Chapter 427 Check

"Yeah, look at Xiaomo, how soundly she slept!"

Du Xinyan's reminder made Yang Shuirou turn his gaze to the sleeping Yunmo.

Seeing Yun Mo's lethargy, she couldn't help thinking of when she was pregnant with Dongfang Nian, she was also like this at that time, lethargic, sleepy even if she moved a little.

Thinking of this, Yang Shuirou turned to Du Xinyan, "Xinyan, I think Xiaomo has been lethargic recently, has it?"

Du Xinyan's eyes also turned to Yunmo, she was also suspicious, but Yunmo gave her the answer that Nie Chenyi had injected her with drowsiness potion, and the potion had not been excreted from the body, so!
"I thought so too before, but Xiaomo told me that she had been injected with drowsiness potion before, so!"


Yang Shuirou nodded in relief.

The three of Ling Junhan returned to Lingyuan. The first thing Ling Junhan saw when he walked into the living room was to look for that figure. He was surprised to see Yun Mo lying on the sofa, curled up like a kitten, and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at Yun Mo like this, Ling Junhan's heart couldn't help but sink.

Panicked like never before, she quickly walked towards Yunmo, hugged Yunmo in her arms, "Xiaomo!"

Yun Mo opened her eyes slightly, looked at Ling Junhan, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, "Han, you're back!"

"Yeah, wake up, eat something before going to sleep!"

"Well, I'll just sleep for a while!"

He continued to close his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The two who came in behind saw Ling Junhan's panic that he had never felt before.

Leng Xiuya came to Du Xinyan's side, met Du Xinyan's worried eyes, and whispered, "Xinyan, you can tell what's going on with Xiaomo?"

Du Xinyan shook her head!

She lowered her head and pondered, logically speaking, Yunmo has been awake for so long, the effect of the potion should have faded, why is she still so lethargic, apart from being pregnant, she really can't think of anything else!
She actually came to Ling Junhan's side, checked Yunmo, met Ling Junhan's worried eyes, and shook her head without hindrance.

"Ling Junhan, you might as well take Xiaomo to check it out, maybe it will be an unexpected result!"

Ling Junhan is a smart person, Du Xinyan reminded him a little bit, and he immediately came to his senses, "Okay, I'll go right away!"

Holding Yunmo in his arms, he strode towards the outside of Ling courtyard.

Artest appeared at the right time, opened the car door for Ling Junhan, and automatically sat in the driver's seat!
When Ling Junhan came to the hospital, Yunmo had already woken up, opened his eyes and woke up, and saw that he was in the hospital again, and helplessly met Ling Junhan's worried eyes.

"Han, I'm really fine!"

"I know, but Xinyan told me just now that I want you to check it out, so I'm wronging you!"

Yunmo had no choice but to surrender, "Okay!"

The two came outside the obstetrics and gynecology department, because it was Ling Junhan, so they didn't need to queue up, and directly called the most authoritative doctor to examine Yunmo.

Yunmo nervously lay down on the hospital bed. She already understood her situation very well recently, and she was very lethargic. In order to make Ling Junhan feel at ease, she obediently cooperated!
Seeing Ling Junhan's face hanging down, Dr. Lin couldn't help but tremble in his heart even though he was old, and the movements of his hands became more and more inflexible!
Seeing this, Ling Junhan's face became darker and darker!

Yunmo sighed speechlessly, "Han, why don't you wait for me outside!"

Hearing Yun Mo's suggestion, Dr. Lin regained his energy in an instant, and looked at Ling Junhan longingly, but Ling Junhan didn't appreciate it at all, "Don't!"

Hearing this, Dr. Lin raised his heart in resignation.

(End of this chapter)

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