
Chapter 237 Jianmu!

Chapter 237 Jianmu!

Thanks to Jin Yuankong's blessing, Mink Mouse Jing does have a few treasures in his hands.

One is the storage pocket, and the second is the small garden ornament, which contains space for planting plants and a miniature sun transformed by aura.

The third is a broadsword with a dark yellow and earthy atmosphere inside.

The last one was a pea seed that even Jin Yuankong couldn't see anything carefully!

Well, in fact, even Wang Dashu couldn't figure out what this pea seed was after looking intently. The detection ability brought by the system was of no use to this pea seed.

Undoubtedly, if Wang Dashu wanted to exchange things, he could only choose from these four treasures.

This is really difficult to choose.

To say that among these four treasures, at least three are treasures that Wang Dashu is absolutely willing to exchange.

The storage fanny pack is compact and easy to carry. It has a space of more than ten cubic meters, which can hold a lot of things.

Although the small garden ornaments are a bit bulky and inconvenient to carry, there is a small garden inside, not only can be used to hold things, but it is also excellent for planting spiritual flowers and herbs.

And that broadsword, which contains a trace of black and earthy air, can improve its strength and pure monster aura if it is carried for a long time. Of course, in this regard, its effect on Wang Dashu is much worse than that of the mink.

If Wang Dashu had to make a choice, then the small garden decorations were a must.

However, after hesitating for a while, Wang Dashu took the pea seed and walked towards Yaotai.

Although this pea seed doesn't look very good, that is, it is much larger than ordinary peas, but the pea seeds that can be carefully collected by those monsters are probably not ordinary.

In order to be sure, Wang Dashu decided to show this thing to Patriarch Bodhi.

What if it is a supreme treasure?

Of course, this pea seed may also be an ordinary treasure.

When they arrived at Yaotai, Patriarch Bodhi was still sitting on Yaotai.

It is said that this teacher will sit on the Yaotai when he has nothing to do, even if there is no class.

"The disciple has seen the teacher!"

Wang Dashu bowed to Patriarch Bodhi, then took out the pea seeds and asked Patriarch Bodhi to check it.

As soon as Patriarch Bodhi stretched out his hand, an invisible force was generated, and he grabbed the pea seed in an instant.

He looked at the pea seeds with his eyes, but his face was still smiling, and he smiled without any surprise: "You mink picked up a good treasure, this is the truth of Jianmu."

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Bodhi immediately returned the pea seeds to Wang Dashu, but he closed his eyes and meditated, and stopped talking.

Solid wood? ! !

Wang Dashu took the seed, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

Jianmu, he has some vague memories. After looking through his own memories, Wang Dashu discovered that the so-called Jianmu is actually the sacred tree used to connect heaven and earth in ancient Chinese mythology!
Of course, there are not many introductions related to Jianmu. Even in the Internet age, Wang Dashu couldn't find much when he was interested.

I just remember that there is a record in the Shan Hai Jing: "Jianmu, a hundred ren without branches, has nine sprigs, and nine gourds underneath. It is actually like hemp, and its leaves are like awns. It is the work of the Yellow Emperor."

The blade is the unit of length in ancient China. One ren is eight feet. Converted to the current unit of length, it is about 1.6 meters to two meters. Very long meaning.

You must know that this is the heavenly tree, which can connect the sky and the earth, and the length of it is less than 200 meters, which is not justified.

And 欘 refers to the bends of the trees, and nine 欘 refers to the many bends of the trees.

Goji refers to intertwined tree roots, and Jiu Gou means that there are many intertwined roots.

Da Hao refers to Fuxi, one of the ancestors of China, and Huangdi refers to Xuanyuan Gongsun, one of the ancestors of China.

What does this whole sentence mean, that is: Jianmu grows very long, but without branches, the trunk is crooked, with many intertwined roots, its seeds are like hemp seeds, and its leaves are like slender miscanthus, because Fuxi He ascended to heaven from this heavenly tree, so Emperor Xuanyuan cast a dragon here to commemorate it.

In short, although this Jianmu is not well-known now, it is indeed the god tree in ancient mythology, and gods and men in ancient times needed to climb from this Jianmu if they wanted to ascend to the sky.

After looking through the memory, Wang Dashu suddenly had a faint light curtain in Jianmu Zhishi's eyes, revealing the attributes of Jianmu Zhishi.
The real tree is a seed that fell from Zhuan Xu after he cut the tree. Due to the impact of Zhuanxu's divine power when he cut the tree, less than [-]% of the tree's vitality remained, and it needed the force of the earth's veins. Only when the fire nourishes does it take root and sprout.
It has to be said that Wang Dashu's little heart was beating at this time.

Undoubtedly, compared to several other treasures, this solid wood can be called a real treasure.

Before Zhuanxu, the ancestor of China, all gods, humans, and even monsters could go to heaven and earth through Jianmu, and listen to the will of the emperor and gods, so that the order of humans, gods and monsters was chaotic, so Zhuanxu cut off Jianmu with supreme divine power. Severing the connection between heaven and earth makes human beings the only race that can listen to the will of the emperor of heaven, thereby suppressing other races.

It can be seen that this Jianmu is indeed a heaven-reaching sacred tree.

Then there is no need to say more about the next choice.

Back in the stone house, Wang Dashu immediately cut off the spiritual connection with the marten, and then chose Jianmu Zhishi as an exchange item.

Following Wang Dashu's choice, a glaring yellow light appeared in the flesh sac, and the light faded after an instant, revealing the solid wood.

Looking carefully, this Jianmu is indeed similar to the pockmark, but the pockmark is similar to a pea, but there may be no pockmarks the size of a fist in the real world.

Wang Dashu is currently in the body of the flesh god, so naturally there is no place to plant this tree.

So after looking at the facts of Jianmu for a while, Wang Dashu immediately put away the facts of Jianmu.

Hours later, the flesh god landed on Mars.

Those humans at the Mars base were waiting anxiously.

You must know that although the Mars base has been completed, the ecological circle and even the mining area are constantly expanding and constructing, but in terms of food and drinking water, the Mars base cannot be self-sufficient in a short period of time, and must rely on the support of Blue Star.

In this way, the delayed arrival of the flesh god to Mars made them a little flustered.

Especially the dispute between the flesh god and the kingdom of Sam, especially after the news of the nuclear war started by the kingdom of Sam reached Mars.

(End of this chapter)

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