
Chapter 330 Branches

Chapter 330 Branches
You must know that the physical god now has the ability to evolve at any time and the purple energy traction technique.

That is to say, as long as the material or technology useful to the flesh god is ingested, the flesh god can evolve at any time, and after the blood is integrated into the flesh god, while evolving, the flesh god can also activate the blood contained in it.

In this way, the benefits obtained by the flesh god are self-evident.

"Okay, go back to the research institute."

After withdrawing his mind from the world of seizing the godhood, Wang Dashu gave instructions to the driver, and then leaned on the seat to rest.

The driver just came back to his senses at this time, and started the car after answering.

To be able to take the position of Wang Dashu's driver, his identity is naturally reliable.

In fact, Wang Dashu also knew that this driver was naturally not an ordinary person, and he should have been sent by Bureau A.

Of course, even so, he didn't have any worries. After all, with his current status, even if many things were exposed, he didn't have to be afraid.

As for the driver, when he thought about it now, he was afraid for a while. When Wang Dashu closed his eyes and rested his mind, he suddenly felt an incomparable power rushing towards his face, as if facing a giant beast that he had never seen before. Yu suspected that he would be swallowed by this giant beast if he moved a little!

Such suffering is conceivable. Fortunately, Wang Dashu didn't maintain this state for a long time. The only thing is that the driver's back was completely soaked in sweat.

This is not surprising, no matter how powerful this driver is, he is within the range of ordinary humans, and Wang Dashu is no longer at the same level of life as ordinary humans.

The most critical problem here is that Wang Dashu was connected with Hull before, and some effects that appeared on Hull naturally spread over. Although Wang Dashu has already restrained the coercive effect, how about this driver? Can it withstand the coercion from the gods?
Fortunately, this driver is also an elite among the elites, and his will can be regarded as very firm. If it were an ordinary person who came here, I am afraid that his mind would go blank immediately, and he would even lose his sanity and change his mind. It is also very possible to become a vegetable.

These words are too much, and when Wang Dashu returned to the secret research institute, he immediately connected with the body, god and soul.

Unlike in the past, after being connected with the body and soul of God, all the places that enter the eyes are extremely dazzling lights.

At this time, the flesh-body god is wandering around the area of ​​the sun's photosphere. Compared with when Wang Dashu manipulated the flesh-body god to perform flare baptism in the sun, the current flesh-body god is undoubtedly much more relaxed.

As long as it is not at the center of the flare explosion, the aftermath that is passed on can only be regarded as a scratching pain for the flesh god.

The high-temperature shock flow carrying various high-energy particle rays will certainly blow up various defensive measures outside the body of the physical god, and the whole body will be covered with scars, but after the aftermath passes, the physical god can quickly recover.

It can be said that Wang Dashu's decision to put the fleshy god on the sun made the fleshy god more than dozens of times stronger physically than before.

Of course, if you only rely on the recovery ability of the physical god, the physical god will become scum in a week.

But Wang Dashu's physical body god avatar is not an ordinary physical body god. It has practiced the Black Sun Demon Sutra, the technique of purple air traction and some small methods. In this regard, its evolutionary instinct is stronger than other physical body gods. Go up a lot.

With a more powerful evolutionary instinct, any damage suffered by the physical god will become a factor that promotes its evolution.

This is no doubt that the leg muscles of a person will become stronger when running.

It can be said that during this period of time, the physical god has been tempered to the extreme in the solar photosphere area, so that his physical evolution speed has slowed down a lot.

If you want to go further, then you can only go to the depths of the sun.

But there is a problem here, beyond the photosphere region, the environment deeper in the sun is tens of hundreds of times worse than the photosphere region, and it is difficult for the current flesh-body god to withstand such high temperature and pressure and the endless flow of high-energy particles.

Therefore, after the establishment of the spiritual connection, Wang Dashu immediately sent the physical god back to Blue Star.

At the current speed of the physical god, it would take eleven hours to return to Blue Star at cruising speed, but it would only take four and a half hours if he went at full speed excluding losses!

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Dashu entered the disabled and looked around blissfully.

Due to the large number of flesh-body god corpses created before, the soil in the Incomplete Paradise was almost exhausted, leaving only an extremely hard bedrock.

However, during this period of time, he used his thoughts to restore the incomplete blessed land when he had time. Now that he went in, the soil had recovered a lot.

The branches of Jianmu still run through the incomplete blessed land. Wang Dashu reached out and touched the branches of Jianmu to feel the current state of Jianmu.

But the next moment, he got a rather pleasant message.

After Jianmu absorbed the branch of the world tree, his shape changed a lot!

To be precise, it can branch.

You must know that the essence of Jianmu, a sacred tree that supports the sky, is actually almost a vine, a vine that cannot be branched.

But now, after absorbing the branches of the world tree, Jianmu can actually branch, which means that Jianmu's ability has been improved.

After all, there is a huge difference between a vine that cannot branch and a vine that can branch, no matter in terms of absorbing nutrients or fighting.

And now the branch running through the incomplete blessed land is just a new branch of Jianmu.

This also makes Wang Dashu equivalent to having an extra trump card in the future.

At the same time, the most direct benefit brought by Jianmu's ability to branch is that its ability to transform the planet has been greatly enhanced!
Under the influence of Jianmu, the density of the atmosphere on Mars has increased hundreds of times, and all the rocks where it takes root are rapidly weathering into soil.

And after being able to branch, the speed at which the wood can cover the surface of Mars will also be increased by hundreds of times, and the impact on Mars is the same!
As long as Wang Dashu is willing, Jianmu can transform Mars to the extent he wants at any time!
It can be said that just one tree gave Wang Dashu the ability to transform the planet that a level 1-2 civilization can possess!
And this planet transformation ability will continue to improve as Jianmu grows!
However, Wang Dashu was thinking more far-reaching at this time.

Should I go to a mythical world like Journey to the West again?You must know that Jianmu is not the only kind of sacred tree in those worlds!

(End of this chapter)

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