
Chapter 253 Successful Reincarnation

Chapter 253 Successful Reincarnation
As for the descendants of powerful giant dragons such as golden dragons and red dragons, the consumption of soul strength will increase to more than 700 points!
In other words, if he wants to continue to narrow this range, he must consume at least 600 soul strength to be able to reincarnate successfully!
But reincarnating a white dragon descendant with 600 soul strength really made him feel a little unnecessary.

No way, the white dragon can be called the weakest dragon among the dragons, especially its low intelligence. Many white dragons under the age of youth are as intelligent as wild beasts, and it is difficult to communicate.

That's it!

Anyway, even half-dragons who want to choose golden dragons or red dragons don't have enough soul strength.

It just depends on luck.

Maybe a good half-dragon breed can be randomly selected.

After thinking about it, Wang Dashu didn't hesitate any longer, and focused on the options!
In an instant, the selection item burst into dazzling golden light, wrapping Wang Dashu, and in an instant, he fell into a coma.

When Wang Dashu woke up, he found himself in a dark, warm and humid environment.

Undoubtedly, there was no accident this time, and I was directly thrown into the mother's womb. The only thing I don't know is what dragon's bloodline I inherited.

I hope it's not a white dragon!
During the fetal period, even Wang Dashu couldn't stay awake for too long. After a while, the fetus fell into a coma and cut off the spiritual connection by itself.

Opening his eyes, Wang Dashu's consciousness has returned to reality. In an instant, a system notification sound appeared: "The mission is completed, the host has been rewarded, 330 soul points, 3 attribute points, and the transportation channel is open."

Complete two tasks at the same time, and the rewards obtained are not small.

The 330 soul points more or less made up for some of Wang Dashu's loss in this clone reincarnation. When he got it, he directly added the 330 soul points to the soul strength, increasing the soul strength from 245 points to 575 points.

As for the attributes, it was increased to 13 points, and he didn't use these attributes, but just left them for emergencies.

But the most valuable of these rewards should be the delivery channel!
After staring at the attribute panel for a while, Wang Dashu almost had a considerable understanding of this transportation channel.

To put it simply, this transmission channel is a special channel for the host to connect to the avatar!

The avatar can transport the things in the world it is in to the host, and it can also allow the host to transport the things in the real universe to the world where the avatar is located.

To put it bluntly, this is a one-time teleportation wormhole!
Of course, this delivery service is not free, nor is it unlimited delivery.

For now, each transport needs to consume 20 points of soul strength, and the transport volume must not be greater than one cubic decimeter!
After seeing this usage request, Wang Dashu couldn't help but secretly took a deep breath.

Although 20 points of soul strength is not much, but after completing many tasks, you can only get 10 or 20 points of soul. There are very few tasks like that that can get hundreds or hundreds of points of soul at a time.

Besides, the volume of the things transported each time must not exceed one cubic decimeter. You must know that the volume of a human fist is only 0.2 to 0.5 cubic decimeters, that is to say, the volume of two fists at most!
What can this convey?
The small garden ornament of Mink Mouse Jing alone is more than ten times this volume.

Of course, having said that, the value of this transmission channel is not low, at least the blood needed by Jianmu can be sent back to the real universe through this transmission channel!

In addition, if you want to transport other things, you can only transport some small and high-value things, otherwise, the cost will be too high.

In any case, the transmission channel solved the dilemma that Wang Dashu was completely unable to communicate with the clone materially before!

Besides, since the delivery channel appeared, the expansion of the delivery channel became possible.

But at this time, the avatar in the world of seizing the godhood is still in the fetal state, and Wang Dashu can't test whether the transmission channel is working or not.

There were no other important matters for the time being, so Wang Dashu immediately connected his mind to the physical god.

As Wang Dashu's avatar, whether the flesh-body god can practice this subject has been pondered before.

Now that I have a little free time, I just happen to use the flesh god to do an experiment.

Inclined Moon Nourishing Qi Technique!
This method of cultivating qi and refining qi is the basic cultivation method for the beginner disciples in the three-star cave in the oblique moon.

Although it is only a basic cultivation method, it is a method created by Bodhi Patriarch, and it is not limited to human beings, even demons and ghosts can use this method to practice!
In the Three Star Cave of the Oblique Moon, many disciples were not willing to give up even though they had learned more advanced cultivation methods.

Well, Wang Dashu has been using this method to cultivate, and the effect is really good.

It was also because of this that he dared to conduct experiments in this area on the body god.

After the mind connection, Wang Dashu recited the Dharma formula silently in his heart, manipulating the primordial energy in the body and spirit body to slowly operate according to the Dharma formula.

A few minutes later, a trace of special breath was produced in the body of the god who was tightly wrapped by Jianmu.


Sure enough, it was the same as I guessed!
Wang Dashu couldn't help being pleasantly surprised after discovering the appearance of this special aura.

There is no way to detect this trace of special breath with the detection wave of the divine energy of the physical body, only Wang Dashu can detect it with the way of spiritual connection.

And this special breath is simply a ray of special true energy.

The so-called oblique moon nourishing qi technique is to cultivate this trace of true qi in the body, and then continue to nourish and grow.

Of course, if it is a monster, what is cultivated in the body is a special ray of monster.

The words of ghosts are special ghost auras, and so on.

To put it bluntly, this ray of true qi can be changed. It is said that if you practice Buddhist supernatural powers with this, your true qi will become Buddha's qi, and if you practice demonic supernatural powers, you can transform into demonic qi!

This also shows that the Bodhi Patriarch's knowledge of the three teachings and nine streams is not in vain.

Of course, what pleased Wang Dashu the most was that the oblique moon nourishing qi technique was successful on the body god, which further showed that Yuan Neng could indeed replace the aura of Journey to the West!
In this way, wouldn't it be possible for a physical god to practice the purple qi pulling technique?
Thinking of this, Wang Dashu stopped the cultivation of the flesh god, signaled Jian Mu to let go, and let the flesh god fly out.

The surface of Mars in this area has already entered the night, so after the physical god flew out of the range covered by Jianmu, the surrounding area was still pitch black.

And if you want to practice the art of pulling purple qi, you need to get the time of sunrise!

But this kind of waiting is unnecessary for Wang Dashu.

With a thought, the huge physical god then accelerated and moved in the opposite direction of Mars' rotation.

(End of this chapter)

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