Chapter 405 Are You Hungry?
Yunmo hung up the phone, turned around and walked into the kitchen. She remembered that Ling Junhan liked to eat the noodles she made the most.

I remember that when Ling Junhan was injured and hospitalized, A Wu told her that in the past five years, Ling Junhan's favorite food was pasta, and the ingredients were exactly the same as those she had prepared for Ling Junhan.

She knew at that time that Ling Junhan's favorite food was not noodles, but his longing for her.

She still remembers the way he ate noodles in the hospital that time. The tools were not complete and he couldn't make it for him properly. This time, let her make up for him.

It is said that cooking is the most expressive thing for a person.

The corner of Yunmo's mouth couldn't help grinning.

Ling Junhan sat in the car forbearing a few times, he really couldn't stand Artest's slow speed,

"Young Master Ling, sister-in-law has clearly explained to me just now, I dare not go against it!"


The two of them had never seen such a helpless side of Ling Junhan. In the past, he was like a high god, so arrogant, and nothing could even make things difficult for him.

But facing Yun Mo, he was so powerless!

This is chivalrous tenderness!

At the same time, Ah Tai and Ah Wu were sincerely happy for Ling Junhan's change, and at the same time, they worshiped Yunmo even more in their hearts.

The three of them returned to Lingyuan, and Artest and Ah Wu were the first to escape.

Ling Junhan couldn't wait to walk towards the house, and walked into the living room, looking at the empty space, without the shadow of his day and night thoughts.

He hurriedly turned around and ran back to the room. After the two got married, Ling Junhan forcibly moved Yunmo back to his room.

But Yunmo took it for granted and felt that it didn't matter where she lived.

Cognition goes along!

Pushing open the door, seeing no one inside, I was very disappointed.

The person who talked on the phone just now and promised to wait for him at home disappeared in a blink of an eye. What is it?
Could it be that Yunmo was joking with him again.

Although he was disappointed not to see Yunmo, his obsession with cleanliness made him feel uncomfortable. He walked to the bathroom, took a hot bath, changed into clean clothes, and walked out of the room refreshed.

He came to the living room, heard the sound of boiling from the kitchen, a touch of joy spread from the bottom of his heart, and strode towards the kitchen.

Sure enough, Qianying, who made him restless and thoughtful day and night, was busy in the kitchen.

Looking at Yunmo, all the unhappiness in his heart disappeared instantly, he slowed down and came behind Yunmo, stretched out his hand to hold Yunmo tightly in his arms, buried his head on Yunmo's neck, and said in a low voice.

"Wife, where are you going?"

Hearing Ling Junhan's resentful voice, a smile overflowed from the corner of Yunmo's mouth, and she pointed at the cooking things in the pot.

"I wanted to get you something delicious, but I found that there were no ingredients at home, so I ran out and bought some!"

After finishing the last procedure, the fragrant noodles are finally cooked under the flexible rotation of Yunmo's chopsticks.

Seeing that Ling Junhan had no intention of letting go, Yunmo turned around with difficulty to face him, "Why, aren't you hungry!"

Hearing this, Ling Junhan had a wicked expression in his deep eyes, "Hungry, why aren't you hungry!"

Pretending to be charming, she winked at Yunmo.

It made Yunmo roll her eyes, and glared at him angrily, "Okay, let's eat something to fill our stomach first!"

Ignore him, break free from his arms, and walk towards the restaurant with your face up.

Ling Junhan followed closely behind!
(End of this chapter)

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