
Chapter 328 God of Law

Chapter 328 God of Law
Pindao went to get his teeth cleaned and filled today, and he wasted a lot of time, mainly because he queued up for a long time. There were a lot of people
As for those high-level church officials who arrived, what else could they say?
The boss of my family failed to win the opponent, and now my younger brothers are on other people's territory, in addition to facing a demigod, they also need to deal with the imperial masters who are coming from the capital in a steady stream!
At least in terms of the number of legends, the Ashishya Empire is not much less than the Church of Ojiri.

As the Ojiri church executives retreated helplessly, Hull did not make a move.

The reason is very simple. Although in a sense, Hull and Ojiri have been torn apart, but Hull can't attack the high-level church at this time, otherwise, some hidden rules will be broken.

Before Ojiri makes another move, other gods will also intervene.

Of course, having said that, according to the god protection rules formulated by His Majesty Reis Umberli, the controller of the law of time, the lord of truth, any demigod who ignites the fire of the gods, as long as they are recognized by the church of the god of law, Pitt, will be regarded as If you are a true god, you will be protected until you establish your own kingdom of God.

You know, since His Majesty Lacey Ambley established the twelve great gods to explore the unknown world, the only subordinate god directly subordinate to him is the god of law Piqu.

From a certain point of view, the God of Law is actually the representative of Lacey Amberley.

Even the Twelve Great Gods did not dare to overthrow the recognition of the God of Law easily. If so, His Majesty Lacey Amberley might be asked.

No way, the only big boss in the world of seizing the godhead is His Majesty Lace Ambowry, and the other twelve main gods can only be regarded as his younger brothers.

Therefore, after Hull repelled Ojiri's attack, the first thing he should do was to apply to the Church of the God of Law to test the true God.

After all, before being protected, even if Ojiri killed Hull, it would not be considered a violation of the protection rules.

Obviously, O'Geely must know this.

The only good thing is that there is a temple of the God of Law in the Ashishya Empire!

This is not surprising. Compared with the churches of other gods, although the Church of the God of Law is not huge, it is definitely the church with the most extensive area, not one of them!

The most critical factor here is that any country, no matter whether it is an empire, a kingdom or a grand duchy, its domestic legal system is established and guided by the Church of the God of Law.

Those judges, prosecutors and other law enforcers are all believers of the God of Law, but what is strange is that, even so, none of the priests of the God of Law will hold public office, they just For a period of time, some believers were recruited and sent to various church branches to train them to become qualified law enforcement officers.

It is also true that the churches of the God of Law in various countries are not large in scale, and there are even only one altar in the Church of the God of Law in some grand duchies, with a senior priest stationed there.

In addition, the Church of the God of Law has multiple branches in the main material plane, but they all exist only in places without countries.

The duty of these divisions is to teach those intelligent races without laws to establish their own perfect legal system as much as possible.

Well, one can imagine how headaches it would be when the branch of the God of Law encountered intelligent creatures like goblins.

Of course, compared to those kingdoms, the Grand Duchy, the Ashishia Empire is also an empire, so a temple of the God of Law has just been established in the capital.

On the day when the temple was completed, Hull, as the emperor of the empire, went to watch the ceremony in person, feeling the majesty of the God of Law.

Well, in fact, as soon as the senior officials of the God of Herbal Medicine left, Bishop Tracy, the God of Law, appeared outside the Mage Tower, and nodded towards Hull, who was suspended above the top of the Mage Tower, with a solemn face: "The majesty of the law is sacred and inviolable. The Lord of Justice blesses you, His Highness Hull, are you willing to abide by the justice of the law?"

Bishop Tracy is the bishop of the Church of the God of Law stationed in the Ashish Empire, and he controls the parishes composed of the Ashish Empire and several nearby kingdoms.

His image is quite in line with the appearance of a clergyman of the God of Law. Although his hair is gray, his complexion is cold. Two decree lines almost run through his cheeks. He is wearing a black priest robe, with a pattern of a big hand holding a scale on his chest.

It was the holy emblem of the god of law, Piqu. Unlike other holy emblems of the gods, which only had one kind of magical effect, this holy emblem of the law had a variety of different magical effects according to the status of the wearer.

The holy emblems worn by those trainee law priests only have a zero-level divine magic dust removal.

It can not only remove the dust and dirt on the pastors, but also reveal all kinds of traces left by the criminals in the place where the crime happened when it is combined with the developing powder.

Official law priests, their holy symbols have two magical effects of dust removal and tracking.

A senior law priest, his holy emblem has three magical effects: dust removal, tracking, and backtracking.

As for the bishop of the law, in addition to all the magic effects of the senior law priest, his holy emblem also adds the fourth-level magic effect of judgment of sin.

It can be said that no matter how cunning a criminal is, he basically has nothing to hide from the sacred emblem of the law.

In addition, the Tracy protagonist is still holding a thick book in his left hand, and the cover of the book is still a holy emblem of the God of Law.

It is the projection of the Book of Law. The real Book of Law is an auxiliary artifact of the God of Law. As long as there is an altar of the God of Law in a country, its legal provisions will automatically appear on the Book of Law.

In terms of status and status, Bishop Tracy is naturally much worse than Hull, who has become a demigod and ignited the divine fire.

You must know that many legendary powerhouses will become demigods after failing to ignite the divine fire, but such demigods cannot communicate with the believers at all, so they are not recognized by the God of Law and are regarded as false gods. god.

Only demigods who successfully ignite the achievement of the divine fire will be recognized as true gods.

Needless to say, there is a gap between a true God and a bishop in a church.

But at this time, Bishop Tracy came here on behalf of the God of Law, so being able to nod and salute to Hull is considered pretty good.

And Hull knew that there were secrets or private goods hidden in Bishop Tracy's words.

To put it bluntly, Bishop Tracy wanted Hull to ensure that future emperors would not trample on the majesty of the law at will.

You must know that the power of the God of Law does not only come from the power of belief of the believers, but more from the degree of compliance of intelligent creatures to the law.

If a country obeys the law from top to bottom, then the God of Law will benefit greatly, otherwise it will weaken the power of the God of Law.

(End of this chapter)

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