Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 396 Eating Ice Is Equally Powerful

Chapter 396 Eating Ice Is Equally Powerful

The three of them came to the holiday beach, which was their private property. When the three of them didn't find the other half they valued, it was usually their long-term stronghold, and no one could break down here.

The reason why Ling Junhan brought Yunmo here this time was because they recognized each other, and once they were recognized by the three, they belonged to their family.

That is, family members, naturally have the right to enjoy the private school of the three of them.

It's a pity that this cut off three people until the other three women and one stinky child don't know.

Ling Junhan carried Yunmo onto the speedboat before letting him go.

Seeing Yun Mo's clear eyes staring at Yang Nian intently, Ling Junhan felt very uncomfortable.

He knew Yunmo's love for the child, and when he thought of the child he had lost, an unmarked scar slid across his heart.

Yun Mo ignored Ling Junhan's sourness, and together with Du Xinyan, they pulled Yang Shuirou and took Yang Nian away, not to mention how happy the three were.

As the saying goes, three women play a drama, this is definitely a very exciting drama.

"My name is Yunmo, and she is Du Xinyan!"

Yunmo smiled kindly at Yang Shuirou.

Seeing the two of them, Yang Shuirou unexpectedly felt cordial, unlike those official ladies and wives in the past, who had no airs.

"My name is Yang Shuirou!"

"Yang Shuirou?"

When Du Xinyan heard Dongfang Yuan's introduction before, she felt that this name was very familiar. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly realized that she is the sweetheart that Wen Xinde always misses in his heart!
"Okay, if you stay in a daze, our little prince will run away!"

Then, he pulled Yang Nian in his hand, "Little guy, how old are you this year!"

Yang Nian looked at Yun Mo with an inexplicable feeling of kindness. Although he was young, he knew that the godmother in front of him really liked him.

Surprisingly, he didn't hate her either.

"Six years old, godmother, that godfather just now was so fierce and cold, aren't you afraid of him!"

Who told Ling Junhan to be cruel to him, seeing that he didn't let him suffer, I really thought he was young and easy to bully!

Yang Shuirou on the side listened, but raised her heart to her throat, thinking to herself, my little ancestor, how could he speak like this!
Yunmo was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, and couldn't help but nodded in agreement, "Yeah, he's just an iceberg, and he feels cold when he gets close, but godmother is not afraid of the cold, and besides, he is still a paper tiger, and godmother specializes in beating icebergs." A paper tiger!"

"Yeah, your godmother is not only good at beating paper tigers, but also eating ice!"

Du Xinyan couldn't help but make up the knife.

Seeing that the two were angry, Yang Shuirou joked cheerfully, completely dispelling the last trace of defense left in his heart.

"I'm sorry, my son is like this!"

From Yang Shuirou's words, Du Xinyan gradually understood that Yang Shuirou was a doctor and also a psychiatrist. From the aura exuded by Yang Shuirou, she knew that this woman was worthy of their deep love.

"Children are naughty. It must have been hard work for you to bring him up so big!"

A bitter smile appeared on Yang Shuirou's face, she didn't deny Du Xinyan's problem, but it was very hard work!

"As long as I can see the smile on his face, I feel that no matter how hard it is, it is worth it!"

"I really envy you, having such a big son!"

Du Xinyan couldn't help feeling a little emotional, if she and Leng Xiuya hadn't had that pain before, maybe her and his child would have grown up like this!

(End of this chapter)

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