Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 441 Keeping Her By Your Side

Chapter 441 Keeping Her By Your Side
When Mrs. Ling returned to Lingyuan, she originally wanted to see how Yun Mo was doing, but when she came to the door of their room, she heard Yun Mo's indistinct cry, Mrs. Ling and Rong Ma paused for a moment, then turned around silently leave the room.

Yunmo must have been frightened this time. She valued her child more than anyone else. The mother's love five years ago has long been accumulated. She can't bear that she can't protect her child. Even the slightest danger is torture to her. !

Nie Shuiling in the hospital was sent to the emergency room, and Nie Chenyi kept guard at the door.

When Yue Yingfeng came outside the emergency room and faced Nie Chenyi who was fidgeting on the stool, to this day, he didn't know how to face Nie Chenyi.

He just got married not long ago, but now he ran to the door of the operating room to wait for Shui Ling. The hypocritical scene happened to him, and his fate was tricky.

When Nie Chenyi saw Yue Yingfeng, his gentle eyes were full of helplessness.

"You go, I don't want my sister to be hurt!"

"elder brother!"

"Don't let me send you with my fist!"

Nie Chenyi's deep voice let Yue Yingfeng know that he was very angry at the moment, if it wasn't for the sake of his previous acquaintance, he might have fallen to the ground at this moment.

Jia Qingwen, who came afterward, saw a flash of hatred on Yue Yingfeng's face when she saw the hurt face, but she hated herself even more.

Seeing Nie Chenyi's anxiety, she felt very sad.

Five years ago, she dragged Shuiling from heaven to the endless abyss of hell, and forced Nie Shuiling to hurt her family. In recent years, Nie Shuiling was forced to live like a human, ghosts, and was hurt by Yueyingfeng.

Endless regrets hit her, she regretted it so much.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with the Nie family in this matter, it was her anger that ruined Shui Ling's life.

She slowly came to Nie Chenyi's side, "Brother Nie!"

Nie Chenyi looked at her fixedly, she couldn't hide her remorse, Nie Chenyi couldn't bear to stop talking.

"You know that Shui Ling was originally a very kind and lively child, but now, what has she become? She is gloomy every day, from a lively and cheerful girl to silent, and gradually separated from the outside world. You really have to stick to your previous choice. Keep her with you!"

Jia Qingwen swallowed bitter tears, she knew the meaning of Nie Chenyi's words.

The Nie family's love for Shui Ling is no less than her. If it wasn't for her persistence at the beginning, perhaps all these pains would not have happened.

She originally thought that finding her sister was the wish of her parents, but in reality it was just her own selfishness at work. In order to find her, she and her father turned herself into an orphan, but when she saw Nie Shuiling so happy, she felt jealous and unwilling cause trouble.

Put the resentment of her father's departure and her own unfair treatment on Nie Shuiling, force her to take revenge, destroy all her fortresses single-handedly, and let her fall!
"I'm sorry!"

"Miss Jia, I know you love my sister. I have seen what you have done to Shui Ling in the past five years, but I don't believe it. You can't tell. Shui Ling is unhappy, just like you forced her to hurt my mother. Do you know that her heart is bleeding, that is also the mother who raised her for more than ten years, but you are so cruel, you want to hurt her all over!"

Nie Chenyi knew that he was cruel, but he really couldn't stand it any longer. His younger sister lived in such pain and was hurt so deeply. He wanted her happy and lively younger sister back!

Jia Qingwen's eyes widened in disbelief, tears buried the pain in her eyes, and she stared at the man in front of her in a daze!

(End of this chapter)

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