
Chapter 297 I'm an Experimental Subject

Chapter 297 I'm an Experimental Subject

Finally finished another chapter, huhu, Pindao go squat for a while before talking.I suddenly wanted to pick a wild cat back to raise. I heard that the current pet cats don’t catch mice at all. This is the serious consequence of the severance of inheritance.
One must know that it took so much effort to reincarnate the avatar into the base world, and the artificial intelligence technology that was brought back still had frequent problems in the application, which really made Wang Dashu feel a little uneconomical.

With those soul strengths consumed, if you casually reincarnate in another world, the things you get back are probably much better than the base series world.

After pondering for a while, Wang Dashu chose the 970th line, the reincarnation world is the real universe, and the location range is all intelligent creatures of the 22 star system civilization of Sagittarius M102 star cluster, consuming 50 points of soul strength.

The 102 star system civilization involved in this option is a 2-2 level civilization. At the same time, it is also pointed out in the content introduction that this civilization is the highest level civilization in the entire galaxy, even among all 2-2 level civilizations Also like this.

After all, even within the same level of civilization, there are considerable differences in technology and other aspects, and he can understand this.

This also shows that there is no Level 3 civilization in the Milky Way.

After discovering this, Wang Dashu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the introduction of the system, a level 3 civilization is not that simple, it has at least one of the representatives of a level 3 civilization!
That is to say, it either has the ability to develop the pan-universe, or it can man-made the universe, or it can manipulate high-dimensional space, which is one of space-time exploration.

Even some level 3 civilizations do not rule out having multiple representatives at the same time.

It should not be difficult for a civilization that can develop to the ultimate level 3 civilization.

To be honest, Wang Dashu is somewhat afraid of the so-called Level 3 civilization.

The reason is simple. Level 3 civilization is too powerful, powerful enough to manipulate high-dimensional, man-made universes. Wang Dashu weighed himself. If you encounter a level 3 civilization, you may be crushed if you don't even have time to react!

What's more, Wang Dashu still has a little doubt, doubting whether the avatar reincarnation system is a creation of a level 3 civilization?

Although the possibility of this kind of thing is very low, some things are hard to say. After all, the clone reincarnation system cannot be born out of thin air, right? Someone has to create it to appear?
It is more difficult to achieve this with the means of manipulating high-dimensional civilizations at level 3, but it may not be impossible.

Even if the system is not a creation of a level 3 civilization, if he is reincarnated into a level 3 civilization, the other party may have some means to find him out, just like the Bodhi ancestor of Journey to the West, in that case, it will be over.

You must know that the existence of civilization is difficult to judge with personal consciousness. Any civilization will treat outsiders very kindly, unless the power comparison is too disparate.

Well, anyway, it's a good thing that there are no level 3 civilizations in the galaxy.

In that case, nothing serious will happen to him if he wanders around the galaxy.

After deciding on the option, Wang Dashu immediately activated the option by consuming 50 soul strength.

Needless to say, the next process.

One faint, one black, and then Wang Dashu appeared in a room made of silver-white metal.

Well, he found that his luck didn't seem to be very good. His avatar was actually suspended in a transparent jar, which was filled with a transparent liquid, and the angle of view was also a bit strange. It seemed that it had more than a pair of eyes.

There were too many angles of view, and each angle was somewhat different, which made Wang Dashu, who had just settled in the avatar, feel a little uncomfortable.

With his current level of intelligence, after quickly merging the memories of his avatar, he doesn't even know his situation.

To put it simply, the avatar is an experiment.

To be more complicated, my avatar is a synthetic biological experiment in a research institute of the 22 star system civilization in the Sagittarius M102 star cluster. It looks like a plate-shaped monster covered with tentacles. The incomparable hook also has an eye, which is why Wang Dashu feels that the perspective is not right.

There are no less than a hundred eyes growing all over its body.

And the hundreds of transparent jars lined up next to it are also filled with all kinds of strange monsters.

The image of the main intelligent species of the 102 star system civilization is human-shaped limbs. Although it is quite different from Blue Star humans in terms of height, bones, etc., it is still basically human-shaped.

As for where this so-called research institute is and what planet it is on, there is no trace of it in the clone's memory.

The information that can be obtained from memory is that the avatar has been in this jar since its birth, but it will leave the jar to go outside for some tests every once in a while.

To Wang Dashu's surprise, the attribute of this avatar is quite high!

Strength 50, Dexterity 20, Constitution 100, Intelligence 25, Perception 100, Charm 15.

Except for agility, intelligence, and a little less charisma, the rest of the attributes surpassed the current Wang Dashu!
Besides, even the three attributes of agility, intelligence, and charm are stronger than most humans on Blue Star.

From the experiments conducted on the clones by the intelligent creatures of the 102 star system civilization, it can be seen that they should be researching biological weapons, and Wang Dashu's clone is the most delicious among them. It looks bigger and more ferocious than this clone. In addition, the attribute value obtained by Wang Dashu by checking the attributes of all things is also much higher.

The only problem now is that as Wang Dashu's avatar opens the eyes on the tentacles, the transparent glass on the jar flashes a red light, and there is a sharp warning sound.

Don't ask how Wang Dashu, who doesn't understand alien languages, knew it was a warning sound, just listen to the rapid rhythm.

There is no doubt that this should have something to do with opening your own eyes, and something bad might happen next.

The reason is very simple. As the warning sounded, a group of intelligent creatures wearing metal costumes and holding a black pipe rushed in through the door opened on the silver-white wall, and went straight to the jar where Wang Dashu was.

This made him suddenly feel a faint sense of crisis. This sense of crisis is not as serious as endangering the main body, but it is already a fatal sense of crisis for the clone.

Therefore, Wang Dashu did not hesitate at all, and then waved his tentacles and smashed it towards the transparent glass.

Bang bang bang.
The advantage of hundreds of tentacles is that the attack is extremely coherent. Even if the agility attribute is only 20 points, in an instant, the tentacles slammed into the glass hundreds of times.

(End of this chapter)

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