Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 378 Then Why Don't You Find Her

Chapter 378 Then Why Don't You Find Her

The signal sent by Ling Junhan brought timely rain to Leng Xiuya who couldn't wait.

He is also getting ready!
this day.

Du Xinyan watched Wen Xinde stay at home with rare patience, and walked towards Wen Xinde patiently.

"what happened to you?"

During the five years of getting along, she and Wen Xinde were more straightforward than husband and wife as relatives and friends.

Wen Xinde raised a bitter face, changed from the previous hippie smile, his eyes were full of joy and annoyance.

Seeing him like this, Du Xinyan sat down beside him a little unaccustomed.


"I saw her!"

Du Xinyan didn't expect to wait for a while, Fei Tian said something, she was stunned for a moment, and understood the meaning of his words.

"She is your sweetheart!"

Wen Xinde nodded in frustration.

"That time, it was because I was injured in a fight with this person. I thought I was going to die. When I was in danger, I heard a weak voice. It was her who saved me. When she ran over to help me, I He clearly felt her trembling body, he tried hard to open his eyes, looked at her pale face, felt that she was very timid, but very brave, if it was someone else, he would definitely slip away first, no Will stay and mind my own business!"

"Maybe it's fate. When I woke up again, she was no longer there. It's funny. She left me a note, which is a receipt for the money I owe her!"

When Wen Xinde said this, he couldn't help grinning, "Her name was also left on it, Yang Shuirou. After I inquired, I found out that she was in the same school as me!"

"She is my school girl, one grade lower than me, but she seems to be very busy every day, and she comes to school in a hurry every day. Except for class, she basically doesn't stay at school!"

"It took me a long time to find out what she is doing. She has a full schedule of work every day, just for living expenses and tuition fees for the next semester!"

"For such a girl, my medical expenses are not low, but she has no hesitation. I am a stranger to her. I don't know if she is kind or stupid, but I am touched!"

"I can't keep my eyes off her. I want to see her every day, and even go to work to see her, and go to work with her, so as to protect her!"

"I always thought that she didn't find out that I was the one who was rescued by her, and she never talked about paying her back the money. I didn't know it until one time. It turned out that she knew it the first time we met, thinking that I was the same as her, and she Didn't ask!"

"My love for her is inextricable. I could give up everything for her, but I was too weak at that time. I watched her being sold by my mother and was powerless!"

Du Xinyan listened to what Wen Xinde said about the past, so it turned out that such an unforgettable, such young love was full of longing and faith, and even harbored dreams for the future.

However, unable to withstand the tricks of fate, it is so cruel to meet a mother who regards money as her life and sells her daughter for glory.

"and after!"

Wen Xinde's face was distorted in pain, "Later, her fate was completely changed, and she was taken away by the person who bought her before she even finished her studies. When I saw her for the last time, it was When you hear her bad news!"

"What, then you..."

"Thinking about it now, she died trying to escape from that man!"

"Then why didn't you go find her!" Du Xinyan didn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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