
Chapter 283 Easy and Fierce Battle

Chapter 283 Easy and Fierce Battle
You must know that the current muzzle velocity of the flesh-body god is [-] kilometers per second, that is to say, the flesh-body god is faster than the missiles launched by himself!
Of course, since weapons such as missiles exist in the flesh god, there is a reason for their existence.

When the physical gods rushed towards the alien fleet, those alien warships naturally did not give up their attacks. The laser weapons were ineffective, and they immediately changed their attack methods.

One by one black balls were released by the alien warships. After these black balls sprayed red flames behind them, they rushed towards the flesh god like swarms of wasps, and their speed reached an astonishing [-] kilometers per second!
The number of these black balls is too much, and the number of black balls released by each alien warship exceeds 4000. The entire fleet together exceeds [-] million easily.

Although in the vast universe, these three 4000 million black spheres cannot completely fill the surrounding area, but when they spread out and form a giant net to envelop the flesh god, it still looks somewhat spectacular.

Well, if only in terms of speed, the Flesh God can easily shake off these black balls, but if he wants to shorten the distance and wipe out the alien fleet, Wang Dashu has to let the Flesh God face these black balls.

bang bang bang bang
Well, in a vacuum environment, those black spheres hit the plasma protective layer outside the body god, and violent explosions continued, but it was impossible to make a sound.

Wang Dashu is very familiar with the explosion of these black balls.

To be precise, this is the hydrogen bomb of the Tapura civilization.

Although the Tapura civilization is much ahead of the Blue Star civilization in terms of technology, apart from high-energy lasers, it only has hydrogen bombs in terms of attack methods.

But having said that, the hydrogen bomb of the Tapura civilization is undoubtedly much higher than the technological content of Blue Star.

When it exploded, it was like a directional explosion. All the energy generated by nuclear fusion poured in the direction of the flesh-body god, and this kind of nuclear fusion was not just hydrogen fusion, but followed the same order as the fusion of stars. In this way, the energy it releases is dozens of times more powerful than ordinary hydrogen bombs.

It has to be said that the plasma protection layer formed by the hundreds of thousands of Yuan energy detectors of the flesh body god is still reliable. Even such a fusion attack cannot destroy it in an instant, and can only make the plasma protection layer collapse. Weakened little by little.

With such an attack, the flesh god continued to accelerate towards the alien fleet.

Of course, the plasma protection layer is not invulnerable.

There will always be a few hydrogen bombs that break through the plasma protection layer with the explosive power of other hydrogen bombs, and explode close to the skin of the flesh and blood.

It can be said that when this kind of explosion happened, Wang Dashu was so shocked that he almost jumped out of the flesh bag. He even fully blessed his own attributes to the body god in an instant, and at the same time, the body body shone with dazzling golden light!

Gold Lighting!
This is a defensive spell that Wang Dashu learned from Jin Yuankong when he was traveling to the west.

After the Flesh God practiced the Black Sun Demon Scripture, this defensive spell was immediately taught to the Flesh God.

At this time, the golden light immediately blocked all kinds of lethal means produced by hydrogen fusion. Even if some parts of the golden light were destroyed by the continuous hydrogen fusion, the black demon energy continuously gushing out from the body of the god was also immediately Block the remaining light heat, radiation and even shock waves.

Of course, even so, the flesh god would occasionally suffer some damage, but these injuries had been weakened layer by layer, and when it finally fell on the surface of the flesh god, at most it would destroy some of the scales on his body surface.

But from the appearance, when the flesh god rushed to within [-] kilometers of the alien fleet under the heavy bombardment, he was already full of scars.

To be honest, the interim Supreme Commander of the First Expeditionary Fleet of the Tapura Civilization was also a little terrified at this time.

After the Supreme Commander was killed due to an accidental wormhole, he took over the command. He originally thought that the destruction of the civilization in the solar system was just a tourist-style war.

But what he never expected was that the enemy warship that suddenly appeared was so powerful!
The hydrogen bombs dropped by the fleet were enough to destroy the fleet itself several times from the beginning to the end, but in front of the sudden enemy, it seemed that the power suddenly became smaller, and it did not reflect its terrifying lethality at all.

Could it be a more advanced civilization! ! ? ?

Hearing the cheers from his subordinates, the interim Supreme Commander's heart sank inexplicably. Just as he was about to say something, he saw thousands of spear-like objects ejected from the enemy warship. , and the tails of these spear-shaped objects then ejected blue flames and flew towards their own battleship at high speed.

"Defense! Defense!"

There is no doubt that this is the enemy's counterattack!

The surviving battleships began to attack the spear-like objects with lasers in an attempt to destroy them.

But what shocked these Tapla people was that when the laser light fell on these spear-shaped objects, it was directly refracted.

This is not surprising to Wang Dashu. When these missiles were first evolved, the problem of laser weapons was considered. After all, no matter how fast a missile is, it cannot be as fast as light.

As a result, an extremely smooth cuticle has evolved on the surface of the missile, which does not look very reflective, but it can easily refract the laser light, and even the scattered laser light is difficult to raise its surface temperature.

When the distance between the missile and the alien warship reached [-] kilometers, it entered the final sprint stage.

The alien warships in desperation began to become chaotic. Some alien warships fired jamming bombs, and some alien warships simply dropped hydrogen bombs at close range, trying to use the huge energy impact of hydrogen fusion to destroy the enemy's missiles .

Although they didn't know how powerful these missiles were, the strength shown by the Flesh God was enough to make them vigilant.

However, except for a very small number of self-guided missiles that were destroyed by hydrogen bombs that exploded at close range, the rest of the self-guided missiles ignored the impact of the jamming bombs, and they slammed into those alien warships like moths on a flame .

To the surprise of Tapra, those missiles did not release terrifying energy like a hydrogen bomb after hitting the warship, but burst like a paintball in a game, and a green liquid sprayed out, killing the warship. The battleship was wrapped from head to tail.

This situation did not make the Commander of the Tapra people breathe a sigh of relief.

As the interim commander of the First Expeditionary Fleet, he was the commander's deputy before, and he has experienced many battles.

(End of this chapter)

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