Chapter 436 Wedding
"What's going to make my heart jump!"

As soon as Yang Shuirou finished speaking, Ling Junhan came to the dressing room with an unconcealable smile on his face.

Seeing Ling Junhan, Du Xinyan didn't see Leng Xiuya who was walking behind him, and joked, "Young Master Ling, you are wrong. It is said that the bridegroom cannot see the bride before marriage. You are an obvious foul!"

Yang Shuirou looked sharply at the figure behind him, and hurriedly gave Du Xinyan his eyes, but Du Xinyan was too focused on what he said, and he completely ignored the figure coming out from behind.

Ling Junhan glanced at the figure behind him, "What Xinyan means is that your groom can't break the rules. My wife is in a special period now, so I have to use a special method, but you are not!"

"That is……"

Before Du Xinyan finished speaking, Leng Xiuya's dark face had already appeared at the door. Seeing Leng Xiuya, Du Xinyan wished she could find a hole in the ground and get in.

Obviously shooting a stone at his own foot, but he still dug this trap for himself!
Sure enough, Leng Xiuya was kicked out before she walked in.

Showing Dongfang Yuan's gloating face, "Oh, Jun Han's special is mine too, son, come here, we're going to pick up your mother!"

Hearty smile, plus ruthless gloating!
Du Xinyan regretted it!
Ling Junhan ignored the others, and came directly to Yunmo's side, hugged Yunmo from behind, and whispered in her ear, "Honey, are you tired!"

Yunmo shook her head with an elegant smile, "Not tired!"

"After a while, the whole world will know that you are my wife!"


Just when the three couples were inseparable, Mrs. Ling couldn't wait to clear the scene.

"Okay, okay, you three brats go out and wait for me, if you don't go out, none of you will get a bride!"

Madam Ling said domineeringly.

Hearing this, the arrogance of Ling Junhan and the three of them was immediately extinguished, and they ran out scrambling to be the first, fearing that Mrs. Ling would repent.

You must know that Mrs. Ling seems to be a one-size-fits-all master, they don't want to lose their most beloved wife!

"Three girls, are you ready!"

Yun Mo, Du Xinyan, and Yang Shuirou nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, now let's go out!"

Mrs. Ling was talking, and two other old ladies appeared.

One is Du Xinyan's mother, and the other is Dongfang Yuan's mother. Because both of Yunmo's parents died, the only family member of Yunmo is the Ling family. Naturally, Mrs. Ling personally helped her walk.

Originally, the person standing next to the bride should be the bride's father, but because of their special circumstances, they were all replaced by women soldiers.

A few people supported Yun Mo and the three of them appeared, only to see the three groom-to-be standing at the other end and they couldn't wait.

The seats below were full of guests from all over the world.

Anthony sat in the front row with an obedient face. It was prepared by Yunmo for him. To Yunmo, he was a family member. He was wearing a formal suit for a rare occasion today, and the excitement on his face could not be concealed. Take Yunmo away.

However, he was afraid of Ling Junhan's cold face, and there was an ice face sitting beside him, so he really didn't dare to mess around.

After a long journey, the brides finally came to the bride's side. The pastor read out the oath of love, and the guests from all over the world witnessed the love of the three lovers.

The wedding goes on.

Because of Yunmo's peculiarity, she was sent back to the dressing room after the wedding announcement, while the other two couples were tortured, and the protagonist who tortured them was another groom, Ling Junhan.

(End of this chapter)

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