
Chapter 350 Creating a Flesh God

Chapter 350 Creating a Flesh God
Therefore, the consciousness of gods has new experimental materials.

Of course, it is not so easy to completely transform those plants and animals.

In particular, the consciousness of the gods uses two means of mediating good fortune and transforming with divine power.

In this way, in the following time, the plants and animals on planet No. [-] will suffer bad luck.

After they were grabbed by the tentacles one by one, they were immediately covered by colorful brilliance and a faint golden light.

Those who were unlucky, because they couldn't bear the conflict after the integration of these two methods, they were directly blown to pieces.

The lucky ones survived, but their life forms underwent a great transformation.

There are many examples of plants becoming animals, animals becoming half-vegetal, half-animal and so on.

If such an experimental behavior were to be sent to Blue Star, they might be scolded bloody by the insurance organization.

But here is an outer star system light-years away from the solar system, so there is no need to consider so many issues at all.

Time passed bit by bit, and the experiment of the consciousness of the gods brought a lot of changes to this planet named No. [-] by Wang Dashu.

First of all, some vines growing from the body of the flesh god naturally drilled into the rock layer, rapidly transforming the planet.

To put it bluntly, this should be the habit of Jianmu. When its vines drill into the ground, they will continue to take root, drilling the rock layer full of holes, and finally form a thick soil. At the same time, part of it will drill out of the ground to form a large forest. , to modify the atmosphere.

This also provides a better living environment for the creatures created by the flesh gods.

It can be said that if an alien who has never been to this planet sees all this, he may think that he has discovered a rare planet with life!

It is full of green everywhere, and all kinds of strange creatures live happily.

But in fact, except for the little contribution of the Tapura civilization, all the rest are the credit of the flesh god and Jianmu.

In less than a month, this planet has initially formed a real ecological circle.

Well, the only problem is that a considerable number of creatures here will die or even become extinct because they are not well adapted to the environment, but there must be a lot of creatures that survived. If hundreds of years pass without outside interference, the planet will form It is not difficult to develop your own civilization.

After all, many creatures created or transformed by flesh-body gods possess considerable intelligence!

But all these creations and transformations, and the consciousness of the gods are just preparations for one thing.

That is to create a new physical god!

To be honest, don't look at Wang Dashu's creation of small fleshy gods before. Although they were all swallowed up by the fleshy gods, they can at least survive for a while.

But a creature like a flesh god should be regarded as one of the miracles in the real universe.

Although many civilizations also evolved in the flesh at first, after the era of interstellar spaceflight, they all basically turned to technological development or a path similar to technological development.

For example, some of the biological civilizations that Wang Dashu saw in the options, their technology is based on the development direction of biology, and various technological products, battleships, etc. are all biological structures.

But they also failed to evolve themselves into a battleship.

To put it bluntly, this kind of biological civilization is still based on technology, but they are biased towards biology.

There are also some rune civilizations developed on planets with strange mineral deposits, which are close to fantasy worlds such as seizing godhood. Their rune technology looks amazing, but its essence is still inseparable from technology.

Only the physical gods only evolve their own bodies, and do not rely on external objects at all. Their incomparably powerful physical bodies even produce the so-called primordial energy rooted in vitality!
This is also the main reason why it was difficult for Wang Dashu to use good fortune to create it before. Of course, lack of proficiency is also one of them.

After all, the more powerful creatures you want to create, the more difficult it will be.

This is especially true for a powerful creature like a flesh god, who can almost be equivalent to a civilization.

The flesh god is more than a thousand times stronger than those giant dragons and demons!
From a certain point of view, it is even equivalent to a god!
Well, especially now, after Wang Dashu endowed the physical god with the supernatural power of mediating good fortune, he also has the consciousness of a god, even more so.

A flesh-body god like this might not even be able to be created by the mediation of good fortune by an ancient god like Nu Wa!
The only good news is that after a period of familiarity, what the flesh god needs to create is only an ordinary and relatively inferior flesh god.

To be precise, it is a simplified version of the body god, which is almost the same as the battleship sub-body.

Thanks to the vines of Jianmu, in just a few days, ten clay sculptures with a diameter of 300 meters were completed.

In fact, it took less than three hours for the main body of these clay sculptures of flesh-body gods, but the rest of the time was spent on fine carving.

After all, although the supernatural power of mediating good fortune can be thrown out of mud and water to create directly, neither Wang Dashu nor the divine consciousness of the physical god is a Nuwa, and it is impossible to do this with the proficiency of the supernatural power of mediating good fortune. Therefore, the more fine the clay sculpture, the better. The more similar the details are, the greater the chance of success!
After all the clay sculptures of the flesh-body gods were completed, the huge mouth of the flesh-body gods opened and sprayed out colorful brilliance as usual, covering the ten clay sculptures of the flesh-body gods, and even temporarily handed over the matter to the consciousness of the gods. Wang Dashu, who tempered his mind to expand and improve the incomplete blessed land, and devoted a lot of energy to the research of civilization representative technology, could not help but turn his attention.

After all, if the good fortune supernatural power is successfully mediated this time, then the next task will be easy to handle.

Even if the technology of the Tapura civilization has exploded, as long as its technological strength has not really reached level 1-2 civilization, then Wang Dashu can submerge the opponent with the sea of ​​​​battleships!

Of course, if the opponent is lucky enough to develop a 1-2 level civilization representative - printing complex physical technology, then it will be a bit troublesome.

You must know that this technology for printing complex objects looks like the 3D printing technology on Blue Star, and it is actually similar, but in terms of technological level, this technology for printing complex objects is many times more powerful than 3D printing technology!
The most critical factor here is that as long as there is enough energy, it can print out anything with design drawings!
3D printing technology still has a volume limit, but this technology for printing complex physical objects has no limit at all. Even if it prints out a planet, it is not a big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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