
Chapter 293 Dragon-Headed Parasitic Beast

Chapter 293 Dragon-Headed Parasitic Beast

Pindao must work hard! ! !Come on, you are the best!
But having said that, there are also many types of lichens, and more than 6000 types of lichens have been discovered on Blue Star.

And the lichens created by Wang Dashu at this time are only dozens of kinds.

Some lichens are not adapted to the Martian environment, and they dry up and die shortly after they are created, while some lichens are especially adapted to this environment, and quickly spread towards the surroundings through the moist environment created by Jianmu.

In less than a week, the rocks and gravel within a radius of one kilometer around Wang Dashu were covered with green lichen.

Only a small half of it is the lichens that he squeezed out of clay sculptures with his hands, and the rest are the lichens that reproduced by themselves.

It's no wonder that Wang Dashu's hands are slow. He has been single for more than 20 years, and his hand speed is no longer considered slow.

Wang Dashu is also very tired to knead tens of thousands of square meters of lichen every day.

Although the simpler the creature, the easier it is to create by mediating good luck, but if there are too many, it will take a lot of effort.

With this lichen covering an area of ​​nearly one million square meters, Wang Dashu is not going to create any more.

He has notified the Martian base to receive and protect the lichens.

To be precise, these lichens are somewhat different from those on the blue star.

The creatures created by mediating good fortune, at least in terms of low-level creatures, are much better than other creatures of the same kind!
If you think about it, you will know that the first-generation creatures created by Nu Wa almost belong to the scope of man-made holy gods, and the power possessed by each creature is not comparable to that of ordinary creatures behind.

The lichens created by Wang Dashu, in terms of survivability, are almost super lichens compared to those on the blue star.

As for the Mars base, it has supporting cultivation methods, which can quickly expand the area of ​​lichens and cover Mars with a layer of green skin, thereby rapidly increasing the oxygen content of the atmosphere.

Wang Dashu didn't have much time to slowly create lichens.

As for the formation of soil, I am afraid it will not be possible in a short time.

More than a dozen scientists who rushed over after receiving the notice were stunned when they saw large areas of lichen.

They have been monitoring the changes in the Martian environment, but when did lichens, or plants similar to lichens, grow on Mars?

What's happening here?
After a while of confusion, they all realized that no matter how these lichens appeared, just their ability to survive on the surface of Mars is a precious material for research.

Not to mention the eyes of those scientists who carefully removed some specimens, measured the surrounding atmosphere, changes in surface moisture, etc., Wang Dashu's attention was on Jianmu.

In just a few days, the fruit produced by Jianmu has swelled to a diameter of [-] meters, and the lines on it have become more and more dazzling, and even faintly revealed a layer of red light.

Wang Dashu could feel that the vitality in the fruit became stronger and stronger. If the vitality in the fruit was a stream before, it is now a sea.

From the information fed back by Jianmu, he knew that the fruit was about to ripen.

To be honest, it took quite a while to do this task, so Wang Dashu was very interested in what kind of monster Jianmu could breed.

Of course, what is more interesting is the reward after the task is completed.

Just one day later, the red light from the fruit was already as thick as blood, and it spread out to the surroundings, as if a blood-like flame was burning here, which looked really shocking.

Even those well-informed scientists couldn't help turning their heads to look at the bloody light in the Jianmu forest when they were collecting and studying lichens.

Fruit ripening is imminent!

Wang Dashu immediately evacuated those scientists.

After all, he doesn't know what the giant beast bred from the fruit looks like or what personality it has.

If something goes wrong at that time and these scientists are buried in it, it is estimated that Councilor Yang and other high-level Chinese officials will have to fight him desperately.

You must know that these scientists are just experts in biology, but they are also very top-notch on Blue Star. There are not many in China. This time, more than two-thirds of them were sent to Mars.

Although these scientists were very curious about the blood light, they were not absolutely in the mood to die. They retreated obediently after hearing Wang Dashu say that there was danger.

And not long after the scientists retreated, the blood light from the fruit reached its peak, and then it exploded with a bang, turning into an incomparably gorgeous blood-colored halo and spreading out towards the surroundings.

What the hell is this?exploded?
Seeing this scene, Wang Dashu was stunned.

Isn't it good to breed giant beasts?

But after the bloody halo completely faded away, he received a system notification that the task was completed.

"Mission completed! The host has gained 621 soul points, and the induction attribute has been increased by 22 points. You can use the soul strength to activate a single ability of the system once!"

He thought the Jianmu Pregnant Beast mission had failed, but he didn't expect the system to think the mission was successful.

That is to say, the giant beast was bred successfully?
Leaving aside some sequelae caused by the substantial increase in induction attributes, Wang Dashu's eyesight has improved a lot compared to before. His eyes swept towards Jianmu, and he quickly saw the difference between Jianmu and before. place.

In the past, Jianmu was a tree trunk that went straight to the bottom, which is the so-called Bairen without branches, but now Jianmu has a red bud sprouting from the bottom of each leaf.

The growth speed of the buds is not slow. It didn't take long for these buds to grow into branches as thick as an arm, and a thing that didn't seem to belong to Jianmu grew out of the top of it.

A dragon head the size of a human head!

You must know that the length of Jianmu now exceeds thousands of kilometers. It is a dense forest with more than one hundred thousand leaves. That is to say, there are ten dragon heads growing on Jianmu. The number of thousands.

Seen from a distance, the densely packed dragon heads on Jianmu's body closed their eyes tightly, as if they would open them at any moment.

Such a scene is a bit scary. No matter who sees this scene, their backs will probably be sweating and chilling.

You can't see anything just by looking at the surface, so Wang Dashu communicated with Jianmu.

Jianmu's mentality has improved a lot now, at least he can express some relatively simple meanings.

As he expected, these dragon heads are giant beasts bred by Jianmu, which belong to the category of parasitic beasts, parasitic on Jianmu's body to protect Jianmu.

However, this dragon-headed parasitic beast still needs to develop for a period of time before it can show its true strength.

While completing this task, Wang Dashu received a new task as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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