
Chapter 306 Crazy Spy

Chapter 306 Crazy Spy

Of course, with the technical level of a 2-1 level civilization, it is already possible to synthesize various elements and even collect water resources from space, but due to the inertia of civilization, they have not done so.

In any case, the double Duffin now has a month and a half of leisure time.

Naturally, Wang Dashu would not really let Dafenniu rest for a month and a half, and then go back to the military base. In that case, he would not know when he would return to his home planet next time.

To put it simply, the Niuslavic civilization is a paramilitary civilization. More than 50.00% of its internal resources are used in military affairs, only 30.00% are used in scientific research, etc., and only 20.00% are used in people's livelihood.

This also caused the Niuslav civilization to stagnate for a long time after being promoted to level 2-1 civilization, and the development of civilization stagnated.

However, the benefits of such a paramilitary system to Wang Dashu are obvious.

As a third-class Gracie stationed in an outer star system, the avatar Daphne Bull has the right to enter and exit some military departments and scientific research departments.

This kind of right is not something that ordinary people can have!
After all, Daphne Cow is also responsible for applying for funds, ordnance, and other tasks for military bases in outer solar systems.

He can complete these tasks before leaving the home planet. After all, such tasks only need to be applied to various departments.

Wang Dashu quickly took advantage of this right, frequently appearing in various scientific research and military institutions that he could enter.

Undoubtedly, such abnormal behavior can easily attract the attention of the military supervision department of the home planet of the Niuslavic civilization.

But Wang Dashu doesn't care about the possible exposure of the avatar. On this point, the avatar reincarnation system has an absolute advantage.

Even if the avatar was exposed, and was arrested as a spy by the military supervision department of the mother planet of the Niu Slavic civilization, Wang Dashu would spend some soul strength to reincarnate avatar again!
It is very difficult to say that ordinary blue star humans or cattle Slavs want to be spies.

Especially in the scientific research and military institutions of the Slavic civilization, the data are all stored in the bio-optic brain.

This kind of biological optical brain is actually a combination of biological brain and optical brain. It takes into account the advantages of both biological brain and optical brain, so that it not only has a speed that is difficult to catch up with computers in logic operations, but also has a speed that ordinary computers do not have. abstract thinking ability.

The most important thing is that it has a certain ability of artificial intelligence judgment!

Among other things, in terms of anti-theft, very few spies can pass the verification of the bio-optical brain and steal the data stored in it!

The bio-optic brain can prevent spies from stealing data through all kinds of abstract thinking verification. Even if the spy pretends to be a person with authority and obtains the password key, it will be seen through the abstract thinking verification and fail.

But after Dafenniu sent Wang Dashu a meta-energy generator through the transmission channel, the problem became simple.

After being transplanted with the Yuan Energy Generator, under the blessing of comprehensive attributes, Dafen Niu successfully practiced the Black Sun Demon Sutra within a week at the fastest speed, and at the same time practiced several small methods to confuse people's hearts.

These deceptive little tricks are used to deal with those determined Niuslav scientists, and the success rate is estimated to be extremely low, but if they are used to deal with bio-optic brains, it is three-finger picking snails-a sure thing.

The reason is very simple. The bio-optical brain can barely be regarded as a type of artificial intelligence. It is indeed very powerful in terms of calculation, etc., but it is weak in terms of mind. Such an existence has never appeared in the face of the real universe. It is very sad when the mythical power of

Under such circumstances, the Daphne Cow is like entering and exiting no one's land, and scavenged all the bio-optical brain data that can be entered.

For this reason, Daphne cattle's previous decades of savings were consumed.

No way, too much data is stored in those bio-optic brains, and the private miniature bio-optic brains sold on the market have limited storage capacity, and the price is extremely high!
This is also the disadvantage of the civilization of the semi-military system. People's livelihood resources are scarce, resulting in high prices.

But having said that, Dafenniu can only steal the information of the next-level important scientific research department, because those deceptive little tricks have little effect on the guards guarding the major departments. The days are too short, so that the power is too weak, and it can only exert less than [-]% of the power of these small methods.

As a result, it became impossible for Dafenniu to enter a scientific research department above his own authority, unless he wanted to be exposed and caught immediately.

A month later, Dafen Niu frequently went in and out of major scientific research. The behavior of the military department undoubtedly attracted the attention of the relevant supervision department of this civilization.

Of course, the supervisory department may feel that something is wrong, but there is no problem with finding the Daphne cattle.

Thinking about it, the Niuslavic civilization is already a powerful civilization occupying dozens of star systems!Even if someone wants to be a spy, he must be able to find the online of other civilizations, right?

Besides, it is quite difficult to instigate an intelligent creature of an interstellar civilization to work for itself!

Think about it, a cow acts as an internal response to the wolves, so that the wolves can prey on their own kind?What a big brain hole this is.

This also made the supervisory department just send personnel to question the abnormal Daphne cattle.

With Wang Dashu as his backing, Dafenniu easily dismissed the investigators.

However, the arrival of investigators gave Wang Dashu a sense of urgency.

Fortunately, those investigators were not authorized to search, otherwise, they would have found hundreds of tiny bio-optical brains in the Daphne Cow's residence!
It is undoubtedly extremely abnormal for a third-class Galanz home to store such a large number of miniature bio-optical brains.

Therefore, after a little selection, Wang Dashu concentrated the most needed information in five miniature bio-optic brains, and then sent these miniature bio-optic brains back to his side.

The 100 soul strength consumed by the continuous transmission of five miniature bio-optic brains made Wang Dashu quite heartbroken, and the data stored in these five micro-bio-optic brains was only less than one hundred thousandth of that of the Niuslavic civilization, and it was still some Secondary important research data.

But for Wang Dashu, the information stored in these five miniature bio-optical brains definitely exceeds the 100 points of soul strength!
Initially, he planned to take these miniature bio-optical brains to the secret research institute for those scientists to study them.

But after changing his mind, Wang Dashu vetoed this idea.

The reason is very simple, there is undoubtedly a huge generation gap between these miniature biological optical brains and the optical brains studied on Blue Star!
(End of this chapter)

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