
Chapter 301 Warmongers

Chapter 301 Warmongers
Finally caught up, the weather seems to be getting hotter and hotter, and the mice are getting more and more crazy. Just now, when Pindao was going to squat in the pit, a mouse swaggered past Pindao, not afraid of Pindao at all. He even exchanged a glance with Pindao, as if he was saying to Pindao: "What are you looking at!" Pindao vomited blood! ——
This is not just to gain more power, but after defeating the Kingdom of Troy last time, Olans has become the hero of the Kingdom of Ashishia.

And after becoming the hero of the Kingdom of Ashishia, with the admiration of all the people, the admiration of countless citizens of the Kingdom of Ashishya to Olans actually produced an effect similar to the power of faith, allowing him to step into the The legendary threshold.

Wang Dashu didn't intend to let Olans do anything, just let him develop on his own, but he didn't expect that the other party would become a legend.

Delong Wangshu can be regarded as a derogatory term, but it can explain Wang Dashu's psychological state at this time.

To say that Olans' becoming a legend does not benefit Wang Dashu much, but if Olans can ignite the divine fire to become a demigod, or even go one step further to become a true god, then it is hard to say the benefits to him.

This point needs to start with some magic books obtained from the royal treasury after Olans destroyed the Kingdom of Troy.

These incomparably precious magic books record some secret knowledge of conferred gods!

This is also why Olans will frantically launch a war of extermination against the surrounding kingdoms!

To be honest, in the world of seizing the godhead, especially when the situation on the main material plane is very stable now, it is not a good thing to launch wars of annihilation against other countries frequently.

Many gods will feel disgusted with Olans, and even intervene in the progress of its war!
After all, there are many temples of gods in those kingdoms, and the frequent outbreaks of wars, in addition to benefiting the gods of the war series, it is conceivable that they have a great impact on the beliefs of other gods.

This is especially true of deities associated with prosperity, commerce, guardianship, family, and more.

But as far as the secret knowledge of conferring gods obtained from those magic books, this is the fastest way to confer gods!

Simply put, the magicians who wrote those magic books had studied the existence of gods for a long time.

As for the so-called gods, there are mainly three types in the world of seizing the godhood. One is the ancient gods that exist without belief, such as the elemental gods, the gods of several great laws that have fallen, and so on.

The other is the gods who are conferred with the power of faith.This type of god occupies the vast majority of the gods in the world of seizing the godhood.

The third type is hybrid gods. They absorb the power of faith, but when actions consistent with their own priesthood practice occur, they can also absorb power from it to maintain their own existence, such as the god of war, and the god of friendship.

When intelligent creatures believe in and fear a certain god, the power of faith will be born, which will be absorbed by the gods they believe in or fear. After purifying and clearing some emotions through godhead, god fire and other means, it will be transformed into the divine power they need .

From this point, it can be seen that the power of faith actually comes from the power of the soul, and it can even be said that the power of faith is not much different from the power generated by other emotions.

It's just that if the god doesn't purify all kinds of distracting thoughts and emotions mixed in the power of faith, then the god will be affected soon, either quickly degenerate, or quickly lose self-awareness, and become a slave to the power of faith.

What Olans is doing now is actually spreading his reputation greatly.

The more victories in the war, the more the people of the Kingdom of Ashishya will love Olans, and the more countries are destroyed, the citizens of other countries will feel fearful, afraid, etc. of Olans.

When these things are gathered to a certain extent, they can be transformed into power through special magic rituals to produce divinity, thus making Olans a divine creature, and after the divinity has accumulated to a certain level, it is logical to ignite the divine fire up!

But having said that, the unknown magician also said that using this method to confer gods is extremely dangerous!
The chance of falling directly into hell or the endless abyss is several times greater than the chance of succeeding in conferring a god!
But to Wang Dashu, success or failure of conferring the gods is not important at all, what is important is being able to get in touch with a higher level of power!
The reason is very simple. The legendary power of Olans comes from the blood of the crystal dragon, and the various magic and other knowledge he has collected, although in the real universe can be transformed into magic power through Yuan energy, it is not very useful, even Because it is not as fast as the Hei Sun Yao Jing in enhancing its own strength.

If you can understand the knowledge of divine power and transform it into the real universe, this is the real benefit!
For now, Olans' conquest is going smoothly. After all, he is not fighting alone, but has a whole kingdom behind him.

Especially after the Kingdom of Troy was annexed, the king of Ashishya was basically in a semi-retired state.

On the other hand, Olans did not hesitate to offer a large tract of land in the Kingdom of Troy to reward and recruit his strong men.

Legendary powerhouses who accumulate military exploits can be awarded as Earls, Marquises, and even Dukes. Archmages and above who accumulate military exploits can be awarded as Viscounts, Earls, and sword masters who accumulate military exploits can be named Barons and Viscounts. For knights, barons!

Moreover, as long as the strong men above the archmage come, they will be granted a territory first!
It has to be said that Olans' move brought him a large number of defectors.

Regardless of the high status of those legends and archmages in the main material plane, most of the legends, archmages and the like are not of noble origin, and they have an extreme desire for titles deep in their hearts.

Of course, many legends want to go one step further and become a demigod or something, so they may not be worthy of the title awarded by Olans.

But the problem is, if you want to become a demigod, ignite the divine fire or something, gathering the power of faith is essential.

Otherwise, why are there so many churches of false gods in the main material plane?
In fact, most of these churches of false gods were established by the legendary and above powerhouses, in order to collect the power of faith, help them ignite the fire of gods, confer gods and so on.

For these churches of false gods, those churches of true gods have always found one and eradicated the other, and they will not show any mercy.

Therefore, after so many years, those newly conferred gods are basically the descendants of the major gods or the popes in the church. Those legends who have no background and backing, if they want to confer gods, they can only say hehe.

If you have a large territory of your own, it will be much easier to develop your beliefs!

After all, as lords, nobles can decide what gods to enshrine and what temples to build in their territories.

(End of this chapter)

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