imagine how painful it would be to lose Yunmo, he didn't dare to think about it!
Scared after a while!
"What do you want to say?"

"I want to tell you that even if you find Yunmo this time, she can't belong to you anymore. Ling Junhan, do you really think you can do anything? I just want you to see what it means to be helpless!"

"I, Ling Junhan, don't believe in that evil!"

Ling Junhan got up and walked towards Nie Chenyi's room. As expected, Yunmo was lying on the bed safe and sound, but she closed her eyes, and those clear eyes were covered.


Ling Junhan came to the bed and shook Yunmo with his hand. Seeing that she didn't respond, he bent down and picked Yunmo up, walked out of the room, and watched Nie Chenyi still sitting where he was drinking tea, without any anxiety.

"What the hell did you do to her!"

Nie Chenyi raised his eyes and looked at Yunmo's sleeping face, "She is too tired, I want her to rest!"

"Nie Chenyi, you'd better pray that Yunmo is okay, otherwise I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

"With her by my side, I'm not alone!"


Ling Junhan didn't hesitate, he strode out of Qiyueju with Yunmo in his arms, and disappeared into the night with his car.

This time he didn't go back directly to Lingyuan, there are many people in Lingyuan, and it is not safe for Yunmo, now the arrow is on the line, Leng Tianao and the others will never let Yunmo go easily, at this moment, he very much agrees with Nie Chenyi's approach.

He directly brought Yun Mo to his research room, and as soon as he walked in, Xu Haomin walked out.

"Young Master Ling, what's wrong with Miss Yun?"

"Look first!"

Ling Junhan carefully put Yunmo on the bed, and couldn't wait to ask Xu Haomin to examine Yunmo.

"it is good!"

Xu Haomin was originally researching new drugs in the laboratory, wearing a white coat. Seeing Ling Junhan's eagerness, he no longer hesitated, bypassed Ling Junhan, came to Yunmo's side, and checked her.

After doing a series of inspections, Xu Haomin was a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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