Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 424 Don't Dilly-dally

Chapter 424 Don't Dilly-dally
Du Xinyan looked at Leng Xiuya's dignified expression, and her heart became a little rough. Could it be that Leng Xiuya is angry!


Just when she was thinking wildly, Leng Xiuya snatched the ring from her hand, "I don't want to!"

Leng Xiuya's concise four words instantly knocked Du Xinyan to the bottom of the valley, her frightened eyes looked at Leng Xiuya with a hurt expression.

Before the tears flowed from the eyes, Leng Xiuya changed her previous coldness and became extremely helpless, "Are you willing to marry me!"

Before Du Xinyan recovered from the previous blow, she heard Leng Xiuya's gentle voice.

The voice is full of favor and blame.

"Xinyan, I should be the one to do this. I am your man, and I should let you enjoy my pampering and care. How can I let you propose to me? I don't want you to work so hard. What I want to see It's the eternal smile and happiness on your face, so just handing you over to me is enough!"

Du Xinyan couldn't help but burst into tears, "I am willing!"

With a happy cry, she threw herself into Leng Xiuya's arms.

Ling Junhan, his wife and Dongfang Yuan's family of three who had been standing outside watching, looked at the two happily embracing each other, tears welled up in their eyes.

When was Du Xinyan in despair? If it wasn't for Leng Xiuya, Du Xinyan would have passed away by now.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the entanglement of love that people are so happy to die.

What a trick of fate!

Leng Xiuya's marriage proposal was successful, so he couldn't wait to drag Du Xinyan to the Civil Affairs Bureau, regardless of night or day.

Following Ling Junhan's steps, Leng Xiuya took out her phone and dialed Zhu Nongzhen's number without thinking about whether it was too late.

It took a long time for someone to pick up the phone, and Jun Nong's sleepy voice came.


Listening to this voice, Leng Xiuya seemed to hear the meaning of the sound of nature, and didn't care about Zhu Nongzhen's sin of not hearing his voice.

He said in a high voice, "Director Zhu, I am Leng Xiuya!"

"Oh, Leng Xiuya!" Zhu Nongzhen repeated his name, Mu Ran's mind was broken and she slowly came back to her senses, and hurriedly called out, "Wait, what did you say is your name?"

Leng Xiuya didn't care about Zhu Nongzhen who was belatedly aware, and repeated in a good temper, "Leng Xiuya!"

"What, Leng Xiuya!" Zhu Nong lost all sleepiness, and immediately got up from the bed, "Leng, Mr. Leng, what do you want?"

"I don't have any orders, I just want you to rush to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get a marriage certificate for me!"

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Then there was a crackling voice, and Leng Xiuya was startled and couldn't help feeling worried.

Seeing his expression, Du Xinyan and the others couldn't help but look like him.

He hung up the phone hastily, and smiled innocently, "Haha, it's okay, just a little episode!"

Ling Junhan has long been used to it, but he has not forgotten that the scene when he got married was even more exaggerated than this.

When Zhu Nongzhen arrived, Leng Xiuya was the first to catch his eyes, and then he saw Ling Junhan, and it was Dongfang Yuan who caught him.

When looking at the three of them, the trembling legs suddenly became precarious.

What's the situation, it's enough to meet such a big man once a day, but now three of them come at once, is it to test the endurance of his heart!

If he gets stimulated like this a few more times, his heart will explode!
"Young Master Leng, Young Master Ling, Young Master Dongfang, you are all here!"

"Hurry up, don't dawdle!" Dongfang Yuan was the first to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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