
Chapter 336 The representative of the first civilization!

Chapter 336: Representative of the First Civilization!
People with higher charisma attributes tend to be more determined in their will!

This is not a joke, but there are many examples that can be used as evidence.

As a result, Daffinniu escaped the polygraph investigation without any risk, and his suspicions were also cleared up a lot.

Of course, even so, the suspicion of Daphne cattle cannot be completely cleared.

After all, Daphne Cow bought so many miniature bio-optical brains before, it was too weird, and Daphne Cow could only explain their whereabouts by saying that those miniature bio-optical brains were broken.

But no matter what will happen to Dafenniu in the future, at least now Wang Dashu has completed another task.

It needs to be explained that the reward of this mission is different from the previous missions, the reward is a civilization representative technology.

And the civilization representative technology obtained by Wang Dashu is the synthetic element technology possessed by the Niuslavic civilization!

The knowledge related to the science and technology of the representatives of civilization was directly poured into Wang Dashu's mind by the system.

To be honest, if it wasn't for his intelligence attribute being as high as 80 points, I'm afraid he would be turned into an idiot by the knowledge contained in it in an instant.

Of course, even so, Wang Dashu's head hurt for a while.

After a little understanding of this representative technology, Wang Dashu couldn't help but gasped.

To put it simply, this synthetic element technology can almost be called the basic science and technology of the Niuslavic civilization!
Because other civilization representative technologies of the Slavic civilization, such as star factories, artificial planets, artificial strange atoms, etc., are all related to synthetic element technology or are branches extended from synthetic element technology.

If you look at this technology with the level of technology on Blue Star, then you can only use two words to describe it!

As long as there is enough energy or matter, this technology can create any element!

It is also the application of this technology that enables the stellar factory of the Niuslavic civilization to start smoothly, converting the nearly infinite matter inside the star into the products it needs!

In addition, if this technology is combined with the 1-1 level civilization representative technology and artificial life technology, it is almost equivalent to Wang Dashu's good mediation supernatural powers.

Of course, supernatural powers are somewhat different from technology.

Supernatural powers do not require any high-tech equipment, they only need a pile of soil to create things, and even mediate good fortune to the depths, any substance can be used to create things!

However, synthetic elements and artificial organisms are limited, and corresponding high-tech equipment needs to be produced to be able to do this.

Of course, each has its own advantages, so it is not generalized.

But having said that, when Wang Dashu endured his headache and read the materials of this civilization representative technology from beginning to end, he couldn't help but feel his head ache even more.

The reason is simple. Technology is a very complicated thing for most people.

For example, you have a very cool and high-tech mobile phone, but you only know how to use it, not to mention that you don’t know the production technology of this mobile phone, only that the mobile phone is broken, and most people probably don’t know how to fix it .

For Wang Dashu, this technology, a representative of civilization, is just like that.

Although, there is a technology development process from beginning to end in the synthetic element technology information, and there are even many related basic technologies.

But Wang Dashu found that with his current intellectual attributes, he could only understand most of them!
There are still a lot of professional skills that I can't understand at all!
To put it bluntly, this is the limitation of one person doing scientific research.

You know, on Blue Star, even those civil scientists who start from scratch and do scientific research alone need all kinds of technical support from the society, not to mention the scientific researchers in the research institutes.

A scientific research project is divided into many special sub-items, and one person or several people are responsible for a special sub-item. Only in this way can the effect of bringing everyone's wisdom together can be achieved.

Although Wang Dashu learned a lot in his spare time in the past, he even gained a lot from the inheritance knowledge of the flesh god.

But a person's knowledge is always limited.

This caused Wang Dashu's headache at this time!
Copy the data of this technology and distribute it to the scientists of the secret research institute to study together?
Wang Dashu shook his head, this behavior undoubtedly handed over an AK47 to the child.

For a civilization, the most dangerous thing is not the outbreak of war within it, but the most dangerous thing is that it acquires technology that is too different from its own level of civilization!

Don't think that the technology of synthetic elements is safe.

You must know that when it was first developed, it caused as much damage to the Niuslavic civilization as the result of Blue Star's original research on explosives!
This is also the main reason why the Niuslavic civilization has not developed to the solar system for so many years!
The whole process is very simple to describe. The Niuslavs had problems synthesizing elements, and directly turned an asteroid near the parent star into 235% uranium-[-] as a whole!

Uranium 235, a nuclear material, has an obvious feature, that is, after a certain concentration, when its volume exceeds a certain critical point, the chain reaction inside it will explode at a speed of tens of millions of times!

As for the result, a super super super nuclear bomb exploded not far from the parent star!

Although the effect of this kind of explosion is far less than that of the sun's super flare explosion, the problem is that it is too close to the parent star.

In an instant, the home planet of the Slavic civilization lost 80.00% of its population, and at the same time, the most advanced Academy of Sciences was wiped out, and 90.00% of its space battleships were wiped out!
Not much to say about other losses.

Just like that, the development process of the Niuslavic civilization was interrupted, followed by a recovery period of tens of thousands of years.

You know, the Niuslavic civilization at that time was already half a foot into the existence of a 2-1 level civilization!
There are more than 100 resource stars other than the parent star alone, which can be said to have a bright future for development.

As for the current Blue Star, if they have mastered this technology, Wang Dashu can conclude that within a few days, other countries will ask China to share it, otherwise war may be triggered.

As for some accidents during the research process, it goes without saying.

So thinking of this, Wang Dashu decided to study this technology by himself. As for when to hand over this technology to the Blue Star Civilization, it depends on the development speed of the Blue Star Civilization.

At least one thing needs to be clear, that is, experiments related to this technology must not be carried out in the solar system!

But in this case, Wang Dashu's intelligence attribute is completely insufficient.

Don't look at his current intelligence attribute as high as 80 points. It can be said that he is the person with the highest intelligence attribute on Blue Star. A person is almost equivalent to a national academy of sciences.

(End of this chapter)

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