Chapter 363 You Stupid Woman
Yang Shuirou stroked Yang Nian's head affectionately, and looked at Yang Nian with a loving smile.

"Xiao Nian, do you want Dad?"

Seeing this, Yang Nian, who was busy filling out the homework, paused for a moment with the hand holding the pen, and then raised his innocent face with an innocent smile.

"Mom, I don't care. As long as mom likes it, Xiao Nian will protect her all her life." After hesitating for a while, she said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't have a father. Anyway, I'm used to it!"

Although Yang Nian said it very sincerely, but Yang Nian is a child after all, no matter how mature a child is, he is still a child, his eyes full of longing, how could she not know that he misses his father!
Yang Shuirou's eyes were red, she gently hugged Yang Nian into her arms, and murmured, "Xiao Nian, mom is sorry for you, if it wasn't for my mother's selfishness, she wouldn't have let you..."


Yang Nian put down the pen in his hand, hugged Yang Shuirou, trying to use his thin arms to warm Yang Shuirou, but his body was too small, so he buried his whole body in Yunmo's arms.

Yang Shuirou couldn't hold back the tears anymore, seven years ago, she knew she was pregnant with his child, she wanted to stay with him, but she was afraid, Gu Jing was right, her existence would only hurt Dongfang Yuan, she As a last resort, I had to blow up to death!
Now after seven years, she still has the face to return to him. According to his temperament, even if she goes back now, he will never want her again!

She pushed herself into a desperate situation, thinking that from now on, she would never see Dongfang Yuan again!

During Yang Shuirou's painful time, Dongfang Yuan had already checked Yang Shuirou's whereabouts in the past few years!

Including the kid he brought with him that day!
When he knew the boy's identity, Dongfang Yuan's disdainful and expressionless face showed the most expression in his life.

Crying and laughing, excited, angry, annoyed, and regretted!
He tightly grabbed the document in his hand, "This silly woman!"

After knowing the truth, he didn't rush to find Yang Shuirou. He knew his current situation, and it was safe for the two of them not to contact him!

He had to solve some family affairs. He had no thoughts because of Yang Shuirou's death before, but now that she is back and brought his son with her, it is impossible for him to repeat the same mistakes!
He hurriedly got up and cleaned himself up, changed into a fresh suit, and was walking out the door!
It's been a week, he disappeared for a week, people outside should be anxious!
As soon as he walked out of the door, he ran into Gu Jing who came to look for him. Looking at Gu Jing, Dongfang Yuan changed his previous anger and became calm.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here to see you. I haven't seen you for a week. I'm a little worried!"

Gu Jing said embarrassingly, she knew that Dongfang Yuan hated her, but she still couldn't help but miss him.

"I'm fine!"

After finishing speaking, he passed Gu Jing and walked outside!

Dongfang Yuan's words made Gu Jing stunned for a moment. It was the first time Gu Jing spoke to her calmly in seven years. When she recovered, Dongfang Yuan had disappeared in place.

Gu Jing hurriedly turned around and chased after the direction where Dongfang Yuan disappeared. In her dead heart, a new sprout suddenly appeared again. It was a kind of hope, a kind of revived hope.


Dongfang Yuan stopped again, quietly watching her running towards him with joy on her face, disgust flashed in her blue eyes, but her face was expressionless.

(End of this chapter)

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