
Chapter 256 The True Origin of the Flesh God

Chapter 256 The True Origin of the Flesh God
The distance was even longer than the distance between the blue star and Mars. The flesh god had to fly back and forth for a full twenty hours before closing the distance between the rock fragments and himself to the extent visible to the naked eye.

The closer to those rock fragments, the stronger the hunger feeling from the flesh god.

In the end, before Wang Dashu could give an order, the flesh god rushed up, bit and swallowed a rock fragment with a diameter of more than 30 meters.

This was the first time Wang Dashu saw a flesh-body god act on his own.

One thing to know is that the physical god is a little different from other clones. It doesn't have any remnants of autonomous consciousness at all. Although it can also act freely according to Wang Dashu's orders, its execution ability is similar to that of ordinary intelligent programs.

Once Wang Dashu's order is not precise enough, if it is not detailed enough, many accidents may occur when the physical god executes it.

Therefore, Wang Dashu was a little surprised that the physical god acted on his own without orders at this time, and at the same time, he also had a little expectation in his heart.

Since the flesh god started chasing and devouring those rock fragments on his own, Wang Dashu did not continue to issue orders, but conducted a comprehensive inspection of the flesh god's brain.

After a long time, Wang Dashu let out a long breath.

Sure enough, it was somewhat similar to my guess!

The physical god did produce a little self-awareness, but this kind of self-awareness came from the previous activation of the blood!
To put it simply, the bloodline of the ancestors of the physical gods was activated.

Wang Dashu didn't know much about the stories of the ancestors of the flesh gods. After all, there were too many inherited memories of the flesh gods, and it was difficult for him to read all of them. Therefore, Wang Dashu turned his attention to some less important inherited memories. went elsewhere.

But now that Wang Dashu turned over this part of the inheritance memory and looked at it, he couldn't help but click his tongue secretly.

As I said before, the environment of the Flesh God Ancestor Planet is extremely harsh, but it just happens to produce life like the Blue Star.

Like the life on the blue star, the life on the physical god ancestor star is constantly evolving, and many dominant species have also appeared. These dominant species are like trilobites, ammonites, giant insects, dinosaurs, and mammals in the evolution history of the blue star. Animals, etc., have become the overlords in the evolution history of the ancestor star.

However, unlike the Blue Star, which was finally risen by human beings and became the only civilization, on the Ancestor Star, two different species of civilizations appeared at the end of evolution.

One is the ancestors of the physical gods, known as the barbaric physical civilization, and the other is the so-called biological energy civilization.

The characteristic of the desolate body civilization is that the body is huge. The ancestors of the body gods naturally look different from the current body gods. In terms of appearance, the whale that is closer to the blue star has eight hands and feet, and the body length is more than 50 meters. Good at using physical strength.

The species that established the civilization of biological energy is called Lasi Lasjith, whose appearance is the image of an octopus covered with scales. The length of the tentacles and head is only one meter, and it is good at using biological energy.

On that special ancestral star, it may be related to the magnetic field, or some kind of mineral, or it is not related to cosmic fluctuations, etc. The biological energy of these Lasi Lasijisi is not like that of the flesh god. Just used to detect the surroundings, they can even mobilize the power of nature to launch a magic-like blow to the enemy!

What thunder and lightning, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and so on.

Of course, with a method like this, one or two Lasi Lasjis cannot be released, it needs hundreds of thousands of Lass Lasjis to jointly release, and every time after using such a big move, these Lasi Lasjis will Because too much biological energy is consumed, some lifespans end prematurely, while others require a long period of cultivation and recovery.

However, it is precisely because of this that the Lasi Lasijis family can compete with the ancestors of the physical gods.

Of course, the ancestors of the flesh-body gods did not exterminate their clans because of Lasi Lasjith's big move. After all, their bodies are really powerful. If Rasjis used such a big move, the ancestor of the flesh god would retaliate wildly, and Lasjis would also suffer a lot of losses because of the use of the big move, many people died or fell into weakness, unable to fight against the ancestor of the flesh god.

Well, this is actually the key to the fact that the two races have not been able to win or lose.

Just like the nuclear bomb on the blue star, strategic shock!

Lasi Lasijisi did not dare to take the initiative to use the big move to attack the ancestor of the flesh god, fearing that in the weak stage after using it, he would be killed by the ancestor of the flesh god.

The ancestors of the flesh gods were also worried that attacking the Lasi Lasijisi family would lead to big revenge.

This formed a confrontation between the two ethnic groups that lasted for thousands of years.

Of course, if there are no accidents, the final outcome should be that the Ras Rasjis family destroys the ancestors of the flesh gods, dominates the ancestral star, and then continues to develop into the universe
After all, the ancestors of the physical gods were too focused on the development of the physical body and neglected other aspects, while the Lasi Lasijisi family focused on the application of biological energy. In addition to the ultimate move, they can even use the energy to form some monsters on their bodies. Special offensive biological organs and so on.

If you think about it, you can know the trend of this development. One is more civilized and knows how to use its own advantages to conduct some research, while the other is more barbaric and only knows how to continue to evolve physically.

In fact, thousands of years later, the Lasi Lasijis family has already taken the absolute advantage. They even captured and raised some ancestors of the flesh gods, tamed a group of ancestors of the flesh gods, and conducted various experiments on the ancestors of the flesh gods. , to test the effect of Yuan energy on the ancestors of the flesh gods and so on.

According to this trend, it will not be a problem for the Lasi Lasiguis family to wipe out the civilization of the flesh gods and leave some ancestors of the flesh gods as pets.

But if that's the case, Wang Dashu's current avatar should not be a physical god.

But accidents are never lacking in this world. In a natural disaster caused by a meteorite impact, both the Laslasjis family and the ancestors of the flesh-body gods suffered great losses, almost exterminating them.

Only the ancestors of those flesh-body gods who were domesticated by Lasi Lasjith and received the transformation of Yuan Energy survived, and rose after the natural disaster, becoming the real overlord of the ancestral star. The ancestors were completely killed, and finally stepped into space when the ancestor star was completely unable to survive. After millions of years of evolution, they became the current flesh-body gods!
It can be said that the combination of the physical god's own strength and primordial energy gives the physical god a great advantage on the way of evolution.

(End of this chapter)

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