
Chapter 291 Dragon Battle

Chapter 291 Dragon Battle
In terms of the number of troops alone, the Kingdom of Troy undoubtedly has an oppressive advantage over the Kingdom of Ashishia.

Even if he doesn't know the cause and effect, Wang Dashu can almost understand it when he sees the strength comparison between the two sides.

In the world of seizing the godhead, being weak is your original sin!
Not to mention the increased hatred because Hull's mother's marriage to the prince of Troy Kingdom fell through.

Of course, if it's just these words, it shouldn't be easy for war to break out.

But Wang Dashu quickly found the memory he needed from Hull's memory.

The cause of the war was simple. A certain earl of the Kingdom of Ashishia married his daughter to the fifteenth prince of the Kingdom of Troy. The dowry was a Viscounty territory adjacent to the Kingdom of Troy!
King Ashishya naturally didn't want to give a piece of his land to the Kingdom of Troy in this way, so he ordered the earl to break off the marriage.

But the Kingdom of Troy is not doing it anymore. The matter of your princess has not been clarified before, and now this matter is coming again?

How could the Kingdom of Troy want to, and then sent troops to capture the Viscount, in the name of accepting the dowry in advance.

And His Majesty King Ashishya has his grandson as his strength to rely on, so he is not afraid of the Kingdom of Troy. Besides, this old man is very face-saving, and the invasion of the country by the Kingdom of Troy undoubtedly slapped him hard in the face. He naturally Will not give up.

In this way, the two countries lined up troops at the Viscount's territory.

At first, the two sides just had some verbal disputes, but as time went by, the resulting conflicts and contradictions between the two sides became more and more serious.

In the end, the Kingdom of Troy found a blue dragon as a helping hand through some unknown means, and the war broke out accordingly.

No wonder the Kingdom of Troy provoked this war even though it knew that Hull could turn into a dragon.

As for the blue dragon, just as Wang Dashu straightened out his memory, he saw a giant dragon that was about the size of Hull and covered with sky blue scales charging towards Hull!

That's a blue dragon!
The age is about the same and it should be close to adulthood.

In terms of the strength gap between giant dragons, there is indeed a gap between different types of giant dragons.

Red, black, blue, green and white in five-color dragons, gold, silver, brass, bronze, and red copper in metal dragons, and amethyst, crystal, emerald, sapphire, and topaz in gemstone dragons.

These are the divisions of strength among giant dragons of the same line.

The strength of dragons between different departments is almost in this order.

For example, red dragon, gold dragon, and amethyst dragon are one level of strength, black dragon, silver dragon, crystal dragon are one level, and so on.

But generally speaking, there are very few desperate fights between giant dragons, and after a little contest, the battle will end with one party retreating.

Unless the two sides are near a certain side's dragon nest, in that case, a battle that cannot be retreated will break out.

Of course, this cannot be applied to Hull and the blue dragon in front of him.

After all, Hull didn't grow up with the dragon, so his way of thinking is completely human, which is more unpredictable than the dragon.

The blue dragon shot towards Hull aggressively with a bolt of lightning, but Hull easily dodged it.

After all, no matter in terms of strength or speed, the crystal dragon is much stronger than the blue dragon.

It's just that Hull is not very skilled in the fighting skills of giant dragons, so he has been avoiding the blue dragons and attacking the Trojan army on the ground.

Undoubtedly, Hull's behavior of avoiding the battle made the belligerent Blue Dragon feel particularly uncomfortable, as if he was struggling to punch him, only to find himself punched in the cotton pile.

But having said that, blindly evading is not the best choice, so when the blue dragon keeps chasing and killing him, Hull will seize the opportunity to fight back.

In this back-and-forth chasing battle, Hull's body can be said to be scarred and even lost a lot of scales, but the blue dragon failed to win the prize, and the huge dragon's head was covered with paint. It was the result of Hull's sonic dragon's breath hitting the target.

However, in this kind of battle, Hull undoubtedly tempered himself, making him more familiar with the fighting style of the dragon.

Therefore, shortly after Wang Dashu's mind connection, Hull began to fight with the blue dragon with real knives and guns, and entered the range of frontal hand-to-hand combat!

One can imagine what it would be like when two giant beasts with a size of more than 20 meters hit the ground from the sky, and even when the two bit each other and rolled around on the ground like rascals fighting, those fighting The soldiers in the middle had to turn around and flee.

Helpless, if you are touched by a giant dragon, you will either die or be injured!

From time to time, the aftermath of the dragon's breath will spread out, which is even more dangerous.

This also reduced the intensity on the battlefield a lot.

On the one hand, it was because the soldiers were worried that they would be harmed by Chi Yu while fighting. On the other hand, everyone knew that the key to the victory of this war was the battle between the two giant dragons!

If the blue dragon wins, then the already precarious situation of the Ashishya kingdom will collapse immediately.

And if Hull wins, needless to say, Ashishya's side turns defeat into victory, and in turn can beat the dog in the water.

This is also extremely helpless for the commanders of both sides.

A war breaks out between small kingdoms in remote areas, just like this, [-] to [-] cannon fodder infantry wearing leather armor, three to four thousand archers, hundreds of cavalry, more than a dozen low-level mages, no high-level mages, and there is not much light and shadow effect in the fight to speak of.

If you switch to wars between those empires or large kingdoms, the situation is completely different.

On such a battlefield, even a giant dragon does not have the strength to absolutely control the battlefield.

Among other things, any mage group can at least block the dragon's attack, and with a few legends, it is possible to slay the dragon.

As for the legendary magician's casting of legendary spells, a single carelessness can create several huge pits on the battlefield.

Of course, at this time, Wang Dashu also made a move, directly giving Hull a comprehensive attribute blessing.

When this comprehensive attribute is applied to the body god, there is not much effect at all.

But it was a world-shaking difference when it fell on Hull.

In an instant, the size of the giant dragon transformed by Hull suddenly seemed to swell a circle, the muscles of the whole body bulged, and when he opened his mouth, a cone-shaped light shot out towards the blue dragon!

And this cone-shaped light far exceeds the dragon's breath that Hull exhaled before.

If the dragon's breath sprayed out by Hull was as thick as an arm before, then the cone-shaped light dragon's breath at this time has reached the level of a tree trunk, and the speed is several times faster than before!
The blue dragon didn't even have time to react when it was hit by the dragon's breath, and the hot cone-shaped light flashed across the blue dragon's neck in an instant, leaving a deep groove with visible bones. Even if the blood turns completely evaporated.

(End of this chapter)

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