
Chapter 316 The Divinity of the God of Herbs!

Chapter 316 The Divinity of the God of Herbs!
I have been busy these few days, and I have delayed the time of coding, but it is also a helpless thing. Now the rent is too expensive, and I want to find a cheaper one.
Only a guy like Hull who owns an entire empire can open the protective magic circle to the ninth floor without changing his face.

As the mage tower was shrouded in layers of magical light, Wang Dashu handed his body back to Hell.

This is also a helpless thing. Although Wang Dashu is the main body, he can't catch up with Hull in the study of magic.

There is no need to describe the whole experiment process too much. With the help of De Nuo, after wasting three drops of life potion, Hull extracted a golden light the size of broad beans from it.

At this time, this golden light is suspended above the enhanced version of the legendary binding circle.

There is no doubt that this golden light is the divinity and even the divine power contained in the life potion.

Seeing the golden light, De Nuo's eyes almost went straight.

For most legendary mages, the secret of any god is their lifelong pursuit.

The mages in the world of seizing the godhead are like scientists in the real universe. They are full of enthusiasm for the study of the world's secrets.

The gods are undoubtedly the objects they are most eager to study.

However, as a legendary mage, De Nuo also understood the danger of divinity.

Simply put, any divinity contains the will of the gods!
This is also the reason why many gods can be resurrected after the fall.

As long as its blood is passed down and its divinity is activated in a certain generation of descendants, then the gods may be resurrected.

Of course, in addition to this, there are also artifacts and so on. The artifacts of many evil gods can easily confuse their masters, and finally lay the foundation for the resurrection of the gods.

The most terrible thing is that this golden light will spread out a kind of seductive power by itself, prompting creatures to touch it!
A legendary mage like De Nuo who is willing to rely on Hull cannot have too much willpower, but he also has self-knowledge, but he forcibly suppressed his desire to reach out.

However, the temptation of this thing was too great, so after hesitating for a moment, De Nuo simply left the laboratory.

As De Nuo left, Hull did not hesitate at all, and grabbed the golden light in his hand as soon as he stretched out his hand.

The golden light seemed to be stimulated, and spread out immediately.

In an instant, whether it was Hull or Wang Dashu, they found themselves in a world full of green plants.

Of course, they are still in one body.

However, Hull soon discovered that the plants everywhere here are all kinds of herbs, and some of them are even rare and rare herbs that are hard to find in the main material plane.

There is no doubt that this is not a real world, but an illusory world created by the divinity of the God of Herbs.

Not long after, a huge face appeared in the sky, and a circle of incomparable power spread out from its eyes in an instant, making Wang Dashu feel as if he was in a quagmire, sinking continuously go.

However, due to the effect of comprehensive attribute blessing, such negative effects lasted for less than a second before being dispelled by the powerful physical attributes.

The ease that Wang Dashu showed after a short while undoubtedly surprised Naojili's giant face.

But the will of the gods is not so easy to pass.

Soon a circle of golden light was generated from the face, sweeping across the entire world.

Those densely grown herbs suddenly came to life, pulled out their roots from the ground, and then rushed towards Wang Dashu from all directions.

Undoubtedly, such a move could not shock him, at most it was quite surprising.

In front of Wang Dashu, these herbal medicines were nothing more than a pile of scum, and a piece of herbal medicine would become a broken branch and a leaf when he stomped on it.

But soon, his expression changed.

With the passage of time, the herbs attacking from all around are also rapidly becoming stronger, and even some herbs are metalized all over their bodies, covered with sharp thorns, and they make clanging sounds when they move.

The most terrible thing is that after the death of those herbs, all kinds of pungent smells will be emitted towards the surroundings, making people dizzy after inhaling.

This is not just an illusory world, but also mixed with some real existence!
Wang Dashu had an inexplicable premonition that if he was killed here, he would really be dead!

Well, even if there is a system to keep it, I'm afraid I will be hurt a lot.

After all, what I am facing is a god!

The existence that is best at manipulating the soul!
With the emergence of this kind of enlightenment, he knew that if he wanted to destroy this place, it would not be enough to just kill those herbs.

The illusory world here is as big as the main material plane, but at least it exceeds tens of thousands of miles.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Wang Dashu is, it is impossible to wipe out all the herbs here, not to mention his eyes can see that in the distance, the herbs are constantly emerging from the ground, which can be said to be endless.

The giant face in the sky had already closed its eyes at this moment, as if it completely ignored Wang Dashu, thinking that it was impossible for him to escape from here.

Wang Dashu then handed his body back to Hull, and Hull immediately swelled up after taking over the body. In just a few breaths, he turned into a crystal dragon over 20 meters in size.

He opened his mouth and uttered a high-pitched dragon cry towards the giant face in the sky, fluttered his wings, and then rushed towards the giant face.

Arriving here, the giant face had to open its eyes, and it even began to dodge the attack of the crystal dragon.

There is no doubt that this giant face does not seem to have much fighting power.

But as a circle of green light shot out from the eyes of the giant face, it fell towards the herbs.

Those herbs continued to grow rapidly. Even a small grass grew to a height of ten meters in a few tens of seconds. As for those vine-like herbs, they grew to hundreds of meters, and many even became huge. Herbs also gained the ability to fly.

Although their flying ability is much worse than that of the crystal dragon, there are too many of them, and they fly densely, so that the crystal dragon has no room to dodge at all.

There are also some herbs that bloom quickly, spreading out a more concentrated poisonous gas, and after the flowers fade, the fruits they pick up are also used as weapons by them, and they throw them towards Hull.

And the effects of these fruits are also strange, some are extremely hard, like iron balls, while others explode when touched, their power is comparable to a blockbuster, and there is even a splash of acid, which can corrode dragon scales etc.

This makes the Crystal Dragon's next battle a lot more difficult.

Time passed bit by bit, and Hull's fighting talent was undoubtedly revealed in this fierce battle.

Whether it's dragon's breath or magic, it's like using your arms and fingers!

(End of this chapter)

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