Chapter 398 Is It Fake?

Ling Junhan felt even worse when he heard this, and secretly swore in his heart that he must speed up.

Seven people came to the island and were confused by the scenery on the island.

Yang Nian murmured at first that this place was different from what he had imagined. Under Dongfang Yuan's leadership, he came to the amusement park on the small island, and immediately reopened with joy.

As soon as they landed on the small island, Ling Junhan and Leng Xiuya couldn't wait to take Yun Mo and Du Xinyan away from Dongfang Yuan's family!
I'm afraid that kid will come back and steal his wife from them!

Du Xinyan's heart is a little cold, but it doesn't mean she doesn't like children. Every time she faces Yang Nianshi, she still can't move her eyes, which makes Leng Xiuya feel very uncomfortable.

Not to mention Ling Junhan.

Ling Junhan took Yunmo directly to his residence.

"Xiaomo, let me take you to our home!"

During the time when they were on vacation, Artai checked everything about Ling Jueche, and even got all the evidence of his arms smuggling.

Holding the evidence in his hand, he thought about Ling Junhan's orders.

Don't touch Ling Qiu'an yet, leave him to Ling Jueche, he wants the two of them to kill each other.

It seems that the time has come, he sent the information about Ling Jueche he found to Ling Qiu'an, which did not include what Ling Jueche did without telling him.

As Ling Junhan expected, Ling Qiuan became extremely angry when he saw the information, and the anger made him lose his mind, ignoring that this was a trap designed by others.

When Ling Qiuan found Ling Jueche, Ling Jueche was enjoying himself on the woman's belly.

Ling Jueche, who was disturbed, glanced at his father impatiently.

"Father, what did you come to see me for?"

"Hey, what are you doing? Look at the good deeds you have done. You actually cooperated with Leng Tianao to smuggle arms. Do you know that it will kill the Ling family!"

Ling Jueche took the information in his hand, smiled indifferently, "Father, you are making a big fuss, do you think that Ling Junhan came from him in an upright manner? You are wrong, this idea is often daring. The cowardly starve to death, and I, Ling Jueche, will undoubtedly be the one to die!"

"You, you bastard, do you know that the Ling family is your grandfather's painstaking effort!"

Mentioning Mr. Ling, the sarcasm flashed in Ling Jueche's eyes, "Father, don't forget, Grandpa was killed by you. Now you come to teach me, isn't it fake!"


Ling Qiu'an never thought that his son would become like this, boldly using the Ling family to smuggle arms.

"Okay, father, if it's okay, you will be in the capital. I will be very tired from dealing with Ling Junhan recently, and I don't have time to take care of you!"

Ling Qiu'an was shocked by his sudden sarcastic remarks to Ling Jueche, and left Bieyiju helplessly.

Ling Jueche thought about everything he had arranged, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he turned and walked towards the room where 'Yunmo' was closed.

Looking at the 'Yunmo' who has long been tortured and not human, a satisfied smile appeared in his eyes.

'Yunmo' looked at him, and shrank back to the corner in fear, her eyes couldn't hide the panic. These days, she was tortured by Ling Jueche day and night, and her proud heart had long since been shattered. It's all fear and boundless dread.

"Yunmo, you are so pitiful. I have imprisoned you for so long, and Ling Junhan didn't even come to rescue you!"

"No, no, he will definitely come to save me!"

'Yunmo' had a crazy look on his face, the last sliver of hope for those who fell into desperation.

(End of this chapter)

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