
Chapter 289 Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 289 Artificial Intelligence
But persistence will pay off.

Regardless of the sand avalanche or the sudden storm, nothing could stop the continuous expansion of the underground passage.

When a monster dug into the extremely hard metal outer wall, Wang Dashu couldn't help but get excited.

There is no doubt that the underground passage has been dug to the outer wall of the robot production base!
And what happened next did not exceed Wang Dashu's expectations.

As the underground passage expanded, Olans found a metal gate.

But having said that, it is really not an easy task to open this metal door.

Since it has been closed for thousands of years, the metal gate is almost integrated with the metal wall next to it, and it is completely impossible to open it by normal means.

But for Olans, this is not difficult.

There is no shortage of creatures on the blue star in the world of the base series who are good at dealing with metal.

Hundreds of monsters demonized by gold-thirsty beasts spit towards the edge of the metal gate for several hours, and then were hit by several huge monsters with all their strength.

The metal door finally opened.

At this time, Wang Dashu directly controlled Auras' body, let a few monsters enter the base to investigate, and after confirming that there was no danger inside, he couldn't wait to go in.

To say that this robot production base is quite huge, with nine floors up and down, and each floor has an area of ​​more than one million square meters. The outer walls and floors are made of alloy metal. The splendor of space!
From some information searched by Olans, it can be seen that although many humans had already had considerable aversion to the use of robots at that time, due to the performance of robots in various harsh alien environments, it was difficult for humans to replace the work of robots for a while. .

Therefore, these robot production bases have been in operation until they were sealed up more than 20 years before the Blue Star nuclear explosion.

Of course, these robot production bases are also sealed for the survival of human beings when they encounter a catastrophe, but who would have thought that Blue Star was eventually destroyed by a robot.

Well, without further ado.

After Wang Dashu entered the base, he disassembled and checked the sealed production line inside.

The result did not exceed his expectations. Although there was still electricity and the production lines were generally intact, some key locations were damaged due to time constraints, making these production lines unable to start at all.

But this didn't make Wang Dashu depressed. In the next search, he found what he wanted, the data center of the robot production base!

To put it bluntly, it is a large room lined with hundreds of computers.

But what makes Wang Dashu a little embarrassed is that these computers are not the large-scale integrated circuit computers he is familiar with, but very old-looking transistor computers.

Of course, this is not too strange, after all, the world of the base series is not the real universe, and such problems are within the normal range.

After a little trial, Wang Dashu turned on the computer.

Most of the computers were damaged, but there were still a few computers that could run. Wang Dashu found the materials he needed in these computers—the robot production process manual and other materials.

Although he is a little puzzled, such a backward transistor computer can actually store millions of pages of robot production process manuals. You must know that the internal storage method used by transistor computers is a magnetic core, and the external storage method is a disk, but this does not affect He removed the computer's storage core and sent it back to the real universe through a transmission channel.

Of course, in the process of teleportation, the consumption of soul strength is not small.

Wang Dashu sent a full 10 times, consuming a full two hundred soul strength, and just finished transferring the removed storage core.

After obtaining these materials, Wang Dashu didn't waste any time. After Olans continued to search for more information related to robots, he immediately disconnected his mind connection.

Seeing a large pile of magnetic cores in his hands, he scratched the back of his head, greeted the person in charge of the Mars base, and then drove the flesh god to leave Mars and return to the blue star.

This is also a helpless thing, after all, in terms of the research environment, Blue Star is much better than the Mars base.

When Huaxia officials heard that the body god had returned, they originally planned to hold a grand welcome ceremony, but Wang Dashu directly rejected it. He didn't have so much time to attend any welcome ceremony.

Returning from Mars to Blue Star, the current speed of the flesh-body god is naturally faster.

Just two and a half hours before and after, the fleshy god's chubby body appeared in the space less than [-] kilometers away from the blue star. After that, a hole was opened somewhere in the fleshy god, and a huge black battleship slipped out quietly. , swooping down towards the atmosphere of the blue star.

This is not what Wang Dashu wants to pretend, but because of the rapid growth of the flesh god after evolution, its diameter is now close to 3000 meters!

What is the concept of a giant ball with a diameter close to 3000 meters?
In the solar system, many asteroids do not have such a diameter yet.

Although the gravitational force generated by such a giant ball is so small that the escape velocity will not exceed 2.5 meters per second, if the flesh god enters the atmosphere of the blue star, it will still cause a considerable impact.

The first impact is those satellites orbiting the blue star, the space station or something, I am afraid they will accidentally hit some.

The second is that the blue star originally revolved around the sun quickly, and the entry of the flesh god into the atmosphere would definitely cause some changes in the climate of the blue star.

Well, just looking at such an introduction, you probably won’t know how harmful it is. Just talk about how the dinosaurs became extinct in the first place, and many people should be able to tell the answer.

Although the Flesh God is not as direct as the asteroid hitting the blue star, the impact will not be too small.

It is also like this that Wang Dashu will return to the Blue Star in a sub-body battleship. As for the flesh god, he will circle the Blue Star from a distance and act as an artificial satellite for the time being.

Of course, even a sub-body battleship is not too small.

With a diameter of 500 meters, it is not much different from the physical god before evolution.

This is so that when the sub-body warship landed near the secret research institute, the soldiers in charge of guarding thought it was the famous flesh-body god.

The first thing Wang Dashu did when he returned to the secret research institute was to gather those computer and robot experts for a small meeting.

This is probably a habit of Chinese people in doing things. No matter what they do, they must first hold a meeting to unify their thinking, clarify some rules and problems, and put things into practice.

Well, it is beneficial to do so. After gathering everyone and affirming the discipline of secrecy, Wang Dashu immediately took out the pile of magnetic cores and asked those computer experts to try to extract the contents inside. .

(End of this chapter)

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