
Chapter 243 Comet Doom

Chapter 243 Comet Doom
Today is New Year's Eve. Here, on behalf of myself, Pindao would like to say to the book friends and friends that the New Year is coming, happy holidays, and wish all the book friends and families happiness, well-being, good luck, prosperity, good luck, and eat chicken tonight ! ——
Fortunately, before that, Wang Dashu made precise calculations and determined that the disaster brought about by the impact of the comet would not cause any harm to the Mars base.

Of course, with such a big movement, the panic of the Martian immigrants is inevitable.

However, at this time, Wang Dashu has no time to pay attention to the panic of the Martian immigrants.

When the comet hit the surface of Mars, in addition to the previous movements, it also formed a deep pit with a diameter of more than 300 meters on the surface of Mars. The icy water also turned the pit into a big pool.

The impact point is more than a thousand kilometers away from the Mars base, and the distance from Jianmu is only more than 200 kilometers.

However, in this disaster brought about by the impact of the comet, Jianmu's body exuded a faint blue light, which blocked all the bombardment of gravel, and even the shock wave could bend Jianmu half a point in front of him.

There was no need for Wang Dashu to greet him at all. After sensing the water vapor in the distance, Jianmu's roots became crazy and quickly spread towards the big water pool.

In just three hours, a root of Jianmu penetrated into the pool and began to extract the water inside.

Wang Dashu originally wanted to ask the Mars base to come to fetch water, but what he never expected was that Jianmu didn't want anyone to share it at all, maybe because he was too thirsty before.

After a large number of roots flocked to the pool, it became a sea of ​​roots.

Well, to be precise, Jianmu used his own tree roots to make a cover on the water pool and sealed the whole water pool, making those Martian immigrants who received the order to come to fetch water look a little dumbfounded.

In desperation, Wang Dashu had to let those Martian immigrants go back.

The only good thing is that he didn't ask Jianmu to go to the South Pole of Mars to absorb water before, otherwise, with Jianmu's current greed, I'm afraid the Mars base wouldn't even be able to get a drop of water from the South Pole.

Although the friction between the comet and the atmosphere caused a lot of water to be lost in the atmosphere, there is still more than 570 million tons of water in this big pool.

This amount of water was enough for Jianmu to extract a lot of time, but Wang Dashu did not rest, but let the flesh-body god who had just returned rush towards a comet in the distance again.

After the first success, his mind got bigger.

Mars is a water-scarce planet, making it difficult for the root system of the tree to spread, so more water is needed to enrich the planet.

The second comet chosen by Wang Dashu has a core diameter of fifteen kilometers, and it can be called the first-class giant among the comet family!

You know, the overlord dinosaurs of the Blue Star hundreds of millions of years ago were destroyed because a meteorite with a diameter of more than ten kilometers hit the Blue Star.

And this comet with a diameter of fifteen kilometers also exceeded the limit that the flesh-body god could pull.

For different comets, Wang Dashu's countermeasures are naturally different.

After getting close to this huge comet, Wang Dashu made a series of measurements on it through the flesh god, and learned various data of this comet.

To be precise, the core of this comet is mainly composed of 50.00% ice, 30.00% rock and [-]% metal.

Well, that is to say, the total mass of the comet is more than [-] trillion tons, and the mass of the ice has reached a terrifying one trillion tons!
If this ice melted on Mars, it would be enough to cover the surface of Mars with an even layer of water eight millimeters thick!
Judging from this data alone, we can know how terrifying the water contained in this comet is.

However, even if such a comet hits Mars at a speed of five or six kilometers per second, the impact force it produces is enough to cause considerable geological disasters on Mars.

As for the Mars base, it is simply impossible to survive such a geological disaster.

As a result, Wang Dashu also adopted a new method to deal with the comet.

After approaching the comet at the same speed and shortening the distance between the two sides to [-] kilometers, the flesh god immediately fired.

Twenty particle beams hit the comet in an instant, slowing down the high-speed flying comet, and blasted twenty craters more than 200 meters deep on it at the same time.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to rely on particle cannon bombardment to stop this huge comet.

But the reason why Wang Dashu let the flesh god bombard the comet is not to make it stop directly.

After the bombardment of the particle cannon, the huge mouth of the flesh god opened, and a spherical body that looked like a chrysanthemum emerged from the lower jaw of the mouth.

As the chrysanthemum opened, an invisible wave rushed towards the comet.

When the invisible wave hit the comet nucleus, the comet nucleus, which had been bombarded with twenty pits by the particle cannon, suddenly vibrated rapidly.

The spherical body that looks like a chrysanthemum is the anti-star infrasonic generator produced after the evolution of the flesh god!

Well, weapons such as infrasonic waves have been developed on Blue Star for many years.

The so-called infrasound actually refers specifically to the sound waves below 20 Hz that humans cannot hear.

Since the infrasound is similar to the resonance frequency of the human internal organs, it is easy to resonate with it and cause harm to the human body. At the same time, because the wavelength of the infrasound is very long, it can easily bypass obstacles. influences.

This point was adopted by the weapons research institutes of Blue Star countries, and various infrasonic weapons were researched and tested.

However, the infrasonic generators of the physical gods are different from the infrasonic weapons on the blue star.

It can emit a special energy fluctuation of a corresponding frequency, and when it hits the target, it will be converted into a shock wave, which will cause the target to produce a resonance reaction, causing the target structure to collapse and shatter!

To be precise, the anti-satellite infrasound generator of the flesh-body god is not aimed at living things, but more aimed at large targets.

Such as battleships, asteroids and comets and so on.

As for larger targets, such as the moon, the blue star, and stars such as Mars, it is simply impossible to trigger a resonance reaction with the current power of the physical god.

As for the previous particle beam bombardment, it was entirely for the purpose of destabilizing the comet nucleus and making resonance reactions easier to produce.

And the next change of the comet also met Wang Dashu's expectations.

After a burst of continuous violent vibrations, the comet nucleus, which was larger than many asteroids, began to disintegrate.

The first thing to be disintegrated was the rock in front of it. After the rock was disintegrated, Wang Dashu asked the flesh god to strike the rock again with special energy fluctuations, so as to make it disintegrate even more.

This is where it comes from.

(End of this chapter)

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