
Chapter 347 Fusion

Chapter 347 Fusion
In the next month, Wang Dashu didn't pay attention to those Tapura people, and still let them live in the dilapidated base, but in fact, the consciousness of the gods of the physical gods was observed all the time through the energy detectors. All aspects of the behavior of these Tapra people.

After a month passed, Wang Dashu brought hundreds of tapra people selected into the body of the flesh god.

These Tapla people are the most suitable candidates to serve as priests among all the Tapla captives. Of course, this also has a disadvantage, and their will is also the most firm. difficult.

At least those religious methods on Blue Star are of no use to them.

But as a former god, the current physical god consciousness and the jungle god consciousness have more means to deal with these guys.

First guide their consciousness into the divinity, and then use the energy detector to increase the power to baptize them with hallucinations. Finally, Wang Dashu took the initiative to show the miracle of creation in front of them.

It took less than three hours, and by the time all this was over, these hundreds of Tapra people had become devout believers and priests of the flesh god.

Of course, that is to say, there has never been such a god in the real universe. If in the main material plane, all intelligent creatures, large and small, are divided up by the gods, who wants to use this method to attract believers? You will be sanctioned by the gods for a while!
Because in the world of seizing the godhead, this is an illegal act!
Only those false gods who have not yet officially conferred gods dare to secretly develop believers in this way.

And there is another very important problem, that is, to do this, you need to consume a lot of power for hallucination baptism!

Normally, a false god can only perform illusion baptism on a few believers at a time.

But here, the huge number of Yuan energy detectors of the flesh god can amplify this number.

It has to be said that the gods are extremely adaptable beings, even in the real universe that is completely different from their own world, they can make full use of the existing conditions to achieve their goals.

And then, these transformed clergy were scattered among the Tapura people to carry out a series of missionary activities.

As for Wang Dashu, he had consumed a full two hundred points of soul strength at this time, endowing the physical god with the supernatural power of mediating good fortune!
As a top supernatural power, it is normal to consume so much soul strength.

And he discovered a problem before, the limit of using his own strength to mediate good fortune is also very low!

Just think about it.

Nuwa was able to use this supernatural power to create everything in the world, which was entirely due to the incomparable power of her innate gods.

No matter how powerful Wang Dashu is, he is better than ordinary humans, and the gap between him and Nuwa is too great.

But it's different to give this supernatural power to the flesh god.

The flesh god has inexhaustible energy, a huge body and the consciousness of a god!
The combination of these three, although there may still be a big gap with Nuwa, but it is thousands of times stronger than Wang Dashu!
In fact, shortly after he bestowed supernatural powers on the flesh god, the divine consciousness of the flesh god made a request to Wang Dashu.

That is to fuse the flesh god with Jianmu.

From the perspective of the consciousness of the gods, Jianmu is undoubtedly the divine tree equal to the world tree in this world, and it is actually the same.

And in order to maximize the magical power of mediating good fortune, a plant with huge vitality like the world tree is essential.

In fact, in the world of seizing the godhood, there are not a few gods with the ability to create.

The fallen main god of the elf gods, a certain demon lord in the endless abyss who created the undead, the sun god, etc., all have the ability to create.

Even some middle-level gods have low-level creation abilities!

But their creations are not completely created out of thin air. For example, the master god of the elf gods created a new race of elves with the help of the power of the world tree, while the demon master borrowed the power of the River Styx, and the sun god borrowed the power of the celestial plane. Strength, but the game collapsed later.

After all, in this case, it consumes less power and is more efficient.

Wang Dashu did not refuse this request.

To be honest, he has been thinking about how to use Jianmu.

It would be a bit of a waste to say that a top-level sacred tree is placed on Mars to transform the atmosphere, soil and so on.

Undoubtedly, the request of the consciousness of the gods opened up a good inspiration for him.

Combining the flesh-body god and Jianmu into one is indeed a good way, and with Jianmu's current flexible vine-like body, it is much better than the ball-shaped flesh-body god even if he squeezes mud?
But having said that, there is nothing surprising about the fusion process of the flesh god and Jianmu.

When Wang Dashu called out a vine branch of Jianmu from the incomplete blessed land, a few tentacles stretched out from the flesh body and entangled with the vine branch, and finally formed an organ like a twisted roll.

The only interesting thing is that a layer of faint green light appeared on it.

Is this done?
Wang Dashu was a little surprised, and then took over the body of the physical god through a spiritual connection.

After a few breaths of time passed, he understood what was going on.

It turns out that the fusion mentioned by the consciousness of the gods is closer to the relationship of mutual parasitic coexistence between the two parties.

To put it simply, the entire fusion process takes a week. After the fusion is over, both parties will be able to borrow each other's power to some extent, or influence each other.

A week passed quickly.

Looking at the more than ten vines growing out of the body and god, Wang Dashu really couldn't laugh or cry.

The body of the flesh god is very huge, but those vines are like tender shoots, seen from a distance, completely hidden under the black scales of the flesh god.

But he also knew that these vines were not as weak as they looked.

At this time, the flesh god is descending towards the planet where the first base of the Tapura civilization is located.

Because the body of the flesh god is too large, reaching a diameter of 5000 meters, it caused a violent storm in the planet's atmosphere during the landing process.

Even those Tapura people who had surrendered were stunned at the slowly descending flesh god.

No way, when fighting at a long distance, although the physical god does not change in size, it is far less shocking than watching it at such a close distance.

No way, the most powerful star aircraft carrier of the Tapura civilization is only about two thousand meters long, and it is still in the shape of candied haws. Compared with this spherical fleshy look, the gap is widened.

Of course, due to the huge size and mass of the physical god, Wang Dashu did not let him directly land on the ground, but was suspended in the air hundreds of meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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