Chapter 366 I Don't Care
Ling Junhan was so angry that he turned his head away, he had never been pleasing to Nie Chenyi.

"What did you do to Yunmo?"

Nie Chenyi picked up the wine glass, a wanton smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, "Ling Junhan, don't you want to kill me, kill me quickly!"

Ling Junhan said to him, "I really want to kill you, but it's a pity that it's too cheap for you!"

He is not a fool, how could he not think of a reason for Nie Chenyi to do this.

It was all to protect Yunmo, so he could tolerate it, but if something happened to Yunmo, he swore that he would not let Nie Chenyi die so cheaply.

Nie Chenyi put down his glass, "I'm looking forward to it!" He said and strode out of the box!

Don't mention how annoyed Ling Junhan is, when did he, Ling Junhan, be led away by others like this.

You bastard, wait for Xiaomo to wake up before I take care of you!
Gu Jing looked at the photos of the two on the headlines in the newspaper, and she was in a beautiful mood.

This is her wish for many years, is it going to come true!
She, who has always been quiet, seemed a little anxious, wishing to confirm Dongfang Yuan's heart immediately, but she also knew that she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so she had to be calm and not let Dongfang Yuan see the clues.

When Gu Shenyue returned home, he couldn't help being curious when he saw his daughter was ecstatic but desperately suppressed.

"Quiet, what's the matter?"

Gu Jing looked at Gu Shenyue calmly, "Dad, you're back!"

Gu Shenyue looked at the newspaper that Gu Jing put aside, and he could see all the big characters on the headline, and instantly understood what Gu Jing was deliberately concealing.

"Jingjing, the relationship between you and Xiaoyuan has eased!"

Gu Jing nodded, "Dad, I don't know, it's just that he treated me a little differently today, but he was photographed by these paparazzi!"


"Yeah, Dad, will I hide anything from you? Oh, by the way, speaking of this, I almost forgot to call him. Let me tell him, so that he won't misunderstand!"

After speaking, Gu Jing got up and left the living room.

Gu Shenyue looked at Gu Jing, who was so calm and calm, and became more and more satisfied. His daughter is smart, so even if she really joins the Dongfang family in the future, she is destined to be the mistress of the Dongfang family.

Gu Jing went back to the room, took out the phone, and pressed the familiar numbers.

Not long after the phone rang, it was picked up, and the cold voice still came from inside.

"Brother Yuan, I saw the news about that newspaper, I'm sorry!"

A sneer appeared from the corner of Dongfang Yuan's mouth, "It's okay, I don't care!"

Listening to Dongfang Yuan's voice without ups and downs, Gu Jing's heart slowly let go, brother Yuan may really not mind!

She hung up the phone, put the phone on the bed casually, went to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the dazzling night with satisfaction in her eyes.

For so many years, she has been unremitting, she has always believed that she can move Dongfang Yuan, and now he is gradually moved by herself, and her wish will finally come true.

Come to think of it, I should have a beautiful dream tonight!

Gu Jing is dreaming, but she doesn't know what the person she is thinking about is doing!
Dongfang Yuan drove towards the direction where Yang Shuirou lived. Today's reporter was deliberately let in by him, and he also deliberately let out the news, just to listen to it.

The more chaotic they are, the safer they are towards Yang Shuirou.

Dongfang Yuan thought that he was about to meet Yang Shuirou, and his weak heart couldn't help but tremble. This silly woman, who has been silently taking care of her child for seven years, if she hadn't been bumped into by him that day, she might really be able to hide from herself for the rest of her life!

He must punish her well!

(End of this chapter)

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