Chapter 420 Where is Nature

Du Xinyan's threat made the other two even more interested!

"Xinyan, don't scare me, you know, I'm timid, and I don't want to be scared, if I accidentally say it, what will I do!"


Two equally outstanding men watched their woman happily dancing on the lawn like a little girl.

The bright sun was rippling above the heads of the two, emitting bursts of halos, like angels lost in the world.

The four of them made a fuss almost close to the time for lunch in the afternoon.

Ling Junhan suggested, "Why don't we have a picnic!"

"Okay, then call Shuirou and Xiaonian over!" Yunmo raised her hand in agreement.

Du Xinyan also had no objection, "I have no objection!"

Leng Xiuya is naturally optimistic, only Ling Junhan has a pale face.

But he knew that as soon as that brat Dongfang Nian came, his Yunmo would leave him and be dragged away by that brat. Every time he thought of this, he felt like he had a bag in his heart that he couldn't hold back, and really wanted to clean up that little guy. !

"Han, what about you!"

Knowing Ling Junhan's thoughts, Yunmo asked deliberately.

Ling Junhan's face was sullen, and he felt three fiery gazes shooting towards him. Although he was very unhappy, the three brothers couldn't be less!

"That brat Dongfang Yuan doesn't necessarily have time!"

"Who said I have more time!"

The scene of Cao Cao Cao Cao's arrival was immediately staged in front of his eyes, Ling Junhan's eyes widened in disbelief, and then he watched a small figure running towards Yunmo.

"Godmother Xiaomo, I miss you so much!"

"Xiao Nian, godmother misses you too!"

Yunmo hugged Dongfang Nian, and the clear and clear laughter of the two of them instantly echoed in Lingyuan.

Ling Junhan looked at the small figure, the corner of his mouth twitched invisible, and finally fixed his gaze on Dongfang Yuan's voice.

"Whether you are a clairvoyant or a clairvoyant, you can hear our conversation from such a distance!"

Dongfang Yuan ignored Ling Junhan who was jealous, and embraced Yang Shuirou who was walking behind him.

"You can't blame me, it's your wife who called Shui Rou, otherwise you think I have so much American time to play with you!"

Dongfang Yuan looked at Ling Junhan with contempt, the whole wife slave, even jealous of his son, I have never seen such a clingy wife!


Ling Junhan looked at Qianying who was having fun with Dongfang Nian in the distance.

Feeling Ling Junhan's gaze, Yunmo grinned, "I miss my godson, and I didn't expect him to come back!"

The "he" in her mouth naturally refers to Dongfang Yuan, don't think that she didn't hear what Dongfang Yuan said to hurt her husband, so she naturally wanted to win back for him.

When Ling Junhan heard the words, he was in an extreme mood, but when he heard Yunmo defending himself, his heart instantly fluttered, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously grinned.

Dongfang Yuan curled his lips when he saw the two showing their affection in the air.

What a pair of weirdos, it's easy for him to stab him like this!

However, Dongfang Yuan's face has always been thick in front of his friends and family, and being brazen is nothing to him!
"It doesn't matter, I want to protect my wife and son, so wherever my wife and son are, they will naturally be there, unlike some people who come and leave under the pretense of having nothing to do, but are actually drunkards who don't care about drinking!"

Leng Xiuya, who had been watching the theater all the time, was ironically beaten by Dongfang Yuan.

Leng Xiuya complained silently, and looked at Du Xinyan aggrievedly, but Du Xinyan avoided his innocent gaze as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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