
Chapter 318 Township!

Chapter 318 Township!
In this way, Wang Dashu returned to the blue star on the battleship sub-body, while the flesh god continued to fly towards the sun under the control of independent consciousness.

He has a deep understanding of the danger of baptizing a flesh god on the surface of the sun.

In the past, he would absolutely not allow the flesh god to baptize himself. After all, without his own control, it would be difficult for the less intelligent flesh god to cope with the sudden flare bursts on the surface of the sun.

If one is not careful, if the flesh god hangs on the surface of the sun, Wang Dashu will really want to cry without tears.

But it's different now, with the assistance of thirty bio-optical brains, the flesh-body god can easily deal with any accidents on the surface of the sun!
Of course, if you go deep into the interior of the sun, it is not something that those bio-optical brains can handle.

The opening ceremony of the Human Alliance's first parliament and the headquarters of the parliament are not located in any powerful country, but on an island country in the Pacific Ocean.

The island country is called the Damas country, and it is a beautiful tourist country.

This is not surprising, after all, there have been many debates about where the parliament headquarters is located.

The five major powers all want the headquarters of the parliament to be located here, and the country where the headquarters of the parliament is located has a considerable intangible influence on the parliament.

In order to avoid some problems, the parliament headquarters was finally placed on the island country of Dams.

Although a small part of this is because the country's environment is indeed good, and it was originally the venue for many international conferences, the biggest factor is that the parliamentary headquarters is placed here, and the influence of major powers on the parliamentary headquarters will be minimized.

Wang Dashu also knew that the main reason why Congressman Yang invited him to participate was that he wanted to use his own skin to frighten congressmen from other countries!
This is very important. You must know that after the opening ceremony, the parliament will hold a regular meeting in full swing to discuss the future of Blue Star humans, the timetable for the division of administrative regions at all levels in the world, the unified command of the armed forces, etc. .

If hundreds of years after the establishment of the Human Alliance, the national consciousness is extremely weakened, and the issues disputed during the parliamentary meeting may be more about the development of alien planets and so on.

But now, the Human Alliance has just been established, and the boundaries of consciousness, conflicts, etc. between countries still exist. Those congressmen don't want to fight for more benefits for their own country!

Even Mr. Yang got the information that the countries in Western Europe and the original Sam region have united and are planning to attack China in the first meeting, demanding that China open Mars as soon as possible, and bring the resource of Mars into the management of the Human Alliance. scope!

According to the pace of development of the Human Alliance, it is not impossible for Huaxia to hand over Mars and bring it under the management of the Human Alliance after decades.

But now, the Human Alliance has just been established, and Huaxia is asked to hand over Mars when Huaxia has invested heavily in Mars and has not seen much return.

This is no longer a normal procedure, but Chiguoguo cut flesh from Huaxia's body!
Well, if this factor hadn't been taken into consideration, even if Wang Dashu was interested, he might not have come to this opening ceremony.

Behind the conference hall, which was as white as a giant crab, was a turbulent blue sea, and in front of the conference hall was a large square, where parliamentarians and guests from all over the world watched various programs with great interest.

Of course, since those actors are also from all over the world, so that members of parliament and guests can only rely on simultaneous translation to understand the content of the program, which is a bit less fun.

However, some of the members of the council and the guests had pale faces, and their eyes swept across the ocean from time to time.

Well, one thing that needs to be explained is that a huge black warship is hovering over the ocean on the side of the conference hall!

This huge battleship is nothing unusual, it is the mount of the alien contact Wang Dashu!

At this time, even the most ill-informed congressman knew that the relationship between Wang Dashu and the flesh god was by no means as close as that of the contact person.

If you think about it, it's an ordinary relationship, so the flesh god will send a battleship to serve as a mount?
Not to mention on such a special occasion.

Undoubtedly, the arrival of Zhanjianziti and Wang Dashu is equivalent to giving Huaxia a place, which makes many congressmen who want to target Huaxia feel heavy in their hearts.

After all, this kind of thing is obvious, the relationship between the physical god and Huaxia is still so close, otherwise, the fleshy god would stand for Huaxia in this way?

This also made the atmosphere of the first parliament held after the opening ceremony a bit depressing.

Although Wang Dashu did not participate in this session of the council, but during the session, the huge warship was still suspended in the ocean outside the conference hall.

This makes those congressmen who intend to propose some plans that are not conducive to China tremble with fear.

They couldn’t help being frightened. You must know that, as elected members of the Human Alliance, their status in their own country is quite high, and many of them used to be high-level national leaders, so they know quite a lot about the situation of flesh-and-blood gods. .

Not to mention that the flesh-body god confronted the kingdom of Sam and finally disintegrated, but the astronomers observed the great war that broke out near Neptune, which made them horrified by the battle power of the flesh-body god.

The number of alien warships that invaded is not small, and the length of each alien warship has reached a terrifying 600 meters.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult for any country on the blue star to build such a warship with the power of the whole country, let alone let it fly into space!
Think about it with your ass, this kind of thing is impossible to achieve in the past hundred years.

The country of Sam, which was so powerful back then, together with the countries of Europa, built a space station of more than 300 tons on the outer space orbit around the blue star.

Its length is only 50 meters, and its width is only [-] meters.

Such a space station has cost the participating countries a lot of financial resources. So far, they have not been able to propose a new space program.

The most critical issue here is that those alien battleships are almost vulnerable to a physical god!
The Blue Star countries want to build such warships but cannot, what a big gap!

This is a very simple reasoning process that even elementary school students can draw.

Those alien warships could easily destroy Blue Star, and the Flesh God has already destroyed those alien warships. In this way, it is also easy for the Flesh God to destroy Blue Star!
As for the idea of ​​dropping a nuclear bomb and dying together, don't even think about it.

In the past, the big countries could use nuclear bombs to create peace, but now, with the Huaxia Kingdom opening a sub-base on Mars, other countries have been in a state of panic for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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