Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 450 Let Me Pain Together With You

Chapter 450 Let Me Pain With You
Seeing that Yun Mo's face suddenly became embarrassing, Yang Shuirou, who had been there before, instantly understood what was going on, quickly pulled Xiao Nian away, and came to Yun Mo's side to support him.

"Xiao Nian, hurry up and call your godfather, Xiao Mo!"

"Shuirou, my stomach hurts!"

"Maybe the due date is earlier, I understand calling now!"

As soon as Yang Shuirou's voice fell, several people came out from all directions, Mrs. Ling and Rong's mother looked anxious and happy, and they couldn't wait to walk in from the door.

"It's about to give birth, Mama Rong, call quickly!"


Ling Junhan quickly came to the sofa, stretched out his hand to hug Yunmo from Yang Shuirou's hand, and rushed towards the door with Yunmo in his arms.

Seeing this, Mrs. Ling hurriedly wanted to follow.

But Dongfang Yuan quickly stopped him, "Grandma, take Yunmo to the hospital first!"

Madam Ling instantly understood that if she followed her, it would undoubtedly distract them from taking care of her, so she nodded hurriedly, "Yes, then you guys go!"

"Shuirou," Dongfang Yuan called out, pulling Yang Shuirou towards the outside of the Ling courtyard, and explaining to Dongfang Nian as he walked, "Son, you take good care of them here, and your mother and I will send the godmother to the hospital first. !"

"alright, got it!"

When Dongfang Nian heard what his father said about taking care of them, his fighting spirit was immediately high.

Ling Junhan walked out with Yunmo in his arms, and Artest drove the car out of the garage in a panic. He had been driving for decades, and he had never been so nervous and urgent.

Feeling at a loss for a moment, Ling Junhan hugged Yunmo and got into the car in time, "Quick!"


Knowing that this was a test of his driving skills, Artest slammed on the brakes and rushed out of the nearest hospital in Chaoli Lingyuan, sprinting at the fastest speed along the way.

Yunmo was lying in Ling Junhan's arms, gritted her teeth desperately to endure the pain in her stomach, her hands tightly pulled the hem of the skirt, revealing her white bones.

A large drop of sweat rolled from her forehead, across her paper-white face, and dripped onto Ling Junhan.

Seeing Yun Mo in such pain, Lingjun's heart ached even more, and he couldn't help but secretly swear that after giving birth to these two brats, he would never allow Yun Mo to suffer such pain.

People often say that to have a child is to die, and his Yunmo will never allow her to be hurt like this!
"Xiaomo, bite me when it hurts!"

Ling Junhan put his hand around Yunmo's mouth, letting her bite him.

Yunmo looked at the hand he stretched out, although her stomach hurt, but her heart was very warm, a smile appeared on her bleak face, "I'm not a dog, why bite it off!"

"Let me hurt with you!"

If it was normal, if Ling Junhan was killed, he wouldn't be able to say such nasty words, but now he can't help but say it without any violation, even Artest who was driving was infected by his words, and couldn't help becoming red orbital.

Yunmo understood what he meant, knew that she hurt his heart more than him, couldn't help opening her mouth and biting his hand, letting him be with her, feeling that she was not alone, there was someone who loved her and loved her Ling Junhan accompanied her.

A warm current flows from the bottom of my heart. This man has given her too many surprises and touches. From the indifference before, she has become a good man today. How can she not love such a man? She is willing to have children for him, even if it means She dies!

(End of this chapter)

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