
Chapter 240

Chapter 240
Chinese New Year is coming again, I hope that all book lovers, brothers and sisters will be prosperous, your academic performance will be high, your business will make a lot of money, and those who go to work will be entrusted with important responsibilities to become leaders, and everyone will become a rich generation! ——
What's more, absorbing fresh university graduates is equivalent to solving a part of the unemployed population, so why not do it.

Of course, Wang Dashu didn't pay much attention to this. He didn't have any desire to intervene in the Mars base at all, but he just checked the overall situation of Blue Star with his mind and body.

Compared to when the country of Sam launched a nuclear war, Blue Star has become much calmer now.

At least under the monitoring of the miniature biological warfare planes, no country has been found to be dead.

The nuclear bombs on Blue Star must be removed, or managed in a unified manner. This is what Wang Dashu hopes to do after the establishment of the Human Alliance.

Of course, due to the disintegration of the country of Sam, the election of the Human Alliance Council had to be postponed, and it could only be carried out after the situation after the disintegration of the country of Sam stabilized. After all, the country formed after the disintegration of the country of Sam has not been fully defined, so that countries cannot conduct electoral referendums.

In the following time, the physical god traveled back and forth between the blue star and Mars, continuously transporting massive amounts of material from the blue star to Mars, which accelerated the construction and development of the Mars base.

In just one month, the physical god traveled to and from Mars, more than 50 times between the blue planets, and successfully completed the transportation of personnel and materials for the NO.1 goal of colonizing Mars 1, 2, 3, and 4.

In this process, the extensive use of the creations of the Tepla civilization has made it much easier to mine mineral deposits and build various factories on Mars.

That's right, among the alien creations that Wang Dashu collected from the alien base of the Tepla civilization, the most useful ones are not those weapons, but daily necessities.

For example, the previous oxygen generator allowed the Mars base to get rid of the backward oxygen manufacturing process, enabling the Mars base to continuously obtain massive oxygen reserves.

And some kind of high-pressure air gun that should be used by the Tepla people to clean up the growths in the sewer was used to mine the mineral deposits, making the mining speed more than [-] times faster than that of Blue Star!
There are still many applications of alien creations like this, and the technological improvements obtained by Huaxia's research on alien creations have also been applied to the Mars base. The combination of the two makes the Mars base's technological level surpass that of Blue Star by at least 50 years. !

The only problem now is water resources, but the scientific expedition personnel who went to the two poles have sent back good news. A large amount of mixture of dry ice and water ice was found near the two poles. Next, we only need to find a way to build corresponding pipelines. Once the resources are resolved, the self-circulation system of the Mars base is considered complete.

Then Wang Dashu's mission goal 4 can be regarded as a complete achievement!
Of course, it is also a huge construction project for a Mars base to build a pipeline to transport water.

The position of the Mars base is biased towards the South Pole of Mars, about [-] kilometers away from the South Pole.

Building a [-]-kilometer water pipeline is a grand project even on Blue Star.

What's more, the low temperature on the surface of Mars must be considered. After all, even if the water ice at the south pole of Mars is turned into water, it will quickly condense into immobile ice cubes when passing through the pipeline.

Therefore, for the Mars base, the difficulties faced by this water pipeline project are extremely difficult.

Every three days, the Mars base, which is [-] kilometers away, will contact Wang Dashu to ensure his safety.

Therefore, Wang Dashu also understood the difficulties.

But even for him, there is no way to solve the problem at this time.

Compared with the prosperity and difficulties of the Mars base, Wang Dashu is in a very comfortable mood at this time.

After a month of growth, Jianmu seedlings have grown into a huge vine plant about a kilometer long.

Perhaps because the gravity of Mars is too low, Jianmu stands tall on the ground, like a sword piercing into the sky, and the roots under it completely spread out, occupying all the surface with a radius of more than ten kilometers. Inside, all the magma was drained of energy early on and turned into cold rock.

This is also the helplessness of the lack of violent geological activities on Mars. Although there are volcanoes, Wang Dashu still drives the flesh god to penetrate and widen the volcano, causing more magma to flow out.

But Jianmu was born able to absorb the fire of the leylines, causing all the magma that flowed out to solidify.

The only thing that made Wang Dashu rejoice was that even though the magma below solidified and blocked the volcanic channel, the roots of Jianmu were still growing downward.

By this time, Jianmu was more than a kilometer long, but its roots had penetrated 3000 meters underground!
And as time goes by, while the roots of the tree are getting deeper and deeper, the growth rate of Jianmu is also getting faster and faster.

By this time, Jianmu's growth rate was so fast that it was clearly visible to the naked eye.

Basically, Jianmu can grow forty to 50 meters every day!
This is a rather scary statistic.

According to this growth rate, it only takes one year for Jianmu to grow to a length of at least [-] meters!

But in Wang Dashu's view, this speed is still a bit slower.

After hearing about the difficulty of building a water pipeline on the Mars base, he came up with a plan to use building wood as a water pipeline.

Wang Dashu has done experiments and found that compared with those metal and plastic pipes, the roots of Jianmu are also hollow, and its unique structure can resist low temperature, so that the water flowing in it will not freeze.

Of course, if it was just that, Wang Dashu might not have asked Jianmu to take on the task of transporting water.

But in previous experiments, Wang Dashu found that after Jianmu absorbed water, its growth rate reached a terrifying level, which was more than fifty times that of simply absorbing heat.

After discovering this, Wang Dashu felt a little regretful. If he had known this was the case, he would have planted Jianmu on Blue Star in the first place.

Among other things, there is still quite a lot of water on Blue Star.

But at this point, regret is useless.

Wang Dashu has asked the flesh god to return to Blue Star this time with only one substance.

That is water!

Four hours later, under the blue sunlight, the huge body of the flesh god appeared in Wang Dashu's field of vision.

As the height decreased to less than 200 meters, the flesh god stood upside down in the air, opened his huge mouth, and a waterfall poured down!

This is the seawater that the flesh god directly drew from the ocean when he returned to Blue Star according to Wang Dashu's order.

If it was replaced by other ordinary plants, he might worry about whether the salty seawater would salt them to death.

Kejianmu, a kind of heavenly tree, is not an ordinary plant at all. It can even take root in magma, so why are you afraid of mere sea water?
Maybe the salt in seawater can also make Jianmu grow faster.

(End of this chapter)

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