Chapter 448
The next day, newspapers flying all over the streets and alleys reported the death of Pei's father and son.

Various speculations surfaced, but all the fingers pointed at Ling Junhan.

In the Ling courtyard, Ling Junhan, who was with Yunmo, learned the truth, and smiled nonchalantly. Although he was very unwilling to let them die like this, but this was also regarded as the release of Yunmo's danger. He A rare relief in my heart.

After Mrs. Ling found out what had happened, she immediately found Ling Junhan.

"Jun Han, did you do this?"

Although Mr. Pei was stubborn, he was a friend of him and Mr. Jun for decades. If he was really buried in the hands of his grandson, how would he meet him after he was old for a hundred years.

Ling Junhan looked at Mrs. Ling's serious face and knew what she was thinking. In fact, from the time Mr. Ling asked him to let Mr. Pei go, he already understood that Mrs. Ling attached great importance to his comrades here.

Besides, this matter really didn't have much to do with him, so he didn't feel sorry for his grandma.

Ling Junhan got up and embraced Mrs. Ling, with a helpless wry smile.

"Grandma, are you so distrustful of your grandson? I can assure you that it's not me!"

After hearing Ling Junhan's promise, Mrs. Ling looked at Ling Junhan in a daze. Seeing that he was not lying, she let go of her heart and said with relief, "Old man Pei is stubborn, but he is not human. He is your grandfather's old friend. I really don't want you to have anything to do with this!"

"Grandson knows, and after the examination, didn't it say that it was a heart attack recurrence, this heart disease, grandson is not so capable!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Ling couldn't help but be ashamed of him, "You, you are so capable, now all the spearheads are pointed at you, what should you do!"

"I can't help it, they can do whatever they like!"

Ling Junhan secretly calculated that if he took advantage of this opportunity, the hatred of Yunmo's father would be revealed to the world.

He can't let his unborn child and Yunmo's father die in vain. Pei Shirong and Pei Changsheng are dead, but one person is still alive. Don't think he doesn't know. Pei Shirong's daughter, Pei Changmin, that woman, is Gu Jing The mother who dares to hurt his brother, each one can live.

With the expansion of the newspaper, Dongfang Yuan took Yang Shuirou to Lingyuan first.

Yunmo is now eight months old, and her labor period is approaching. Every time Dongfang Nian comes to Lingyuan, she will cling to Yunmo's stomach and talk with her, her appearance is so disharmonious.

Yang Shuirou watched from the side with amused expression, "Xiaomo, do you know the gender of the child?"

A peaceful smile appeared on Yun Mo's face, and she shook her head, "I don't know, Han likes everything he says, we don't need to deliberately know about it!"

"You guys, aren't you curious!"

"I was very curious, but being dragged by Han, even my grandma was helping him. I have nothing to do with my strength. As for the child," she was looking forward to it, but it didn't matter much to the gender of the child. As far as she is concerned, as long as it is her and Ling Junhan's child, no matter if it is a boy or a girl, she likes it.

Although the reaction of pregnant women is greater than that of ordinary pregnant women, she has to work harder. She is very sweet in her heart. The child is a gift from God to make up for the pain of losing the child before, so that they have the opportunity to give double love for the child. They It should be double cherished.

(End of this chapter)

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