
Chapter 258 Satisfied Clone Reincarnation

Chapter 258 Satisfied Clone Reincarnation

To be precise, the scales of white dragon cubs will reflect light like a mirror, and then the luster will gradually disappear with age, while the scales of crystal giant dragon cubs will show white luster, and as they age, the scales will become transparent. Shines brilliantly in the sun.

As far as this is concerned, Wang Dashu feels that the two are somewhat misplaced and similar, so that many adventurers cannot clearly distinguish the difference between the two.

But having said that, the place where the crystal dragon lives on the main plane is more similar to the white dragon, both of which are ice and snow mountains.

Crystal dragons sometimes take away white dragon eggs and train the hatched white dragon cubs to become good dragons.

Well, this kind of thing is probably unbearable for any kind of giant dragon.

Therefore, the white dragon will often fight the crystal dragon because of this kind of thing, but the loser is usually the white dragon, and the crystal dragon will not kill the escaped white dragon.

Crystal Dragon, very good.

Wang Dashu was very satisfied. Although he was a little disappointed that he was not reincarnated as a descendant of a legendary dragon such as Time Dragon, overall he was very satisfied.

After all, Crystal Dragon has a strong learning ability, and at the same time, its combat effectiveness is not weak. The most important thing is that Crystal Dragon has a good reputation, whether it is on the good side or the evil side.

This will undoubtedly improve the security of the avatar a lot in the future.

Well, another point is that after accepting the inheritance memory, Wang Dashu immediately mastered several languages ​​in the world of seizing the godhead.

Dragon Language, Human Common Language, Giant Language and Celestial Language.

This allowed Wang Dashu to know the meaning of the words spoken by the humans around him from before to now.

Well, when I first broke my shell, the doppelgänger mother was very happy, my good baby, and the maids followed the hostess to praise themselves.

And now leaving the room is to go to the temple of the God of Knowledge and Literature for baptism, so as to receive the blessing of Duozhilag, the God of Knowledge and Literature. Of course, in fact, under normal circumstances, this kind of baptism is just the release of some types of blessings by the priests. The magic of God does not mean that one becomes a believer of this god after being baptized.

It is at the age of 12-16 that human beings are truly determined to believe in faith.

Well, no matter what, after Wang Dashu knew that he went to the temple of a god for baptism, he immediately cut off the spiritual connection with the clone.

This is also in addition to the fact that the newborn is about to fall into a deep sleep, and Wang Dashu doesn't want to expose himself to a true god.

Thanks to the blessing of reading web novels, he still has some knowledge about this aspect.

To put it bluntly, the temple of the gods is the territory of the gods. At the beginning of its establishment, the gods consecrated it. Well, it was the gods who blessed a little power, so when needed, the gods could lower a little consciousness into the temple.

Such a place, to a visitor from another world like Wang Dashu, is no less than a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

He couldn't be sure whether he would be discovered by the gods in the state of mind connection! ?
After all, this kind of thing already has a criminal record. Didn't Patriarch Bodhi easily discover the abnormality in Mink Mouse Jing's body, and finally strip off the relationship between himself and the clone?

Therefore, cutting off the spiritual connection may not be able to cover up well, but at least it will not expose Wang Dashu to the gods in the first place!

You know, in Wang Dashu's view, the spirits in the world of seizing the godhead may have more means of targeting the soul than those in the world of Journey to the West. How much does not seem to be the key to completely judging the level of a world.

After cutting off the spiritual connection with the Banlongren, Wang Dashu immediately received a new task issued by the system.
More doppelgängers! !

Introduction: Ask the host to reincarnate once, and ask to choose a world type option that has not been selected before.Time limit: one week.

Reward: 200 soul points and 30 attribute points for completing the task.

Punishment: mission failure, related follow-up missions are no longer open.
Well, at first glance, this task seems to be no different from the previous reincarnation task, but upon closer inspection, Wang Dashu found some changes.

Requires selection of a world type option that has not been selected before!Time limit: one week.

That is to say, the previously selected Mythology-type world options, martial arts-type world options, and magic-fantasy-type world options cannot be selected again.

The only thing Wang Dashu can choose is the Xianxia Cultivation World option and the Science Fiction World option.

If it were the previous task of this kind, he probably wouldn't do it. Even if he did, he would have to wait for other tasks to be completed.

But now, perhaps in order to stimulate Wang Dashu to carry out a new reincarnation, this task has given out an incomparably rich reward!

200 soul points and 30 attribute points!

It can be said that when Wang Dashu saw the reward, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The soul point was fine, but 30 attribute points was a temptation he couldn't refuse.

And the task is limited for one week. If Wang Dashu doesn't do it, the system will not release such tasks in the future.

Of course, he is not in a hurry at this time, anyway, the mission deadline is still a week away.

But having said that, due to time constraints, the distribution of rock fragments is too wide, so it took a lot of time for the physical god to capture those rock fragments.

By the time the well-fed flesh god arrived on Mars, five days had passed.

Back at the Mars base, Wang Dashu immediately inquired what j is through the communication between the Mars base and Blue Star.

But this investigation surprised him.

To put it simply, this jiao is definitely not a real rabbit.

In Chinese myths and legends, there are not many stories and descriptions about Ji.

In particular, the description of its shape is even more varied.

In the Journey to the West, there is a saying about the golden hair, which is the mount of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. As a result, he secretly descended to the world and took the Zijin King and Queen abducted. However, there is only one description of its appearance: it has golden hair.

According to the famous phonology book "Ji Yun" compiled during the Northern Song Dynasty, Ji is a kind of beast in northern legends, which looks like a dog and eats people.

However, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were many statues of Ji in the Forbidden City, and he was regarded as a kind of dragon.

However, in a certain writing by a literati in the Ming Dynasty, it is said that "Ju" is like a rabbit, only one foot long, but its urine is afraid of even a lion, and whoever sticks to it will die.

Well, when he saw this, Wang Dashu's face turned green for a while.

There is no doubt that the image after the activation of his blood is indeed like a rabbit! ! !

But in the Qing Dynasty, a certain strange novel wrote that there is a monster in the East China Sea named Yu, who can fly in the sky, run on the ground, and swim in the sea. Five dragons, three dragons die, and then die!

(End of this chapter)

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