
Chapter 343 The Threat of the Galactic Empire

Chapter 343 The Threat of the Galactic Empire

You must know that in the history of the world of seizing the godhood, there are not a few gods who have been resurrected after falling with a ray of consciousness hidden in the divinity.

At the same time, after leaving the world of seizing the godhead, the consciousness of the jungle god is actually equivalent to an independent individual. Although it is far less powerful than the ontological consciousness in terms of power, at least it is not too bad in terms of knowledge and so on.

Therefore, after coming into contact with the independent consciousness of the flesh god, the jungle god swallowed him without the slightest hesitation.

But after he took control of the body of the flesh god, he was stunned to find that he had come to an incredible strange world.

There is no such extraordinary power as magic, magic, etc., there is only a kind of power called technology, which seems to be developed from dwarven technology, but it is a little different.

The key point is that this world is different from his own world. As far as he can see, there are planets here that are like planes. At the same time, these planets do not have the plane barriers they should have. Controlling the physical god for the first time can easily observe the blue planet not far away from him!

It has to be said that the gods are indeed incredible advanced creatures. Even if they are exposed to the real universe for the first time, they quickly understand some situations in the real universe.

If it were an ordinary human who had seized the world of divinity, he would probably be in a daze for a while.

But what made this god feel incredible the most was that he was actually controlled by someone!

And it is all-round control, I can't even have the idea of ​​hurting the other party, and some only have the idea of ​​serving the other party in all directions.

You must know that in the world of seizing the godhood, there are many cases of gods being imprisoned by other beings.

For example, a certain goddess was imprisoned by a certain demon lord, and she played cosplay in the forbidden room for many years!

Although he was also influenced by the demon after he finally escaped, his thoughts were not controlled by the other party.

And his current situation is worse than that of intelligent creatures controlled by spirit suckers.

Well, no matter what, even the idea of ​​hostility could not arise, and the idea of ​​serving the other side in all aspects made the jungle god just think about his situation, and then put it behind him, and began to worry about it. Wang Dashu service.

And Wang Dashu couldn't help being quite excited after discovering this.

The reason is very simple. Compared with the previous independent consciousness of the physical god, the current jungle god is undoubtedly more intelligent. It can even be said that it is equivalent to a super intelligence of the god version.

Wang Dashu easily learned about the past of the God of the Jungle.

Well, the God of the Jungle is the genus of Qi Dalei, the God of Nature. He has a godhead level as high as thirteen, and he also has multiple priesthoods such as jungle, tree, reptile, insect, and adaptation.

Of course, it is just a ray of consciousness that came to the real universe with divinity, so in the standard sense, it no longer has the previous priesthood.

At most it can only be regarded as a remnant soul.

But having said that, if he has the opportunity to develop his faith, then it doesn't mean that he has no chance to recover his priesthood and strength.

In the following time, Wang Dashu's time was basically devoted to the study of divinity, belief and so on.

Of course, he has no intention of promoting the belief in the God of the Jungle on Blue Star.

Blue Star is his home planet, so it's impossible to mess around.

But the Tapura civilization that invaded the solar system before can be used to do experiments in this area.

The Tapura civilization, which is several light years away, is still thinking of invading and colonizing the solar system and developing civilization rapidly, but they don't know that a terrifying existence has already set their mind on it.

Time passed quickly in the research, and Wang Dashu felt that it didn't take long before the system task completion notification came: "The host has completed all stages of colonizing Mars No. 1, and the remaining rewards will be distributed, with 350 soul points and 7 attribute points!"

This reminder came very timely, but it reminded Wang Dashu that he still had a task to do.

That's "Contact Galactic Empire"!
But when Wang Dashu just mentally connected to Olans, the world clone of the base series, the system prompt came again: "The host mission failed, no punishment!"

Mission failed?
This system prompt made Wang Dashu a little confused.

Looking at the task bar, it is true, the task of contacting the Galactic Empire failed, the position of the blue star was exposed, and was discovered by the Galactic Empire!
The only good news is that there is no penalty for failing this mission.

However, he quickly made preparations, the robot production line was fully opened, and he was desperately producing combat robots.

No way, Lanxin's location was exposed and discovered by the Galactic Empire, so one can imagine what will happen next.

Either the Galactic Empire wants to re-rule the parent star, well, the parent star of the Galaxy Empire is the Blue Star, but in the long-term development, the location and address of the parent star has been lost.

Or the Galaxy Empire will destroy the mother star, the reason is very simple, the Galaxy Empire already has a capital star, so what should I do if the mother star suddenly appears?
It is impossible to relocate the capital star to the parent star, right?That is impossible in a lifetime.

But what if someone uses the position of the home planet to try to do something wrong?
Although there are solutions such as stationing fleets, the executors of these solutions are all human beings who have their own selfish desires. Maybe it is the commander of the fleet stationed at the mother star who rebels by taking advantage of the status of the mother star.

In this way, the best solution is to destroy the parent star.

Among the two possibilities, the most likely one is the second one!
It is better to believe that there is, not to believe that it is not!
No ruling class will allow possible threats to exist!

At the same time, Olans also built more robot production lines and various factories on the major planets in the solar system, and began to build combat-type spaceships.

Let's put it this way, after the emergence of robots, the production speed has increased to an extremely high level.

If Olans is given ten years, he can build a huge robot army, but the time given to him by the Galactic Empire is less than half a month!
Soon, the advance fleet of the Galactic Empire entered the solar system.

Although the robot army formed by Olans has resisted tenaciously, it is really too weak compared with the Galactic Empire that rules the entire galaxy.

The number of combat spaceships owned by the advance fleet of the Galactic Empire alone exceeds tens of millions!
In the end, the blue star turned into a beautiful firework blooming in the universe, but Olans escaped from the solar system under the cover of thousands of small spaceships.

When the mind connection was broken and his mind returned to the real universe, Wang Dashu was still a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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