Chapter 456 Sister Likes You

She grabbed Gu Shenyue in a panic, with a deep cry, and tried to cover it up, "Shen Yue, please persuade the old man, we have been married for more than 20 years, hurry up!"

Gu Shenyue threw her away in disgust, watching her crying, her delicate makeup was stained by tears, revealing her original old appearance, wrinkled face, coupled with dark makeup, she was indescribably ugly.

There was a flash of disgust in his eyes, before the Pei family collapsed, he hadn't forgotten how arrogant this woman was, in the Gu family she had always kept her promise, as long as he looked at a certain woman more than once outside, he would have to make trouble again when he went back.

Because of Pei Changmin's domineering, he couldn't hold his head up in the family. He had already had enough. If he hadn't failed to explain to the old lady before, he would have wanted to get rid of her. Now that the old lady has come forward, it is such a godsend How could he give up such a good opportunity.

He pretended to be sad, threw Pei Changmin away, strode up, and said respectfully to the old man, "Listen to the master's orders!"

Hearing his words, Pei Changmin knew that he was doomed, and sat there in despair, completely unable to understand the laughter around him.

Hearing the words, the other families showed gloating smiles one after another, but they all lowered their heads facing the old man's sharp gaze.

The old man is angry now, so he must not stand up, otherwise, they will be the next ones to be unlucky.

Old Mrs. Gu gave everyone a look of hatred, and said again, "Shen Yue, the matter was caused by your family, you have to solve it for me, you must know that Ling Junhan is not something anyone can afford, the Pei family is a typical example. Liezi, I don't want the river I fought so hard to be ruined by your family!"

Hearing this, the other families also became serious, looking at Gu Shenyue with resentment.

Gu Shenyue nodded in trepidation, "I will definitely handle it well!"

For him, as long as there is no such trickster as a ghost, he is very willing to make friends with Ling Junhan and the others. After all, making friends with them can only be good for him and not bad for him.

As for the hatred with Dongfang Yuan, it was originally Jinger's fault, and he continued to pursue it.

Ling Junhan's perfect counterattack not only moved back to the previous contrarian trend, but also made people change their views on Ling Junhan.

In the past Ling Junhan, everyone knew that he was cruel and cruel, but after this incident.

Everyone has a new view on him. Let me ask, if a person kills his child and the father of a woman he loves deeply, he just punishes the person involved and does not go into the details, which is enough to show his magnanimity.

He even forgave his enemies with the greatest heart, and repaid their grievances with kindness. Such a person is truly a model for the world to learn from, and the object of everyone's admiration.

For a long time, Ling Junhan's image has changed a lot, but Ling Junhan's habit is not to accept interviews from others, denying that there must be a crowd of people in front of his house, surrounded by reporters who want to interview him.

The kind-hearted person in people's eyes is now a good father in the Lingyuan, hugging his son and daughter and teasing him, with laughter like silver bells coming from time to time.

"Godmother, look at my sister, she scratched my face!"

Although Dongfang Nianhua was resentful, his voice was full of joy to conceal his innocence.

"That's because Xiao Nian is so handsome, my sister likes you," Yun Mo said amusedly.

"That's right, Xiao Nian, look at my sister, as long as you hug her, no one else will!"

Speaking of this, Yang Shuirou couldn't hide the jealousy in her voice, she always wanted a daughter, this Yunmo finally gave birth to a daughter, but every time she came, she only wanted to be hugged by Xiao Nian, and no one else would think about it, this little girl is a thief up!

(End of this chapter)

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