
Chapter 214 Fully Armed!

Chapter 214 Fully Armed!

Such a terrifying acceleration ability gave the flesh god the ability to escape from the solar system.

As long as there is enough distance, it is possible to accelerate to tens of thousands of kilometers per second with the current body strength of the physical god.

But this time, Wang Dashu didn't manipulate the fleshy god at all, but let the fleshy god enter the meteorite belt to nourish himself.

It's not that he was too negligent, but that after the evolution of the flesh god, his physical body has reached a rather terrifying level.

If someone can see through the body of the flesh god, they will find that there is a huge silver skeleton in his body, and even the muscles, subcutaneous connective tissue, etc. are covered with a layer of silver white.

And this is one of the signs of the abundance of vitality in the body and spirit!

The body of the flesh god is now more than ten times stronger than before evolution, and with the support of sufficient energy, even if it is continuously hit by those meteorites, it can still last for a long time.

In fact, during the next foraging process, those meteorites were hit by the filaments ejected from the flesh god at a long distance, and then they were easily dragged over and sent into the giant mouth.

This is a new high-level organ added by the flesh god, the nanofilament retractor.

The nanofilament tractor is located in the huge mouth of the flesh-body god, and it can eject extremely strong biological nano-filaments at extremely high speed to assist the flesh-body god to obtain substances.

Of course, the flesh god is now a shotgun for a cannon compared to before evolution.

The four biological π meson decay reactors can provide the physical god with massive amounts of energy to support the operation of various advanced organs, which is at least fifty times stronger than the energy provided by the two small biohydrogen polymerization reactors before. above!
At the same time, two neutrino jet engines are installed at the rear of the flesh god, and a neutrino jet engine is installed at the front and bottom respectively, which can allow the flesh god to move forward and backward easily and turn freely at any place, providing a strong propulsion speed.

In addition, there are two biological fighter incubators near the tail of the flesh god, and there are always forty micro fighters in stock. After the micro fighters are damaged, the biological fighter incubators can breed new micro fighters by themselves!

In addition to the nanofilament tractor in the huge mouth of the flesh god, there is also an anti-satellite infrasonic generator, which can cause great damage to the living things on the planet, and cause almost no damage to any non-life.

There are four phalanx laser generators around the head of the flesh god, which can only cause damage to enemies within a range of [-] kilometers. The main purpose is to intercept various physical attacks, such as missiles, meteorites, etc. .

In addition, there are two electromagnetic shielding field generators and one optical shielding field generator on the flesh body god.

This electromagnetic shielding field generator is mainly used to shield electromagnetic attacks and battlefield communications, while the optical shielding field can make the flesh god invisible on the optical level, and at the same time directly distort and offset laser attacks.

In the end, the Flesh God still retained several advanced organs such as the Yuan energy detector, the particle cannon, the laser generator, and the acid homing missile generator. The only thing that was discarded was the acid Gauss cannon.

No way, this kind of high-level organ has too little effect on the physical body and god.

If it is mining ore deposits on the planet, the Phalanx laser generator is more useful.

It needs to be explained that, after evolution, the physical body god has as many as thousands of energy detectors in his body. After all the energy detectors are activated at the same time, not only can they detect most movements within a radius of 5000 million kilometers, they can even Directly use Yuan Energy to interfere with real matter!
Of course, the cost of directly using Yuan energy to interfere with real matter is quite high, so Wang Dashu thought about waiting for himself to cultivate supernatural powers to a certain level, and share supernatural power seeds or spells with the physical gods, so that the physical gods can use supernatural powers and spells Purpose!

Well, well, for now, the idea is a bit far off.

After all, Wang Dashu himself has only just started in the cultivation of supernatural powers, and he is far from reaching the level of proficiency.

The advanced organs such as particle cannon, laser generator, and acid homing missile generator have also been strengthened a lot compared to before evolution.

The number of biological particle cannons on the physical body increased to 20, the number of biological laser generators increased to 36, and the number of biological acid self-guided missile generators increased to 10, with a total of [-] missiles.

In short, the current physical god can be said to be armed to the teeth!
After five hours of foraging, the flesh god was full. Under Wang Dashu's order, he turned around and flew towards the blue star.

In the past, it took about two days for the physical god to reach the blue star from Mars, but this time, it only took nine hours for the physical god to reach the blue star, of which two hours were mainly used to accelerate and decelerate, so as to prevent the uncontrollable speed from hitting the blue star. on blue star.

It can be seen from this that there is no problem at all for the current physical gods to navigate in the solar system.

When the huge body of the flesh god reappeared in the outer space of the blue star and slowly revolved around the blue star, many astronomy enthusiasts picked up their astronomical telescopes one after another, watching this giant space ship excitedly.

For them, the sheer size of a physical god is originally a kind of beauty, and even if they see it many times, they will never get tired of it.

On the contrary, those professional astronomers saw something carefully.

They were shocked to find that this huge battleship was slowly growing in size!

This point is difficult to observe, but due to the existence of supercomputers, any changes in the huge battleship can be magnified to the extent that people can observe.

There was nothing wrong with their findings.

After the physical god had a full meal in the meteorite belt, he had already stored a sufficient amount of substances in his body, and after these substances were melted and decomposed by the super digestive system, it would cause the physical god's body to undergo the first explosive growth after evolution.

On the journey from Mars to Blue Star alone, the physical god's body size increased from the initial 300 meters to 330 meters, and in the following time, although the growth rate of the physical god's body size will slow down a lot, but in his body Before the reserve material is exhausted, it will continue to grow until it reaches the upper limit of youth size!

Not to mention the excitement and panic of those scientists who want to find out the reason for the growth of the huge warship, just say that Wang Dashu is still sleeping soundly in the small villa at this time.

The previous evolution of the flesh god made Wang Dashu exhausted, so when the flesh god was full and left the meteorite belt to return to Blue Star, he disconnected his mind connection, fell on the bed and fell asleep straight away.

However, as the flesh-body god arrived at Blue Star, Wang Dashu couldn't continue to sleep, and was soon woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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