
Chapter 287 Evolution Completed

Chapter 287 Evolution Completed
This is not surprising, the primordial energy produced in the body of the god was originally a special power from life.

When the physical god evolves, the primordial energy produced in the body will be dozens of times more than usual, and he is connected with the fleshly god and soul, so when the primordial energy is abundant around the body, any energy that appears in the body will Injuries will be suppressed and recovered in the first time.

Of course, this was just Wang Dashu's guess before, and he was relieved until now.

Now that the sequelae of improving the intelligence attribute have been eliminated, he then began to focus on the evolution of the physical god.

Because the physical gods devoured a large number of small fleshy gods created by Wang Dashu before, the evolution path of the fleshy gods began to be cheap. It was not limited to the direction of the main battleship, but had some more choices.

As time passed bit by bit, the body of God melted completely, and a thick and translucent cocoon formed, enveloping the melted liquid.

For the evolution of the flesh god, Wang Dashu is also familiar with it.

As for the direction of the evolution of the flesh god, he had considered it for a long time before and made a decision early on.

A spine as thick as a giant ship was formed in the viscous liquid, and then ribs quickly grew on both sides, extending towards the surroundings.

It should be said that Wang Dashu had doubts a long time ago.

Why is the physical god biologically speaking, also a vertebrate, and can even be regarded as viviparous and half-lactating.

And judging from the research on the Tapura people, although they have two hands and reproduce by intersex eggs, they still have spines.

Could it be that the intelligent creatures in this universe are all developing and evolving in this direction?
After thinking about this question for a while, Wang Dashu immediately put it aside, and focused on the growing skeleton of the flesh god.

Cleaning the battlefield this time, the flesh god had a good meal.

Although those Tapura battleships are much lower than the physical gods, the materials that make up the battleships contain many elements that are rarely seen in the solar system.

The gathering of hundreds of wrecks of warships is enough for the evolution of the flesh god.

It is precisely because of the abundance of raw materials that the skeleton grown in this evolution is several times higher than before in terms of toughness and elasticity.

The skeleton grows, and connective tissues such as blood vessels cover the skeleton layer by layer.

At the same time, the massive black flocs were continuously sucked into the meat cocoon, causing the meat cocoon to continuously expand.

Ten hours later, the overall prototype of the flesh-body god has emerged.

At this time, Wang Dashu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then relaxed a little, and focused on the evolution and addition of advanced organs.

On the blue planet, after Wang Dashu notified the alien invasion and left for the edge of the solar system with the flesh god, the astronomical telescope observed a fierce energy conflict near Neptune, and scientists speculated that a war broke out there.

But who won after that, the astronomical telescope can't check so clearly.

After all, no matter how high-precision an astronomical telescope is, it is good for viewing stars, but it is not so good for viewing other smaller objects.

As a result, the entire Blue Star is in fear.

They are worried that if the aliens win, then what awaits Blue Star will be an unprecedented catastrophe!
But the problem is that in the next few days, there was no other movement around Neptune.

what is happening?
In the absence of contact with Wang Dashu, no one knows.

The only good news is that the news of the alien invasion was tightly locked within the high-level scope of the five major countries, and even a considerable number of members of the Human Alliance did not know about it.

Such high-level confidentiality measures are necessary, otherwise, with the innate inferiority of the Blue Star humans, once they know about the alien invasion, there may be troubles all over the world.

Well, you know, there are precedents for things like this.

When aliens were discovered for the first time, some people were making troubles, such as the end of the world, the alien church, etc., and many people thought, anyway, it’s the end of the world, so it’s better to have a good time. I did what I never did in my life.

As a result, in just a few days, the crime rate around the world has suddenly increased by dozens of times. It is said that the prisons in some countries are so full that some prisoners serving sentences with shorter sentences have to be released early.

Of course, a high degree of secrecy can certainly prevent chaos in various places, but it also means that the top leaders of the Blue Star countries are as heavy as mountains and seas.

Worry and anxiety have basically become the main features of their emotions these days.

At this time, Wang Dashu naturally didn't know the worry and anxiety on Blue Star.

Ten days later, the cocoons that had swelled to the extreme burst suddenly, and then it completely exceeded the range that normal humans could understand. After a few breaths of time, those cracked cocoons disappeared without a trace.

A huge black warship emerged from the cocoon.

The body length exceeds 600 meters!
This is the shocking data after the evolution of the flesh god!
At this time, the physical god is no longer in the fusiform form as before. In order to accommodate more advanced organs and substances, its present form is a huge ball.

In fact, this is not abrupt. When navigating in the vacuum of space, the shape has little effect on the speed, and all that is affected is the stability of the structure.

The spherical form is the most solid and stable form in the universe, which can be seen from the forms of those stars.

Of course, if flying in the atmosphere of a star, the round ball is naturally inferior to the shuttle.

After the evolution, the energy source of the physical god was changed from four biological π meson decay reactors to twelve dark matter reactors!

This is the best alternative energy source that Wang Dashu found in the inheritance knowledge of the flesh body god!

In addition, there are gravitational wave conversion furnaces, vacuum energy extraction furnaces, antimatter reactors, and so on.

However, the efficiency of the gravitational wave converter is too low, and the antimatter reactor needs a special material to make the antimatter extractor, and this special material only exists inside white dwarfs or neutron stars, and cannot be found in the solar system.

There are also the above problems as for the vacuum energy extraction furnace.

The dark matter extraction furnace is different, its power far exceeds that of the gravitational wave conversion furnace!
The so-called vacuum environment is actually filled with endless dark matter, so the physical god can replenish dark matter energy anytime and anywhere, which is extremely convenient.

In particular, the energy provided by the dark matter reactor is [-] times that of the nuclear fusion reactor of the same ghost, and [-] times that of the π meson decay reactor!
(End of this chapter)

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