
Chapter 341 Black Sun Priesthood

Chapter 341 Black Sun Priesthood
Needless to say, during the process, Wang Dashu has seen all the colorful and colorful, and even various priesthoods that have been owned or not owned, etc.

But Hull's first priesthood was beyond his expectation, it was medicine!
But if you think back to your experience at the center of the Chaos Sea, it shouldn't be surprising.

When Hull arrived at the center of the Chaos Sea, the herbal priesthood that was originally held by the god of herbs, Ojiri, split into two priesthoods. Geely is in charge!

Based on Wang Dashu's understanding of priesthood, he almost understood it.

The herbal medicine in the world of seizing the godhead was originally a product made of medicinal herbs through a special method.

Because most intelligent creatures have knowledge and experience in this area, and Naojili was originally an extremely outstanding legendary potionist before becoming a god, so it is normal to use this to condense the priesthood.

However, the foundation of Hull's deification of the gods was the extension of Ojiri's divinity, which caused Ojiri's throne to crack and power to be separated, which eventually led to such a result.

It can also be known from this that whether it is the two priesthoods of medicine or herbs, their level is much lower than that of the previous herbal priesthood.

However, Ojiri has been enshrined as a god for a long time, and even if the throne is broken, he still occupies a larger portion of the herb priesthood.

In essence, the priesthood of herbs belongs to the branch of the priesthood of plants, and the priesthood of plants belongs to the branch of the priesthood of nature.

On the other hand, the priesthood of pharmacy is much worse, it is a branch of the priesthood of medicine, and the priesthood of medicine belongs to the branch of the priesthood of knowledge.

However, in the world of seizing the godhood, due to the existence of divine arts, magic and other factors, the status of medical skills is very low.

If you think about it, what will happen to those professionals, rich people, etc., if they get injured and get sick?
Most of the professionals brought their own holy water produced by a certain temple, and no matter how poor the rich were, they still had to ask the priest to perform magic spells to get rid of their ailments.

Who is going to see a doctor?Slow, not to mention wasting time, the effect is poor, and even the injuries caused by some magical effects, those doctors have no way to treat them at all.

No way, the doctors in the world of seizing godheads are not as popular as the doctors of Blue Star in the real universe.

But it can't be said that doctors are completely useless in the world of seizing the godhead.

At least on the Prime Material Plane or some other planes, intelligent creatures of the commoner class still need doctors.

Otherwise, those priesthoods related to medical skills would not be able to condense successfully.

Hull was not discouraged after obtaining the priesthood of pharmacy. The reason is very simple. After possessing the priesthood of pharmacy and absorbing the divine power split from Ojiri, Hull easily raised his godhead level from zero to level three !
And he has an extra priesthood - Black Sun!

A priesthood that contains two different powers of darkness and light!

According to the rules of seizing the godhead world, such a priesthood has basically never appeared.

Even the priesthood of the moon is a priesthood related to light, not a mixture of darkness and light.

Obviously, the origin of the Black Sun priesthood should be the reason why the Black Sun demon entered the world of seizing the godhead.

This is a brand-new priesthood. Although its starting point is very low, not even one percent of that of the pharmaceutical priesthood, it has great potential. Just Hull.

Although it has bonus points as a god, but as long as the Black Sun Demon Scripture spreads, it is conceivable that it will bring great help to Hull.

That's a lot to say.

When Hull returned from the center of the Chaos Sea, the time around the floating island was instantly undone.

At that moment, the astral predators who densely surrounded the floating island suddenly had an extreme warning signal in their hearts!

They can sense that danger is coming!
Without the slightest hesitation, no matter whether it was a legendary star predator or an ordinary star predator, they immediately turned around and ran for their lives!

"Escape? Too late!"

Although Hull was only a clone, he was still able to detect all the crazy attacks on the floating island by these astral predators.

As a god, even if it is a new god, it also has its own majesty!
The majesty of the gods cannot be violated!

With just a glare, black flames ignited from the floating island in an instant, and swept out towards the surrounding star realms!

In less than half a breath, the surrounding area of ​​the floating island was enveloped in black flames.

Those astral predators whose strength is less than legendary, even if they are surrounded by black flames, only the legendary astral predators can barely resist one or two with the strength of their physical bodies, but they still turn into ashes and fall on the ground within ten breaths at most. Floating island.

Only a handful of the most powerful among the tens of thousands of star realm predators can escape the attack of the black flame.

Their speed is indeed very fast, even the black flames can't catch up.

But just when they were about to escape and stay away from the floating island, Hull, who had turned into a crystal dragon, appeared in front of them, blocking their escape.

Although these astral predators were afraid of Hull's current power, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward after the other party blocked their way, trying to force Hull to get out of the way with their own ferocity.

But Hull opened his mouth and spewed out a dragon's breath. At this time, his dragon's breath had mutated into a dazzling light wave mixed with black flames.

When these dazzling light waves swept across the astral plunderers, the bodies of these guys who used to run amok in the astral world stiffened immediately.

Although they could still see the slight movement of them trying to struggle afterwards, but as a layer of black-red crystals formed outside their bodies, they completely cut off their hope of escaping.

In the end, the seven star predators turned into seven black and red crystal statues, which were dragged back to the floating island by Hull and placed in front of the mage tower.

Of course, for these seven-headed astral predators, things didn't end there.

For now, the power of the dragon's breath has bound them, but at the same time it is constantly penetrating into their bodies, and assimilating the power in their bodies little by little.

To put it bluntly, in the end, the power in the seven-headed astral predators will be forcibly transformed into the power of the Black Sun Demon Scripture, and at the same time become puppets under the control of Hull!
The upper-level Black Sun Demon Classic practitioners have the ability to control other lower-level Black Sun Demon Classic practitioners. This has been said before.

However, Hull's dragon breath can also achieve this effect after the mutation, which makes Wang Dashu somewhat regretful.

If he had known this earlier, the other astral predators would not have let Hull kill them. Keeping them in place would be more or less a strategic weapon reserve.

(End of this chapter)

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