
Chapter 245 Jianmu's 4 great supernatural powers!

Chapter 245 Jianmu's Four Great Abilities!
Well, the above senses are not obtained out of thin air, but the direct feeling of several Mars scientific research personnel entering the forest after their curiosity flares up.

They even found that the compass they were carrying had lost its function and kept spinning.

This is not surprising, the magical ability possessed by Jianmu is showing with a little increase in size.

If they hadn't entered the forest not far away, they probably wouldn't be able to get out until they starved to death.

What excites Wang Dashu the most is that Jianmu has already left childhood.

Unlike the infancy, childhood, juvenile, and youth stages of evolutionary growth of the physical god, Jianmu is considered an adult once he leaves the infancy stage.

As the god tree that reaches the sky in ancient times, Jianmu's adulthood is not that simple.

Once it reaches adulthood, it will activate several innate magical powers or abilities!
As Jianmu's master, Wang Dashu saw through Jianmu's supernatural powers at a glance.
Jianmu, the sacred tree that reaches the sky, the giant tree that pierced through the sky and the earth in ancient times, the sacred tree worshiped by the Huaxia clan, possesses the four supernatural powers of escaping from the ground, piercing the sky, shrinking, and conceiving beasts.——
When he saw this, Wang Dashu couldn't help being a little tongue-tied.

I have to say that the surprise that Jianmu gave him was a bit big.

Four supernatural powers!
Although for Tongtian Shenmu, this doesn't seem to be anything too miraculous.

But you must know that Jianmu is just a tree and a plant.

In ancient mythology, the gods of plants are very partial, and the gods with real power are related to earth, water, and fire, not to wood.

After all, trees have a long lifespan, and it is precisely because of this that it is too difficult for them to possess sanity and become a god.

Therefore, from this point of view, Jianmu's possession of the four supernatural powers is quite a terrifying thing.

In addition, among these supernatural powers, Wang Dashu probably understands that the ability of escaping from the ground should be similar to the technique of escaping from the ground possessed by the mink, but the following piercing, shrinking, and pregnant beasts seem to understand the literal meaning, but the real meaning is What magical powers, but Wang Dashu felt a little headache.


The flesh god landed on the surface, and Wang Dashu's eyes fell on Jianmu, feeling the joyful emotion from Jianmu.

Next, he tried to convey his meaning to Jianmu.

After all, this Jianmu is different from the clone. Although there is also an emotional connection similar to the soul connection, the communication is much worse than the soul connection.

After receiving the message from Wang Dashu, Jianmu, which had occupied tens of thousands of square kilometers of land, suddenly rolled over. This can be called a real earth dragon turning over.

The surface of tens of thousands of square kilometers was immediately covered by smoke and dust, and countless green leaves were hidden under the smoke and dust.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Wang Dashu found that the building trees above the surface had disappeared, leaving only countless deep pits that were collapsing.

After being detected by the physical god's energy, he found that Jianmu had penetrated into the edge of the mantle under the Martian crust at this time, and even moved its position by more than 2000 kilometers, and was located in the underground position of the south pole of Mars.

This should be one of Jianmu's supernatural powers, escaping from the ground!

From this point of view alone, Wang Dashu found that Jianmu's ability to escape from the ground is much more powerful than the skill of the mink mouse spirit to escape from the earth.

The marten tried his best, but he could only escape more than ten or twenty kilometers in one breath, but Jianmu covered more than 2000 kilometers in one breath.

Of course, this may have something to do with body size.

After all, in front of Jianmu, even the newly grown Jianmu, the marten can only be called a pebble in front of the mountain.

But this is not the end. It didn't take long for the physical god's primary energy detection wave to feel a special invisible wave appearing in the outer space of Mars.

When Wang Dashu turned his attention, his mouth couldn't help but open.

A vine-like twisted tree trunk quietly protruded from somewhere in outer space five or six thousand kilometers away from the surface of Mars. After shaking for a while, it stretched out its leaves, and it almost missed the fire that passed by. Wei Yi hit!

And as he stretched out the leaves, Wang Dashu noticed that Jianmu's mood became extremely happy, and this kind of extremely happy mood was often produced after Jianmu absorbed a lot of magma or water.

It's like eating delicious food when you're hungry.

There is no doubt that the tree trunk that popped out of space should be the result of Jianmu's supernatural power.

This was a surprise that Wang Dashu did not expect.

This Jianmu's sky-piercing supernatural power has something to do with space.

But if he thought about it carefully, he might be able to figure it out.

According to the study of ancient Chinese myths and legends, the heaven and the human world where the gods live are actually not in the same space, or they are separated spaces.

It is impossible for even a big demon with high mana to rush directly from the human world to the heaven.

Flying into the sky, when you reach a very high place, you will encounter natural disasters such as gangsters, divine thunders, etc.

If there is no supernatural power like piercing the sky, how can Jianmu be called the god of reaching the sky?

As for what good food Na Jianmu ate in outer space, Wang Dashu speculated that it should be cosmic high-energy rays such as gamma rays.

After all, in his opinion, Jianmu is a very special kind of plant, which can withstand minus [-] or [-] degrees, can absorb magma, and gamma rays are not a problem.

When Wang Dashu was thinking about these issues carefully, a Jianmu seedling less than one meter high emerged from the ground under his feet, and the slender leaves rubbed against Wang Dashu's body, waking him up from his thoughts.

Because he has always maintained a spiritual connection with the physical god, Wang Dashu easily found that Jianmu was missing under the south pole of Mars after waking up, and even there was no trace of Jianmu under the entire Mars.

In this way, he understood that the Jianmu seedling less than one meter high under his feet was Jianmu, but it had shrunk from a giant plant covering tens of thousands of square kilometers to this extent.


This is the supernatural power of shrinking.

Wang Dashu didn't see the last supernatural power of pregnant beast, but the system released a task at this time, letting him know what kind of supernatural power this so-called supernatural power of pregnant beast is.
The pregnant beast of Jianmu supernatural powers!

Introduction: The beast-pregnant supernatural power is used to cultivate giant guardian beasts. The host needs to collect a hundred kinds of blood for Jianmu to absorb, so that Jianmu can breed giant beasts.Reminder: The more powerful the creature that provides the blood, the stronger the behemoth that will be bred!

Reward: After the task is completed, according to the strength of the monster, the soul points will be distributed according to the established ratio, the sensory attribute will be improved, and the individual ability of the system will be activated by consuming the strength of the soul!
Punishment: Mission failure, no penalty.
(End of this chapter)

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