
Chapter 321 The Tragedy of the Clone

Chapter 321 The Tragedy of the Clone

He even used the divinity he absorbed to condense the admiration, awe, and even trust of the subjects of the empire into a new divinity.

To put it simply, Hull's current amount of divinity is not far from becoming a demigod.

It is also because of this that in the recent period of time, Hull did not even attend the court meeting, and handed over the power of the country to the former emperor's grandfather, while he huddled in the mage's tower and spent time studying the mysteries of divinity with De Nuo.

Of course, the reason why De Nuo helped Hull without hesitation was not only for the material benefits Hull gave him.

De Nuo also wants to become a god!
Of course, compared to Hull, it is more difficult for a mage like Deno to become a god.

However, Hull has already made a promise that as long as he succeeds in becoming a god, he will do his best to help Deno become a god.

Well, Hull's only requirement is that De Nuo will become his own god after he becomes a god.

Well, if the matter of Hull and De Nuo is exposed, I am afraid that they will not have a foothold in the entire main material plane.

Not to mention the fact that two mortals wanted to enshrine the gods, but to say that they stole the divinity of the gods and peeked at the mysteries of the gods. This alone is considered blasphemy.

Any church that believes in the true God will declare them as blasphemers, and any individual, force or even the country that shields them will suffer divine punishment!
It can be said that even the Ashishya Empire established by Hull will betray Hull!
That's why Herr would rather hide in the mage's tower and hang out with the old otaku, De Nuo, than to accompany Xiangxiang's wife and kiss his son.

After Wang Dashu learned about Hull's situation, he probably judged when Hull became a demigod.

Half a year after seizing the godhead time!
But having said that, before Hull became a demigod, Wang Dashu couldn't get more benefits from Hull.

After disconnecting the psychic connection with Hull, Wang Dashu restored the connection with the Niuslav clone in the real universe.

At this time, the Niu Slav clone, Daphne Niu, has finished his vacation and sent back to the alien base to which he belongs.

Because the Niuslavic civilization has mastered the science and technology of artificial planets, this alien base was built on the basis of a rocky planet [-] million kilometers away from the star.

The mass of this planet is more than three times that of Blue Star. It is fully metalized, covered with various types of gun ports, and most of the interior has been hollowed out, serving as residential areas, arsenal areas, and even fleet areas!
The number of main warships contained in it has reached as many as [-], which can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Such an armed planet is enough to resist the attack of two fleets of the Slavic civilization!

Especially the planetary cannon that penetrates the entire planet, with a caliber of [-] kilometers, and the energy it emits once fired can smash any planet into pieces!
Of course, for such a big killer, the interval between each use will be more than three days, and it also needs to draw a large amount of stellar energy for support.

After experiencing all this, Wang Dashu couldn't help being shocked by the strength of the Niuslavic civilization.

You know, the Niuslavic civilization has built hundreds of such armed planets!
And with the current strength of the physical god, it is impossible to deal with one.

The only thing that made Wang Dashu feel a little troublesome was that it was probably too active on the home planet. After returning to the military base, Dafen Niu was suspended from his duties and was forbidden to touch the confidential affairs of the base.

Of course, this is just a preventive measure. At least the Daphne cattle have not been locked up, and they can still go to the activity room of the base and other places.

It's just that this made Wang Dashu feel uncomfortable, and his desire to steal more scientific and technological knowledge from this military base was temporarily in vain.

It is not known when Dafenniu resumed his duties, and Wang Dashu could only extract some weapon-related memories from Dafenniu's memory to infer the combat effectiveness of this Niu-Slavic civilization.

After a little calculation, cold sweat broke out on Wang Dashu's back.

One thing can be found from his calculations, if the Niuslavic civilization discovers the existence of the Blue Star Civilization, then the Blue Star Civilization will die.

With Blue Star's current level of technology, even with the help of the physical god, there is no possibility of fighting against the Slavic civilization, and there is even no chance of escaping!

To put it simply, even if the Blue Star civilization escapes from now on, because it is difficult to improve the level of technology during the escape process, even if it escapes for 1000 years, it will be overtaken by the fleet of the Niuslavic civilization, and it will be destroyed. Cosmic dust!

In fact, the civilizations within a radius of [-] light years centered on the parent star of the Niuslavic civilization will be destroyed one by one in the following time.

This is determined by the characteristics of the Niuslavic civilization.

This civilization is a military-oriented civilization, and the history of its civilization after it stepped out of its home planet is a history of the demise of other civilizations.

As I said before, the number of civilizations in the Milky Way is not as small as the Blue Star scientists thought, but rather numerous!

Within the range of more than 40 light-years ruled by the Niuslavic civilization, more than a dozen civilizations have been wiped out.

If it weren't for the civilization's need to consolidate and absorb the resources of these star systems to deal with possible dangers, I am afraid that the Tapura civilization and the Blue Star civilization would have been killed long ago.

From the memory of Daphne Cow, we can know that although the cattle Slavic civilization has just been promoted to the 2-1 level civilization, the relevant representative technologies it has mastered are not very thorough, but at least those heavy warships of the cattle Slavic civilization have been applied. Many represent technology.

For example, the shells of heavy warships are made of exotic materials!

The so-called exotic materials are composed of artificial exotic atoms, which are many times stronger than those ordinary aerospace-grade materials in all aspects.

A brief description, that is, these heavy warships entered the interior of the star, not to mention intact, but at least they will not be easily destroyed by those flares.

From this point of view, no matter whether it is the Tepla civilization or any weapon possessed by the Blue Star civilization, it is impossible to cause any damage to the heavy warships of the Niuslavic civilization!
This made Wang Dashu feel a sense of urgency.

Disconnecting the psychic connection with Daphne Cow, he then connects with the last clone.

This avatar is located in the Yangshen world.

When Wang Dashu's avatar was reincarnated before, this avatar was still in the mother's body. After the spiritual connection this time, Wang Dashu felt a little embarrassing.

As soon as he connected, Wang Dashu felt chills coming through his bones, and his whole body shivered. Looking at the surrounding environment, the avatar was squatting in a ruined temple, with heavy snow falling outside, and the fire in front of him had been extinguished.

(End of this chapter)

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