Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 460 Gu Shen wants to see you more

Chapter 460 Gu Shen wants to see you more
Ling Junhan left everything to Artest and Ah Wu, and drove home alone.

As soon as he backed the car out of the underground garage, he received a call from Dongfang Yuan.

"Ah Yuan!"

"Gu Shen Yue wants to see you!"

Dongfang Yuan paused before speaking.

If the old man Dongfang hadn't come forward in this matter, he wouldn't have called Ling Junhan if he was killed. Ling Junhan is his good brother, and he knows Ling Junhan's temperament very well. As long as he makes a decision, no one can influence him.

The old man's purpose is very clear.

Gu Jing's death made the old man Dongfang a little difficult to explain to the old man of the Gu family. He wanted to use this to resolve the grievances between the two families, so he had to sell Dongfang Yuan to tie the knot.

Master Dongfang wants to be a peacemaker, and he will not consider other interests in the present.

And Master Dongfang's condition for Dongfang Yuan to call is to accept Yang Shuirou.

Dongfang Nian has long been deeply in his heart. As a key object of training, Yang Shuirou has no solid background, and the old man has a grudge.

Although Dongfang Yuan didn't say anything, Ling Junhan, who has been a brother for many years, received a call from Dongfang Yuan, and the moment he said his purpose, he had already made things clear.

Dongfang Yuan also knew that Ling Junhan understood, this was a tacit understanding!

Ling Junhan nodded and agreed, "Okay, when is the time!"

"Now, cloud!"

"I'll be there soon!"

Ling Junhan turned the car around impatiently, as if someone had poured cold water on him, he was worried about his wife and children.

However, he had no intention of dealing with the Gu family, provided that the Gu family did not seek their own death.

Dongfang Yuan hung up the phone, turned around and looked at the old man sitting behind him and Gu Shenyue who was looking forward to it. Dongfang Yuan, who was always indifferent, returned to his seat calmly, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The old man Dongfang knew his grandson like the back of his hand, seeing him like this, knowing that Ling Junhan was back, instantly made him feel happier.

That legendary business prodigy is often watched on TV and newspapers, but has never met in person.

If it wasn't for Ling Junhan's curiosity, an old man like him wouldn't have worked so hard to sit here and wait.

Seeing that Dongfang Yuan didn't speak, Gu Shenyue looked nervously at Master Dongfang involuntarily.

Master Dongfang saw his nervousness and sighed secretly.

He can see through it, these people of the older generation, there are few opponents of young people, and the difference can be seen on the spot.

Thinking of this, he looked at Dongfang Yuan who closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep with satisfaction.

Among the current generation of young people, his grandson can be regarded as the out-of-body in this generation. Twenty years later, his Dongfang family is still standing proudly.

Seeing that the old man Dongfang didn't speak, Gu Shen secretly looked away, feeling more restless.

He has personally experienced Ling Junhan's cruelty. Back then, Ling Junhan made things difficult for him because of the Pei family. After many years, he still has lingering fears in his heart.

In addition, now, the old man has given the order to die, and the arrow is ready, so there can be no mistakes. He doesn't want to be the second Pei family.

While Dongfang Yuan was sleeping soundly, while the old man Dongfang was satisfied, Gu Shenyue was restless, and the Ling Junhan they had been waiting for was long overdue.

Ling Junhan is a frequent visitor of the Yunyun Hotel, and everyone in the Yunyun Hotel is familiar with it. After seeing his car, the lobby manager couldn't wait to rush out.

Attentively opened the car door for Ling Junhan.

Ling Junhan got out of the car and threw the car keys to him casually, "Where is Dongfang?"

"Master Dongfang and the others are already waiting in the Huangzi Hall!"

(End of this chapter)

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